Is open source really free of charge?
Vujicic Tomic, Brankica ; Pogarcic, Ivan ; Nizic, Berislav 等
There are freeware and free software. In most cases these two
categories overlap, but not always. Freeware is a kind of software which
can be used free of charge. Free software is software which offers
complete freedom in its usage. Many developers believe in releasing
their software freely, but have hesitated to do so because they're
concerned about losing control over their software. Licensing issues are
complicated, and both the facts and fallacies you hear word-of-mouth can
add to the confusion. (St. Laurent, 2004):
The most famous licence of free software is GNU GPL (General Public
Licence) which declares that free software meets the following
* Freedom to execute a program, regardless of its purpose.
* Freedom to study how a program works and how to make adjustments
to it to satisfy our needs. Access to source code is necessary condition
for this freedom.
* Freedom to distribute program copies so we can help others with
* Freedom to improve program and to give improved program to
public, which means allowing that all community benefits from it. Access
to the source code is necessary condition for this freedom.
According to those criteria, software which is freeware, but has no
free access to the source code isn't free software. However, all
free software is at the same time also free of charge. When we know
that, the answer to the subject of this paper is obvious. However, a
fact that exists OS software and that it is completely free of charge,
opens a few very interesting questions (Goldman&Gabriel, 2005)
Namely, these are:
* Why is someone ready to spend so much time needed to develop
quality software and after that give away all rights to economic
benefits of that work?
* Is the development of OS community a threat to the software
* How can we make profit on OS software?
* How reliable is OS software?
Many people wonder why somebody is ready to spend a lot of time
developing the software and after completing it, give freedom to
others--not just to use it free of charge, but also all other freedoms
(Cusumano, 2005). Sometimes, to create quality software, time horizon is
few months, in some cases even years. At first glance, that kind of
behaviour is at least unusual.
The main reason why this is strange to us is that we live in a
capitalist society where most of the things/services are viewed through
the prism of economic gain and loss. However, the system of values in OS
community is somehow different, which leads to strengthening of the OS
community and quality of the OS software which is for the end user
completely free of charge. After studying different texts about the
question of this chapter, one can see that the answer to that question
has two levels: an individual development of OS software and an
organization which finances the development of OS software. It is very
important to make the distinction between these two levels, because each
one has different reasons for the development of OS software.
2.1. An individual starts with the development
Scenario: There are people with great software development skill.
They decide for whatever reason to create quality and useful software.
They put it under the OS license. Why? They did it for the personal
satisfaction. Components of that satisfaction could be challenge,
enjoying in programming, creation of something which will be their
legacy, pleasure because they are participating is something very
significant, potential indirect economic benefit: quality publicity on
the job market. If the result of that work is also useful to others,
that can be the initial spark of very positive energy. With
participation of others their work achieves higher level of quality.
They give away something which they would do anyway, so they do not lose
anything. On the contrary, contribution of others creates something more
valuable also for the original author. Because all of us need some
income in our life to live normally, we can make assumption that people
involved in OS activity have some sort of income in their life. For
example, they have a job and in spare time they enjoy programming. In
their spare time people do what they love. If somebody likes
programming, spending time like that is not in any way different from
spending time doing some hobby.
2.2. Big company is financing the development of OS
Scenario: Big organization decides to give source code of its
software under the GNU LGPL licence. Why? The reason is much more
different than for individuals, because in the case of companies there
is economic motive which is easy to comprehend: according to that life
of a company depends of their profit. (Goldman&Gabriel, 2005).
Economic motives could be very positive publicity, creation of the
market for some other non free products which are the great addition to
OS software and creation of the market for giving support which becomes
the source of income (
An example of the corporation like that is Sun Microsystems ( Their product is under LGPL licence. In
addition to OpenOffice, they have also Java whose source code is
available, but it is under the Sun licence. Partially, they give for
free also Solaris operating system.
Authors of this paper deeply respect that kind of approach to the
market because the end user benefits from that. This paper has been done
with the Writer (in its first version).
This question rises after strengthening of OS community. The answer
is: partially yes. But not so much that it can cause serious damage to
it. Furthermore, in some areas it can even make it stronger. The beauty
is that the end user can just benefit from the strong OS community.
Commercial software industry is too strong so OS community cannot make
some serious harm to it. But, in some cases, OS community has influence
on the commercial software industry.
