Finishing quartz glass surfaces with laser radiation: analyses of the parameters for process optimisation/automation.
Hecht, Kerstin ; Bliedtner, Jens ; Mueller, Hartmut 等
From state of the art methods of polishing surfaces with laser
radiation are already known. So it's possible e.g. to reduce
processing time of metallic injection moulding moulds from
30min/[cm.sup.2] to a few seconds per [cm.sup.2] (ILT, 2008). Also in
polishing cast materials good surface quality is reached (ILT, 2003).
The laser material processing of glass has made good progress whereas
the high-precision finish (for optical parts) causes still problems.
It's barely possible to reach good surface quality without creating
thermal tensions (LZH, 2005). To finish the quartz glass parts in this
present report a 1.5kW C[O.sub.2]-laser is used. The polishing is
carried out by a regional short melting of a thin surface layer with a
defocused beam. Using adjusted laser power stock removal is prevented
and the smoothing happens just because the surface tension of the
melting layer. This tension is responsible that the profile peaks were
levelled and the valleys were filled. The analysis should also show, how
the starting roughness and the changeable laser parameters influence the
final surface quality. It's interesting too how the parameters have
to be changed to reach requested roughness values.
The Optimisation of the process parameters should be carried out by
measure temperature and surface quality. This quality is detected by the
help of a stylus instrument.
Fig. 1 shows the experimental setup. It's a portal system
where the laser beam is coupled in and leaded over different mirrors to
a scanner system. In this scanner mirrors move the beam in lines with a
maximum speed of [v.sub.s] = 3m/s. Because of this high velocity a
polishing line is generated on the glass part (part size: 20 x 20 x
~3[mm.sup.3]). The feed rate [v.sub.f] is realized with the axis of the portal system and is diversified in different (polishing) sections
([s.sub.1], [s.sub.2], [s.sub.3]). The pyrometer measuring spot for the
temperature recording is carried on behind the laser line. The measuring
system detects the surface temperature (T) and the developing T-curve is
used to optimise the process parameters. In Fig. 4 two T-curves
(continuous lines) are visible.
The task is it first to adjust the parameters feed rate and length
of the polishing sections in a way, that T raises steep ([s.sub.1]),
stays constant during the finishing process ([s.sub.2]) and has just a
small peak at the end of the part ([s.sub.3]). The steep rise guarantees
that enough energy is inserted to have a good finishing result from the
beginning. To reach uniform polishing results, constant T along the
whole surface is deciding. To prevent unnecessary additive tensions in
the material and rounding the rear edge of the part a heat accumulation
has to be avoided. As you can see regarding the curve V034_C28 (Fig. 4)
it's possible to improve the unfavourable temperature distribution
from trial V002_C03 by optimise [v.sub.f] in the 3 sections.
Beside temperature the surface quality is a criterion for process
optimisation. To check influence of starting roughness ([Ra.sub.1])
(before finishing) the parts were divided in three experimental groups
(after defined roughness groups).
experimental group group A group B group C
maximum Ra [[micro]m] 1,6 0,8 0,4
roughness group N7 N6 N5
The optimisation of the process parameters is carried out in every
group and during the experiments the following parameters were changed:
* feed rate [v.sub.f] in 3 sections (already discussed)
* laser output power P, 400 ... 700W
* beam velocity [v.sub.s], 400 ... 1000 mm/s
After more than 120 tests the influences of the machining
parameters and [Ra.sub.1] could be studied in detail. Altogether it
turned out that the reachable surface quality depends on [Ra.sub.1].
This connexion gets very obvious regarding group A. It's actually
observed that it isn't possible to polish the parts of this group
without stock removal. Therefore these parts of group A were no longer
considered in this paper. The influence of [Ra.sub.1] changes also with
variation of the other parameters. Regarding the dependency of laser
output power (P) on Ra (Fig. 2) there is no connexion between [Ra.sub.1]
and final roughness ([Ra.sub.2]) visible at all. Observable is that with
increasing P the surface is smoothed more. In the areas of hight P there
is already stock removal.
