Research concerning the improvement of bearings quality and performances using automatic systems.
Cristea, Luciana
The new idea of products' quality insurance as well the
control effectiveness lay down the necessity of a strong interaction and
integration among different branches of engineering. The bearing
industry achieved in our country special results in the automatic
inspection devices field.
The currently used automatic drive systems are manufactured for
concrete service and are equipped with elementary components.
The author aimed the implementation of the newest measuring and
analysis methods, essential in quality setting and insurance for
bearings as main mechanic elements in the automotive industry.
The dimensional inspection automatisation is one of the present
basic requirements concerning the upgrading and the retechnologizing of
the manufacturing systems in all industrial fields.
The goal that the modern production system must achieve is the
production with expected quality and characteristics, as well as small
expenses. That tendency is visible on production systems that modified
their own internal structure as well as their activities as a series of
procedures aimed at defining new production systems with high
performances. This task requires high flexibility and modularization in
production planning and manufacturing.
The domain of the automat inspection can be considered in integral
field including the classical domains of the mechanical, electronic, and
computer science engineering. Bearings' production, due to the
major economic implications, imposes a permanent improvement of the
quality conditions, which leads to the necessity of assuring superior
performances related to quality standards. As an integrated field, the
automatic inspection devices includes the classic mechanic engineering,
electronics and computer field in designing, control and evaluation for
these systems (David 2005).
The design of improved control systems for the control automatic
device has taken into account the following issues: the configuration of
an automatic device with a certain number of mechanic modules--for
supplying, distribution, sorting, etc, depending on the user's
needs; it makes possible the checking of a larger product range from the
same class or similar ones; it makes possible the checking according to one single parameter or a multi-parameter one, with many sorting
possibilities of the codes, such as, the classification and the sorting
in N dimensional classes according to the control criteria.
Special attention is dedicated to the analyses of dimensional
control technology and product characteristics in order to segment the
parts into homogenous groups of products with similarly technological
characteristics based on concept of group technology.
In designing the process, we emphasize that the modular control
station could be organized as follows:
* All modularly and flexibly organized devices;
* Modular device designed in the most propitious way for each
families of parts;
* Measuring and automation checked by an electric computer
controlled device;
* High accuracy of operating;
* Interchangeable modulus;
* Different measuring and control transducers and sensors to be
* High productivity and efficiency.
All modular devices are defined in order to execute the control
operations in correlation with all parts in group (Balachandra, 2002).
In view of modulating and assuring a better flexibility and to estimate
with better precision the results, the installation (fig. 1) has been
designed under modular form.
The mechanical system and measurement unit of the test apparatus
were designed to correlate the influential factors of parts assortment
with measuring and control equipments. This system is based on
client--server concept.
The user has the possibility to input data concerning his/her own
application (part, measuring and process characteristics). After that,
the main menu of the system works with data bases of parts, measuring
and automation process, modular device projects and gives the process
results for the most propitious dimensional control structure (Vetter
The automatic point allows both the measurements of heights and
diameters and form deviations under both static and dynamic conditions.
The interactive work between user and server assures the
possibility for varied analysis and changes of the inputs. In designing
the process, we emphasize that the modular control station could be
organized as follows: All modularly and flexibly organized devices;
Modular device designed in the most propitious way for each
families of parts; Measuring and automation checked by an electric
computer controlled device; High accuracy of operating; Interchangeable
modulus; Different measuring and control transducers and sensors to be
used; High productivity and efficiency (Alciatore & Histand 2005).
Figure 2 presents the block chart of this dimensional control
automatic system. All modular devices are defined in order to execute
the inspection operations in correlation with all parts in group.
The control point is made up of the following modules: base plate
that is mounted on all the functional modules of the installation; test
indicators support; interior attachment module; superior measurement
The point is made up of modules disposed on a base plate provided
with holes and milled keyway so as to be used for all the modules. Under
the base plate there are mounted the dies chasers for fixing the pieces
from the inside. The indicators are designed in order to be used for
measuring a large range of diameters. In order to measure the
pieces' height, the control point is provided with a mobile bar
that supports the indicators; a pneumatic cylinder activates the bar
(Fredic, 2007). The control point may determine the controlled
parameters in fixed points imposed by the control procedure but it can
also assure a continuous regulation by rotating the piece in the control
point. The rotating movement is determined by the rotating manner at the
moment the measurement device comes into contact with the presser
roller. The electronic modular systems of decision are made up of
association specific to the control theme within independent modules or
deification integrates designated for feed, measurement, operating and
dimensional classification. For an optimal selection and configuration
of the modules in automatic dimensional control systems, our team
generated a special soft. We consider that the interactive design
process assures the most propitious structures and realize performing
control systems allowing a suitable flexibility degree in the
configuration of control automatic devices in modulated systems.
This solution is achieved and tested during this first step of the
In the bearing production, performing a complete control, of high
precision and productivity, stands for an essential characteristic,
constitutes an essential characteristic, an indispensable factor of the
scientific management of the fabrication process, as well as in
maintaining and raising the product quality at a level corresponding to
the requirements. Through the research carried out, there has been aimed
at a particularly modern approach of the automatic control systems and
at the implementation of the latest methods of measurement and analysis
necessary for setting and ensuring the quality of bearings as essential
mechanical elements in the framework of automotive industry. In the most
quality problems during the manufacturing process, the solution has been
set up accordingly to the multi-criteria analysis concerning: the
necessary measuring accuracy for the tolerance size of the checked
parameter, taking into account the increased uncertainty of a sufficient
measuring accuracy on the acceptance-rejection decision with the
respective involvement; the cost of the checking on a minimal reasonable
level; the presentation way of the information raised from the measuring
process, in order to reach the right shape at the right moment,
necessary for different decisional factors which follow the evolution of
the operating process to be stocked as an evidence of the achieved
quality when necessary.
Balachandra, R. (2002). Modular Design and Technological
Innovation, Report 2002-0, Information Storage Industry Centre, Univ. of
Fredic, R. (2007). Towards a Methodology for Integrated Design of
Mechatronic Servo Systems. In Doctoral thesis, Royal Institute of
Technology, ISSN 1400-1179, Stockholm.
David G. (2005). Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement
Systems, McGraw-Hill Science/ Engineering Math; 3 edition, 2.
Vetter, G.(1994) The Dosing Handbook, Vulkan--Verlag, Essen.
Alciatore, G. & Histand, B. (2005), Introduction to
Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGraw-Hill Science /Engineering
/Math; 3 edition, 2005.,
Accessed on: 2008-08-10