Pressing and sintering of Ti[O.sub.2] powder cathode used to obtain titanium by electrochemical reduction.
Roman, Costel ; Carcea, Ioan ; Chelariu, Romeu 等
Titanium and especially titanium alloys find usage in different
industries such as aeronautics, chemical, medical, metallurgical, naval
etc. At the present days, the applications development of titanium-based
metallic materials is limited due to its high cost (Nagesh&
Ramachandran 2007, Nie et al. 2006).
Now, the most used commercial process to produce titanium is Kroll
process (Qiu et al. 2008), which is very expensive one with low
efficiency. Thus, the long-term success of the titanium-based materials
remains to find new efficient solutions to produce titanium with a
minimum impact on the environment. Taking into consideration this, in
the last years there have been tested, especially in laboratories, new
extraction processes of the metallic titanium such as: Ti[Cl.sub.4]
electrolysis in alkaline chloride mixtures or directly from Ti[O.sub.2]
through the electrolysis in melted salts, usually calcium chloride (Liu
et al. 2007). The most important variants of the electrochemical
reduction are FCC, OS, QIT, MER Corporation, BHP Billiton process,
respectively. Among these, FCC process seems to have the most success
chances at commercial level (Wang & Li 2004).
This paper describes the pressing/sintering process of Ti[O.sub.2]
powder to make the cathode. Afterwards, the cathode will be used into an
electrochemical reduction process that is presented hereinafter.
The experimental procedure for titanium extraction uses an
installation whose principle scheme is shown in fig. 1. It consists of
electrolysis cell, resistance electric furnace, DC source, inert gas injection system, evacuation device of the melt salt. The resistance
electric furnace (l) with a power of 4,5 kW and the chamber made of
ceramic provides a maximum heating temperature of 1200[degrees]C. The
electrolysis cell is mounted inside the heating furnace. The crucible is
made of silicon and aluminum oxinitride, a resistant material to high
temperatures and chemical degradation of the melted electrolyte. It has
the inner diameter of 68 mm and a height of 100 mm. At the bottom of the
ceramic crucible was made a circular hole for mounting cathode's
support (7) made of refractory steel. In order to insulate, the space
delimited by metallic shell-ceramic crucible-cathode support (2) it was
filled with a mixture made of oxides and silicon nitride.
Cell's anode (5) made of high density graphite has a
cylindrical shape with the dimensions of [PHI] 54 mm and height of 80
mm. Into the anode there are two horizontal and one vertical holes in
order to assure a good eviction of the anodic gases and to improve
electrolyte's circulation. Anode bar (3) is made from two stainless
steel concentric tubes jointed by a tronconic bush. Thus, it allows
adjusting anode-cathode distance and to collect and evict anodic gases
and the heat insulating material. The used electrolyte is a mixture of
Ca[Cl.sub.2] + NaCl + CaO. Before to be used, the Ti[O.sub.2] powder
cathode have been passed through a pressing/sintering process. It has a
cylindrical shape with [PHI] 30 mm and height between 5-10 mm.
Dimensions are adequate to the used electrochemical cell.
Beside electrolyte's properties, we consider that the
geometrical shape and cathode's characteristics are equally
important for the success of the electrochemical reduction process. That
is why, in the paper, we present some aspects regarding the implications
of the pressing/sintering process on apparent density and electric
resistivity of the Ti[O.sub.2] powder cathode.
The cathodes were made of Ti[O.sub.2] powder (Merck, Germany)
having chemical reagent purity and the granulation between 0.1-10.0 um.
The stages of pressing/sintering process are given in the following. In
order to eliminate the possible humidity, Ti[O.sub.2] powder was dried
in air at a temperature of 200[degrees]C for 2 hours. After weighting
the necessary mass, the Ti[O.sub.2] powder was pressed. The die used to
make the cathodes with the desired dimensions and shape, was designed to
bear forces till 500 kN and to remove cathode after pressing operation.
A press with maximum pressing force of 750 kN assured the pressing
force. The press is drove with a hydraulic driving system having the
maxim pressure of 1000 mbar, and it is equipped with force and
displacement transducers making possible pressing process monitoring.
To record parameters values of the pressing process one computer
with interface for data acquisition was used.
Pressing time was 5 minutes for each cathode. After die removing,
each cathode supported sintering process in two stages (T =
400[degrees]C, t = 2 h, T = 900[degrees]C, t = 8 h) by using Vulcan 550
resistance electric furnace. After furnace cooling at room temperature,
the cathodes were weighted and dimensionally verified in order to
determine apparent density. Apparent density was determined by
calculation of the ratio between cathode's weight and the volume
that corresponds to measured dimensions.
The resistivity was determined with relation [rho] = RA/l where R
is electric resistance ([OMEGA]) of cathode, A is contact area
([cm.sup.2]), l is the length between measurement points of the
resistance (cm).
The pressing force, pressing time, cathode's weight,
dimensions and apparent density are indicated in the table 1, and the
dependency [D.sub.a] = f(F, m) are graphically showed in fig. 2.
The values of electric resistivity of the experimentally achieved
cathodes at room temperature are indicated in table 2.
The dependence of electric resistivity of cathodes (6g weight) on
apparent density both before and after sintering is graphically shown in
fig. 3.
To keep the integrity of cathode to dry the Ti[O.sub.2] powder
before pressing is necessary. Also, for the same reason two stages of
the sintering process must be used. The pressing force of 75 kN is
adequate to obtain minimum electric resistivity of sintered Ti[O.sub.2]
powder, and a reasonable value of apparent density. The validation of
this choice remains to be demonstrated by subsequent electroreduction
Liu, M., Lu, S., Kan, S., Li, G. (2007) Effect of electrolysis
voltage on electrochemical reduction of titanium oxide to titanium in
molten calcium chloride, Rare Metal, Vol. 26, no. 6, 547-551, ISSN 1001-0521.
Nagesh, CR., Ramachandran, CS. (2007). Electrochemical process of
titanium extraction, Trans. Nonferrous Met. SOC. China, Vol. 17, no. 2,
429-433, ISSN 1003-6326.
Nie, X., Dong, L., Bai C., Chen D., Qiu G. (2006). Preparation of
Ti by direct electrochemical reduction of solid Ti[O.sub.2] and its
reaction mechanism, Trans. Nonferrous Met. SOC. China, Vol. 16, no. 3,
723-727, ISSN 1003-6326.
Qiu, G., Feng, X., Liu, M., Tan, W., Liu, F. (2008). Investigation
on electrochemical reduction process of [Nb.sub.2][O.sub.5] powder in
molten Ca[Cl.sub.2] with metallic cavity electrode, Electrochimica Acta
Vol. 53, no. 12, 4074-4081, ISSN 0013-4686.
Wang, S., Li, Y. (2004). Reaction mechanism of direct
electro-reduction of titanium dioxide in molten calcium chloride,
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 571, no. 2, 37-42, ISSN
Table 1. Variation of apparent density in terms of pressing
force and cathode's weight.
Pressing Cathode's Cathode's Cathode's Apparent
force, F weight, m diameter, height, density,
[kN] [g] [cm] [cm] [D.sub.a]
50 6 2.95 0.49 1.77
50 8 2.98 0.63 1.81
75 6 2.98 0.45 1.92
75 8 2.96 0.62 1.85
100 6 2.97 0.45 1.95
100 8 2.98 0.61 1.87
Table 2. Electric resistivity values of Ti[O.sub.2] cathodes
Pressing Cathode's Apparent
force, F weight, m density,
[kN] [g] [D.sub.a]
50 6 1.77
50 8 1.81
75 6 1.92
75 8 1.85
100 6 1.95
100 8 1.87
Electric resistivity,
Pressing [M[OMEGA] x cm]
force, F
[kN] Before After
sintering sintering
50 77 [+ or -] 7 18 [+ or -] 2
50 86 [+ or -] 10 20 [+ or -] 3
75 43 [+ or -] 7 14 [+ or -] 1
75 68 [+ or -] 5 78 [+ or -] 12
100 51 [+ or -] 12 15 [+ or -] 2
100 76 [+ or -] 7 209 [+ or -] 50