The laser beam velocity (vs) has also an effect on reachable
surface roughness. The influence of [Ra.sub.1] stays partly important
while diversifying vs. Considering Fig. 2 it's obvious that
Radistribution changes only frictional. With higher [v.sub.s] less
energy is inserted into the glass part and so the surface smoothing
abates. However it seems that (in the chosen limits) [v.sub.s] has no
such significant influence on the [Ra.sub.2] as P for example.
Over all experiments T-curves of every polished part were recorded.
They have to be optimised in each group by changing [v.sub.f] in the
three sections. Afterwards their appearance doesn't change much.
Just the relation of P and vs and the maximum temperature ([T.sub.max])
seems still interesting. Due to the pyrometric measurement the measured
T-values don't reflect real T in the interaction zone on the glass
surface. It's not possible to measure these temperatures
contact-free so far. It's assumed that T in the interaction zone is
about 2230[degrees]C--the vaporisation point of quartz. That's most
likely because there is always a light steam of sublimate while
polishing. The T-measure-point is selected in a way that it is located
always short behind the polishing line. The thickness of the parts is
not constant for each group that's why the pyrometer has to be
adjusted time and time again. From this it fallows that the distance
between measuring spot and interaction zone changes slightly. But even
the smallest change of this distance leads to variations in the measured
T-values. That's why the position of the curves is not significant
but their appearance however is. Fig. 3 shows the curves of [T.sub.max]
in relation to P (left) and vs (right). It's obvious that with
higher P the temperature rises. Against that higher [v.sub.s] causes
lower [T.sub.max]. The degree of surface smoothing
([Ra.sub.1]/[Ra.sub.2]) follows the T-profile so far. It turned out that
the measured T-value can be used for process automation. For this
automation the aim is to observe T continuously (online) and adjust
parameters accordingly to the T-profile.
Regarding results from experiments laser power is interesting for
automation. It has the most significant influence on surface-T and
quality. So a laser control system was installed to control P. In the
scheme in Fig. 1 you can see aditionally the connection of the devices
with the control unit (CU). It's not necessary to describe all
technical details of this CU because it isn't part of the
investigation. It was constructed for different control tasks and this
is just one example of using it.
Return to the present study it's important to know, that the
CU works on basis of temperature measurement data were T symbolise
corresponding P-values. The pyrometer is connected with the CU and this
has a connection to the laser system. You can determine a temperature
(/power) control routine. In this case you teach times and temperatures
to the CU and P would be adapted accordingly. So there is a permanent
comparison between measured T and selected. (Kamann, 2008)
To apply the CU there are some problems to solve. Remember the
measuring point of the pyrometer adjusted short behind the polishing
line. This "line" is created because the laser needs 50ms to
pass the surface. The pyrometer detects the surface temperature with a
sampling rate of 250ms. So the laser spot is sometimes nearer and
sometimes farther the measuring spot which leads to different measured
values. The CU would adapt P permanently and you'll get no constant
surface temperature. It's necessary to average the measured values
according to the FIFO-method with the CU too. The system works with an
average value out of 10 measured values. Regarding Fig. 4 (discontinuous line) it's visible that it's possible to realise the whished
T-distribution without different parameters or polishing sections by
using the CU. This picture shows another problem still to solve. In the
beginning it last too long until the CU and/or the pyrometer recognise
the developing surface-T. It even rises out of range and there is a lot
stock removal. On the other hand the CU is able to keep T within a limit
of 25K.
To solve the problem of overheat maybe different measuring spot
positions could be tested. Lay the spot into the polishing line to
reduce the influence of heat conduction is one possibility. But
altogether further investigations have to fallow. In addition it would
be also necessary to develop and apply a construction to hold and adjust
the pyrometer high precisely.
Fraunhofer Institut fur Lasertechnik-ILT; (2003). Fraunhofer ILT
Annual Report 2003, Available from: http://publica., Accessed: 2007-08-06
Fraunhofer-ILT (2008). Laser-Beam Polishing of Injection Molded
Tools, Available from: eng/100607.html,
Accessed: 2008-05-06
Kamann, J. Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Laserleistungsregelsystems
fur temperaturgefuhrte Materialbearbeitungsprozesse, 2008, diploma
LZH e.V. (2005) Innovative manufacturing processes for polishing
glass surfaces, Final Report, Available from: Accessed: