Experimental researches concerning lapping of flat surfaces.
Cohal, Viorel ; Serb, Adrian ; Ciobanu, Romeo-Mihai 等
Lapping consists in the final smoothing of previously grinding
surfaces. This is done by means of certain fine abrasive particles
impressed on the lap or freely interposed between the piece to be
processed and the lap. Abrasive pastes applied on the tool may also be
used. Through the relative motion of the lap compound to the piece, in
the presence of abrasive grains, particles from the processed material
are removed.
Lapping is necessary to obtain only special smoothness of the
surface or to obtain extremely high dimensional precision together with
special smoothness of the surface.
All lapping processes can be described as four component systems (a
lap, a granule, a carrier fluid and a worckpiece) and that the
mechanisms involved can be grasped by first understanding the
interactions among those components. Lapping is differentiated
technologically, but not in this mechanistic view; the relative size of
the "grit" and the surface layer removed may change
dramatically, but the processes all rely on interactions between these
basic elements.
The object of lapping is to modify the workpiece. Workpieces vary
in bulk chemical composition and may have property variations as
functions of both lateral dimension and depth.
Depth variations may be intrinsic (due to different bonding for
surface and bulk species) or may arise during the manufacture of the
workpiece. They may arise from processing conditions (like plastic work
of the near surface, or sub-surface cracking) or may be part of the
lapping design process.
The fluid phase of the slurry may be characterized by its chemical
composition and by its physical properties.
Chemical compositions of fluids include water and nonaqueous fluids
like hydrocarbons and alcohols. The pH of the fluid may be controlled by
addition of acids or bases, or by the use of a buffer system. In CMP,
the fluid also contains a primary chemically active ingredient (like
hydrogen peroxide or other oxidizers for metal) and may include
secondary chemical ingredients (like inhibitors to control chemical
interactions), or physically active additives (like surfactants).
Physical properties of the fluids affect both fluid dynamics and
material transport in lapping. These properties include viscosity,
density and thermal conductivity, all of which are pressure and
temperature dependent. These properties can also be varied by changes in
the chemical composition of the fluid.
Workpiece-fluid interactions involve both chemical and physical
effects. The chemical effects include dissolution, etching and
passivation, each of which change the workpiece surface in some way, and
each of which has separate applications. Chemical changes in surface
properties are sometimes described as "softening" of the
workpiece, since they can make it more susceptible to lapping. Physical
and mechanical effects involve transport of material and heat away from
the workpiece surface during lapping; these processes are typically also
affected by the nature of the lap and will be considered as three-way
interactions below. All of these processes depend on the nature of the
workpiece and the fluid.
Dissolution occurs when the chemical properties of the fluid and
the workpiece surface match in specific ways. This match may hold for
the bulk workpiece or only for its surface layer. In etching, a chemical
reaction removes electrons from metals to produce soluble metal ions,
which can then dissolve into the fluid (Evans & Paul, 2003).
Dissolution and etching are two-component methods of material
removal. They are equivalent to lapping without either abrasive or lap,
and are standard techniques in many applications which are not discussed
Passivation in particular, or coating in general, occurs when a
chemical reaction between the workpiece and chemicals in the fluid
results in a surface film that has different properties than the bulk
workpiece. For metals, this film can reduce electrical or thermal
conductivity, and is a desired or detested outcome depending on the
particular application. For conventional lapping, the effects of this
surface film are usually negligible. However, chemical mechanical
lapping uses alternating cycles in which a surface film is chemically
created and then mechanically removed. Thus chemical effects can be
important. If the surface film is soluble, as is the case for most
copper compounds, then this consideration must be included in describing
any material removal process (Konig, 1990).
The experiments have been carried out for cylindrical ([PHI]20 x
10) workpieces made by bronze (70 HV), brass (105 HV), annealed OLC45
steel (205 HV), 40Crl0 (220 HV) steel and bearings hardened steel RUL1
(700 HV). The lapping disk pressure was kept constant at 5
daN/[cm.sup.2], working time t = 3 min and cutting speeds values were
16, 32 and 44 m/min. A universal lapping paste was used composed of:
white alundum--30%, vaseline oleum--47 % and stearin--23 %.
The experiments showed that together with the work hardness
increasing to 200...220 HV, the material removal rate decreases
significantly. For greater values of hardness, the decrease is slower
(Cohal, 1998).
The surface roughness decreases when the hardness is smaller. When
machining bronze and brass workpieces (with smaller hardness), the
minimum roughness can be obtained for a cutting speed v=44 m/min. For
the other materials, the optimum value for the cutting speed is v=32
One of the most important cutting parameter is the disk pressure
upon the work. Its great values influence positively the cutting
capacity but the influence is opposite to the surface roughness.
Recommended values in case of lapping for this pressure are 0,4 ...
5 daN/[cm.sup.2]. The real machining pressure is much greater because of
the machined surface which is much smaller than the workpiece surface
and is continuously changing during machining. At the beginning, the
disk-work contact is made only on the peaks of the surface roughness,
the pressure is greater and the progress of machining is faster (approx.
3 urn/min in the case of steel). After a short time, the contact area
increases and both pressure and cutting capacity are lower (approx. 1,5
This result of researches was analysis with NCSS (fig.1). Number
Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS) is an advanced, easy-to-use
statistical analysis software package. Regression techniques analyze the
relationship between a dependent (Y) variable and one or more
independent (X) variables. NCSS has regression procedures for many
different situations
The assumptions of the one-way analysis of variance (fig.1.) are:
1. The data are continuous (not discrete).
2. The data follow the normal probability distribution. Each group
is normally distributed about the group mean.
3. The variances of the populations are equal.
4. The groups are independent. There is no relationship among the
individuals in one group as compared to another.
5. Each group is a simple random sample from its population. Each
individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected
in the sample.
The assumptions of the Kruskal-Wallis test are:
1. The variable of interest is continuous (not discrete). The
measurement scale is at least ordinal.
2. The probability distributions of the populations are identical,
except for location. Hence, we still require that the population
variances are equal.
3. The groups are independent.
4. All groups are simple random samples from their respective
populations. Each individual in the population has an equal probability
of being selected in the sample.
There are few limitations when using these tests. Sample sizes may
range from a few to several hundred. If your data are discrete with at
least five unique values, you can assume that you have met the
continuous variable assumption. Perhaps the greatest restriction is that
your data come from a random sample of the population. If you do not
have a random sample, your significance levels will be incorrect
(Hintze, 2007).
Given that the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test finds a
significant difference among treatment means, the next task is to
determine which treatments are different. Multiple comparison procedures
(MCPs) are methods that pinpoint which treatments are different.
If the F-test from an ANOVA for this experiment is significant, we
do not know which of the three possible pairs of groups are different.
MCPs can help solve this dilemma.
Lapping pressure and friction lead to a decreasing of the abrasive
grains dimensions. Consequence of this, the cutting capacity decreases
and the surface roughness is better. This is why there are
recommendations to start the cutting process with sharp grains and to
continue with worn ones.
Lapping is successfully applied in fine mechanics manufacturing,
increasing the cutting tools lifetime and precision and also in
finishing and superfinishing the ceramic workpieces.
Cohal, V., Contributions about surfaces lapping. Doctor's
degree thesis. Iasi, Romania, 1998
Evans, C.J., Paul, E., Material Removal Mechanisms in Lapping ,
Annals of the CIRP Vol. 52/2/2003
Hintze, J., NCSS Quick Start & Self Help Manual, Kaysville,
Utah, USA, 2007.
Konig, W., Finish Processing, Ceramic Materials, Zunch, 1990