It is difficult to say in which ways exactly the development of OS
community makes influence on software industry, and that is because of
its dynamics, but it seems that it is making it better and it is giving
a motive to the commercial companies to make an extra effort in the
improvement of their products. This is important because only with extra
features their product can motivate customers to buy it and not to use
completely free OS alternative.
By using OS software, companies can reduce their costs. This
statement is valid also for the software companies--e.g. companies which
make custom made software for other companies. In the OS community there
is not big interest for the development of that kind of software. This
means, development of OS is a threat just to the part of software
industry which produces popular software. Commercial companies which
produce that kind of software must make an extra effort, but everybody
else has better position in the development of custom made software.
Studying different sources, the author of this paper has found two
ideas related to OS:
* Hardware manufactures can give OS drivers and with that give an
opportunity to the market to improve it further on.
* the theory "what is valuable, will be paid" which says
that if some software product has the value to the user, even if it is
free of charge, the user will make donation for that software. This is
very questionable theory because it seems too idealistic.
The answer to that question depends primarily on the level of the
development and the interest of OS community for some tool. In case that
there is great interest, the answer is definitely yes. Reasons for that
* great number of people are testing that kind of software and
together they participate in the correction of found errors
* because of the openness of source code, it is great probability
that certain security threats will be discovered and immediately
* Great number of people participates in further improvements
through suggestions, documentation, translation, addition of new
functions etc.
If there is enough interest, sometimes it is just a question of
time when will some tools become more quality and stableness than their
commercial alternatives. Of course, if some software is the result of
work of just one person, and OS community has no interest in that
product, it is very possible that software isn't of high quality
and stability.
Professionally--The author and his company are not threatened by
the OS projects. At the contrary, the company can even profit from OS by
reducing its costs. There is no threat since the company develops custom
made software adjusted to special needs of the particular client.
Because of the nature of company's software, OS shows no interest
in it.
Personally--The author desired to create two programs /games using
C# programming language: Sapere--dictionary and program for studying
foreign words Abadel--game Othello/Reversi.
When they will be finished, the following choices are optional:
Commercial version--try to sell it to someone: it is too much
hassle for what it offers. Earning is too low and only enormous amounts
of money could be a proper motive. Even if that would be commercial,
because of the high rate of piracy, no matter of used protection, people
who would like to use it without paying would find the way. Commercial
version would help to reduce the program usage.
Freeware version--free of charge, but closed source code. Not bad,
but there is a better option.
OS version--the best option. That significantly improves the
chances for further improvements of programs. In the case the final
products would have real quality there is not any reason why the program
would be in some Linux distributions. This would initiate a great
publicity, which could give more benefit than harm on the job market
(e.g. one can write in CV that programs can be downloaded from the
Internet and to mention in which Linux distributions programs are). This
is the reason why the programs are being developed in C# in a way that
they are compatible with Mono and .net 1.1 platforms. By working like
that we will have software which has better chance to spread to both
platforms: Linux and Windows.
We give advantage to the OS community. We also respect freeware
versions if they have high quality. No matter why is someone active
within the OS community, this is one very positive thing which brings
benefits to many people.
Speaking of profit, OS approach put emphasis on service and not on
the products. OS is response to monopoly. There is whole new paradigm:
not just Windows or Linux platform, but Internet platform. (E.g. Google
is using 100 000 Linux servers), and everybody is using Google, which
indirectly means that we are also using the service of Linux platform.
Amazon is also using OS. Internet platform--Web (Internet) has its
foundation in OS: TCP/IP protocol, BIND, DNS, sendmail, etc., Apache Server and Linux as servers. Within the new paradigm, real money lies in
service which is based on the free products and not any more in products
themselves. For example: BIND is the protocol for DNS. Author of BIND
does not make money from it, but Domain Name Services have.
Cusumano, M. at al. (2005): Perspectives on Free and Open Source
Software (Hardcover), the MIT Press
Goldman, R.; Gabriel, R.P. (2005): Innovation Happens Elsewhere:
Open Source as Business Strategy, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005
St. Laurent, A.M. (2004): Understanding Open Source and Free
Software Licensing, O'Reilly Media, Inc. The GNU Project Free Software Foundation (Last
Accessed: 2008-06-20) Open Source Initiative OSI-Welcome Accessed:
2008-06-20 The Linux Home Page, Accessed: 2008-06-05)