ROM@IT project--the design framework of a robotic welding system.
Ciobanu, Romeo-Mihai ; Cohal, Viorel ; Sarbu, Ionel 等
The implementation of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is in
the same time a necessity and actuality, constituting "one of the
roofs of protection" for an industrial company, which may enable
them to successfully resist the market economy requirements (Abrudan,
1996). The robotic welding systems represent one of the particularly
FMS. The harmful work atmosphere, the physical solicitation, the static
and sensorial fatigue are some of the decisive elements for the
automation of the welding operations. The both technical and economical
advantages of robotic welding systems have already been demonstrated.
Now, the implementation of such systems in the Romanian industrial
companies requires particularly studies according the both market and
industrial environment requirements. Thus, ROM@IT (ROM@nian Intelligent
Technology) is a proposed project regarding a robotic welding system for
the Romanian industrial companies. The aim of this paper is to present
some of the author's opinions regarding the design framework and
defining elements of this kind of systems.
The representative products to be done in the ROM@IT system are a
family of commonly tanks made by the 20 OLC iron sheet and 0.75-2 mm
thickness with different dimensional characteristics. These tanks can be
used to storage the fuel at normal pressure for the industrial and
household needs. Each tank has two cavities. On the lower (inferior)
cavity there are two profiles type angle with equal wings according to the Romanian STAS 424-86, which are made by hot rolled steel sections OL
37 (STAS 500/2-80). The profiles have to be assembled by welding points
and they have the roles to assure the rigidity and positioning of the
tank. The two cavities have to be assembled by continuous welding on the
tank contour by using the WIG method (Wolfram Inert Gas).
Within a process of manufacturing, the human actions may be
included into one of the following categories:
--Category A, which provides the continuous carrying out of the
technological processes.
--Category B, which is specific for the operations with
discontinuous character, such as start-stop, load-unload,
change-handling tools, storage-extraction, etc.
The main functions performed by the welding robots are the
a) Basic functions. The actually robots accomplish the welding
operation as a part of the A actions category. The specific applications
are regarding to the point by point welding as well as the continuous
linear or complex contour welding.
b) Auxiliary functions. The robots accomplish certain auxiliary
operations in the welding processes as the manipulation of pieces for
automatic machines of welding, as a part of the B actions category.
The world wide achievements of robotic welding systems are
multiple, complex, very efficient and represent a lot of models for the
ones who initiate the implementation of these systems.
Our research is a development of the following methodology steps in
order to conceive a robotic welding system (Cojocaru & Kovacs,
a) The study of pieces to be welded
This stage aims to group the pieces in order to emphasize the
functional relationships which must be obtained by assemblage. The
pieces of the tank (the two cavities and two profiles) can be grouped as
the following:
--The first group contains the pieces without formed links which
have to be assembled (the two cavities);
--The second group contains the ensemble made in previous assembly
phases (the inferior cavity and welded profiles).
b) The study of assembly geometry
The study of assembly geometry aims to define the reference systems
of pieces and assembles in order to establish the main spatial positions
according the assemble geometry. In the present case we use the
following reference systems:
* The main system of reference (OXZY) which is interrelated with
the last element of the industrial robot.
* The secondary system of reference (O'X'Z'Y')
having its origin in the centre of gravity of the assembly to be welded.
c) The study of points and contours of welding
This study has as objective the grouping of the welding points and
contours, as well as the definition of the tools of welding. The welding
will be done using the following procedures:
* The welding by points. Each profile will be temporarily welded by
two points on the inferior cavity within a manually conformation station. Then, the first robot will execute all the basic points of
welding. The number of these points will result for each specific length
of profile according a constant step (for example a step of 20 ... 50
* The continuous welding. The continuous welding on the tank
contour will be done by the second robot by using the WIG method in
order to assemble the two cavities after the complete welding of the two
profiles on the each lower cavity.
d) The study of flexibility
The study of flexibility is oriented on the following directions:
-The technological flexibility, which is the degree of adaptability
of the system related to the different products to be assembled. From
this point of view the proposed system is a polyvalent manufacturing
line equipped in order to achieve the assembly of different variants of
a basic tank, and others different products, too.
-The flexibility of substitution, which is the capacity to continue
the work in a normal or reduced rhythm in the situations of some
malfunctioning. From this point of view the continuity of functioning
requires the implication of a human operator.
e) The definition of system configuration
We have analyzed some variants of layouts and different types of
industrial robots. Based upon a certainty multi-criteria decision making
process we have established the ROM@IT system layout shown in the fig. 1
with the following structure:
* OU: the first manually station which is assisted by a human
operator for the conformation welding of the profiles on the lower
cavity of each tank.
* P1: the first robotic welding station with a UNIMATION 6000 robot
(UNIMATION INC., USA) placed on the ground for the achievement of the
basic points of welding.
* P2: the second manually station assisted by the same human
operator for the conformation welding of the two cavities.
* P3: the second robotic welding station with a ROMAT 320/350/410
robot (CLOOS, Germany) for the continuous welding by using the WIG
* P4: the delivery station of the final products (tanks). The same
human operator is presented in the both manually conformation stations
in order to emphasize the necessity of his/her interventions. The system
presented also includes the specific storage, positioning and
transportation equipments (Trif & Joni, 1994; Mudrikova et al.,
The system functioning planning is shown in the fig. 2 and it is
established based upon some macro-structural and micro structural
analysis according the personal previous contributions (Ciobanu, 2002).
The symbols used have the following significances:
t--the time coordinate; [op.sub.j]--the operations coordinate;
a--the conformation welding of the profiles on the lower cavity; b--the
transportation to P1; c--the welding of the each two profiles basic
points; d--the transportation to P2; e--the conformation of the two
cavities; f--the transportation to P3; g--the continuous welding on the
tank contour; g--the delivery of the tank; 1, 2 ... n: the tank number.
The main results of the authors' research are the following:
a) The development of a general framework in order to design a
robotic welding system according the both actually knowledge, and the
Romanian market and industrial requirements.
b) The application of the multi-criteria decision methods in order
to establish the appropriate welding robots and system configuration.
c) The achievement of certain models of layout and functioning
planning which are useful for the both producers and users of robotic
welding systems as a tool of decision making process.
d) The using of Computer Aided Design for the system layout.
e) The initiation of actions in order to identify the future
robotic welding processes in certain Romanian industrial companies. The
further authors' researches will be oriented towards the following
main directions:
a) To develop the actually design framework and collection of
models for different flexible systems as welding, manufacturing, etc.
for the potential industrial users and educational process, too.
b)To raise awareness and managerial support for the robotic welding
systems implementation in the Romanian industry.
The implementation and exploitation of the robotic welding systems
is considered one of the most innovative, creative and risky actions by
the technical, economical and managerial points of view. But, it is in
the same time one of the key of success in the actually hard industrial
environment. ROM@IT project is one of the pro-active measures in order
to develop the competitiveness and performance of the Romanian
industrial companies. It is very important for the both managers and
employees to understand and accept the new technical systems as a
fundamental way to survive an organization.
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