Software product "DistEdu" for distance education lessons.
Bagimov, Igor ; Konobritskiy, Dmitry ; Kramar, Vadim 等
At present time distance education has being developed active.
There are more and more people who want to study distantly and
independently from place of living.
There are some problems in process of teaching of future technical
specialists. The main difficulty is impossibility to get practical
skills of operating with real equipment. Correspondence education
student can study how equipment works in theory, but can't see or
control it. Practically a student understands all symbols of elements in
drawing but has no possibility to get skills of assembling of technical
systems. It is very important to know how to interpret technical drawing
into real device, using inputs/outputs of components and understanding
rules of assembling.
There is a wellknown software product named FluidSIM (by FESTO) for
creating and simulation pneumatic schemes on level of symbols of
Another product is LogicLab--Pneumatic workplace developed by
Globula NetStudio for FESTO ( Quite realistic
animation of working pneumatic systems is realized in this application.
Students have possibility to get some lessons about direct and indirect
control, simple logic. Images of real components and corresponding
symbolic view are presented.
Authors offer to develop the concept of e-learning software for
online studuing and practicing. The aims of research are: to combine
workplace simulation, remote control with real stands and real visual
control of assembled schemes and interactive contact students with
Thus authors improve wellknown projects by possibilities of
feedback communication between student and teacher (for example for
receiving comments about mistakes from teachers and joint analyses of
assembled schemes) and by possibility to assemble schemes for different
purposes and more levels of complexity.
Software DistEdu helps to develop pneumatic scheme, send its image
to laboratory, observe process of assembly and communicate with teacher.
DistEdu provides audio and video connection between a student and
engineer in laboratory, works on any computer via Internet with any
operating system.
This article was prepared in context with SYNERGY project realized
by universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and FESTO.
Modern telecommunication instruments should be used to solve
difficulties with distance access to didactic equipment. We have to use
broadband Internet channels to provide video and audio connections and
to show real functioning of pneumatic equipment to students.
2.1 Purpose of software
Main purpose of application is to provide proper learning process
via distance access to FESTO didactic equipment. There are several
subtasks of DistEdu software:
2.1.1 To assemble pneumatic schemes using library of components
(with description of components).
2.1.2 To transmit designed pneumatic scheme to computer in
laboratory via Internet or local net of university.
2.1.3 To provide video and audio connection between a student and a
teacher in laboratory with equipment using web cameras and microphones.
2.1.4 Virtual components should be looked as real ones.
2.1.5 Software should have reference information about components.
This information could be added by users.
2.1.6 A student is able to save schemes on server; an engineer or a
teacher in laboratory should have a possibility to open projects just
after saving.
Students will have a possibility to work with equipment via
Internet from any place on Earth. Thus it is necessary to install
Flash-player on computer (small free application) to work with DistEdu
and to have connection with server with DistEdu.
2.2 Tools for DistEdu development
ActionScript 3.0 language and Flash CS3 environment were used for
development of software. Thus DistEdu was developed without necessity of
its installation on computer of user. It is enough to load web page with
application and start to work. DistEdu will function on any operational
system with installed Flash Player.
PHP language, database MySQL and Flash Media Server were used for
developing of server part of application. Software Zend Studio was used
for developing of PHP scripts.
2.3 Describing of working principles of software
Software is placed on web server and it starts on computer of final
user in Flash player application after a web page is opened. Database
MySQL and PHP scripts placed on web server are used for storage and
loading of component base. Flash Media Server is used for providing of
video and voice connections. It allows to see video from laboratory and
to control video flow for several students simultaneously. FMS3 uses
H.264 format for data communications, thus Internet bandwidth is used
economically but with high image quality.
It is possibly to record video into file on hard drive for further
2.4 Interaction of client and server parts
DistEdu uses client-server architecture (Please see Figure 1).
Server part is used for storage of application, component library and
organization of video communication.
After loading of web page with application user browser loads
DistEdu from web server and starts it in Flash player which is installed
on computer earlier. During loading of application PHP script on server
returns data about component library into XML. Application loads icons
and images of components. PHP script turns to MySQL using query language SQL to receive data from database.
Application connects with FMS and receives video flow from
laboratory to provide video connection. Also application directs video
flow from client web camera to FMS to realize two-side video connection.
The same operations are realized with audio flow to make audio
connection. Interaction of data flows is realized on FMS.
Thus we have the following data flows: data flow from web server on
HTTP protocol and data flow from FMS on RTMP protocol.
2.5 Review of program interface
Program interface is presented on Figure 2. It is quite simple and
allows to work with application right away. There are three areas:
a) Working area for allocation of scheme
b) Component library consisted of list of component images and
c) Video window for video from web cameras mounted in laboratories.
Student has to place components on working area and to connect them
with pipes. Images of components are photos of real elements, so
students can select required elements on appearance. Scale of presented
elements corresponds to assembled schemes on a real stand.
It is necessary to mark start and final connection points in order
to connect elements with pipes. It is possible to turn and delete
elements from working area.
User may save scheme on server after virtual assembling.
Places of areas might be changed if it's necessary. Control
panel of video area allows to connect different video cameras in
different laboratories.
Users with proper rights may add components. New component will be
accessible for all users after reset of program.
2.6 Content of a lesson
Students receive a task to learn (or investigate) pneumatic scheme.
Theoretic material and methodical instructions are accessible on server
of university.
It is strongly recommended to use FluidSim software from FESTO to
learn principles of operation of components and to make virtual model of
pneumatic scheme during executing of the task.
After that students have to learn theory and to assemble scheme
using DistEdu in compliance with the task. After preparing virtual
scheme student have to save it on server and switch on video connection
with laboratory.
An engineer in laboratory opens image with scheme and assemble it
"as is". A student observes this process and check if scheme
is assembled as it is shown on image. Then scheme is ready an engineer
switchs on air pressure and demonstrates if it really works. Also it is
possible to investigate scheme by measuring of times, pressure, length
of movement etc.
After that an engineer (or a teacher) and a student discuss working
scheme, look for mistakes if scheme does not work and talk over
theoretic material.
Student disconnects, scheme is disassembled in offline mode,
teacher and engineer are ready to work online with next student.
2.7 Plans for future
Directions of future development of DistEdu software are:
* Replenishment of component library with elements
* Testing of software and creation of methodical instructions of
usage DistEdu as a part of learning process.
* Teaching of correspondence education students, organizing of
distance trainings for engineers, assembling schemes as a demonstration
of designed projects for industrial customers.
* Developing of applications for other types of equipment:
hydraulics, sensors, electro drives ets.
Interactive software DistEdu for teaching technical specialists was
created. Students received a possibility to study a theory, to get
practice distantly with equipment placed in university and to discuss
technical questions with a teacher.
Correspondence educated students received a possibility to spend
more time for practice, thus they'll be better prepared to
"face time" communication with teachers in university.
The created structure may be added with new components and expanded
for new equipment.
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BAGIMOV, I[gor]; KONOBRITSKIY, D[mitry] & KRAMAR, V[adim] *
Young Researcher and Scientist Paper / * Supervisor, Mentor