Estimination of unknown parameters in mechanical models for determination viscoelasticity properties of materials.
Obucina, Murco ; Bajramovic, Rasim ; Dzaferovic, Ejub 等
Wood and wood products have elastic and viscous characteristics and
belong to viscoelasticity materials (Dinwoodie, 2000). Viscoelasticity
wood behaviour is very complex can be described by nonlinear models for
which the unknown parameters are determined according to the
experimental data. Faster convergence of nonlinear regression can be
obtained by parameter grouping (Christensen, 1971).
Creep test of laminated elements was carried out on a device with
four-wheel loading (Figure 1). The device was placed in a chamber where
relative humidity was maintained constant (93%) with axial fans which
forced air flow to move over a dish with saturated solution of water and
[K.sub.2]S[O.sub.4]. The room temperature was 22.5[degrees]C.
Constant loading was realized by weights (Figure 1 position 6).
which is 17.5 % of the maximal loading.
At relatively low stress levels of humidity and temperature, wood
may be considered as a linearly elastic material, and as a linearly
viscoelastic material under others. Forms of the simplest viscoelastic
models, which are used to represent the viscoelastic behavior of wood
materials, are the Standard linear model Equation (1) and Burger model
Equation (2) (Skrypek & Hetnarski 1993):
J(t) = [1/[E.sub.1] + 1/[E.sub.2] - 1/[E.sub.2] exp
(-[tE.sub.2]/[mu])] (1)
J(t) = [1/[E.sub.1] + 1/[E.sub.2] (1 -
exp(-[tE.sub.2]/[[mu].sub.2])) + t/[[mu].sub.1]] (2)
where J(t) is the creep compliance; t is the time; [E.sub.i] is
elastic constant for springs; and [[mu].sub.i] is viscous constant for
dashpots (i = 1 and 2). According to Figure 1. the elastic deflection at
middle point is (Obucina et al., 2006).
y = 23(F/2)[l.sup.3]/648EI (3)
Where: F is the force ; / is the reference length; I is the moment
of inertia of the beam's cross section and E is the elastic
If a viscoelastic beam is subjected to the same force, as in the
elastic case, the deflection can be derived multiplying Equation (4) by
E(t)/E, where E(t) is the relaxation modulus. If 1/E(t) is replaced with
J(t), where J(t) is the creep compliance, Equation (4) becomes
y(t) = K x J(t); K = -23/648 (F/2) x [l.sup.3]/I (4)
To determine the mechanism of any physical process it is necessary
to establish a correspondence between experimental observations on the
one hand and the mathematical model on the other. Any model can be
written in the form
[y.sub.i] = f([x.sub.i], [theta]) + [[epsilon].sub.i] i = 1, 2,
..., n (5)
Where: -[y.sub.i] is the value of the dependent variable at the
i-th measurement
--[X.sub.i] = ([x.sub.1i], [x.sub.2i], ..., [x.sub.qi])' is a
q-dimensional vector of independent variables at the i-th trial
-[theta] = ([[theta].sub.1], [[theta].sub.2], ...,
[[theta].sub.p])' is a p-dimensional vector of unknown parameters.
-[[epsilon].sub.i] is an experimental error at the i-th trial.
Empirical models, which are usually polynomials in the independent
variables but linear in the parameters, are usually used to predict for
purposes of optimization and control of processes Another type of models
is mechanistic model based on physical mechanism of the observed
process. The models with four and three parameters used in this work are
In matrix notation the relationship between the dependent variable
and the independent variables for models linear in parameters can be
written as (Draper & Smith 1988).
The vector of unknown parameters can be estimated by the method of
least squares as
[??] = [(X'X).sup.-1] X'y (7)
Equation (7) can be solved if the matrix X'X is nonsingular.
If this matrix is singular then vector of parameters is not uniquely
With assumption that errors [epsilon] have normal distribution with
constant variance-covariance matrix of unkown parameters is defined as
V[??] = [(X'X).sup.-1] [[sigma].sup.2] (8)
It often may be assumed for nonlinear models that the dependent
variable can be adequately represented over some interval in the
parameters by a truncated (linear) Taylor series expansion about
preliminary estimates of unknown parameters. With this assumption the
nonlinear model can be written approximately in the form
z = X([theta] - [??])+ [epsilon] (9)
Where: z = [[y.sub.i] - f([x.sub.i], [??])] i-th element (10)
X = [[[partial derivative]f([x.sub.i], [theta])/[partial
derivative][[theta].sub.j].sub.[theta] = [??]]
[??] is a vector of the numerical values about which the
linearization is made.
Equation (9) represents the approximate model linear in parameters
and as before the unknown parameters can be estimated as
and residual sum of squares is given as R = z'z
The iterative procedure is terminated when the correction obtained
by (12) becomes small enough; i.e. the change in parameters is
insignificant. According to the given procedure software made in
[C.sup.++] computer language was made. For faster convergence "the
doubling and halving technique" and optimization of parameter
vector change were applied at each iteration step.
In order to compare two models F-test was carried out for the
results given and the calculated results are given by curves in Figure
3. For 4- parameters model estimated variance is [s.sup.2.sub.4] =
2.20360e-02 with 99 degrees of freedom and for 3-parameters model
variance is [s.sup.2.sub.3] = 1.02391e-01 with 100 degrees of freedom.
The corresponding F value is F = [s.sup.2.sub.3]/[s.sup.2.sub.4] =
4,6465. Since this value is greater than table values for both [alpha] =
0,05 and [alpha] = 0,01 ([F.sub.0.05,100,99] = 1.39 and
[F.sub.0.01,100,99] = 1.60), it means that 4-parameters model is
significantly better than 3 parameters model.
In order to improve convergence of nonlinear regression method the
grouping of parameters can be performed. For this case 4-parameters
model was considered. This model can be transformed as
Where a = -1/[E.sub.2]; b = [E.sub.2]/[[mu].sub.2]; c =
1/[[mu].sub.1]; i d = 1/[E.sub.1] +1/[E.sub.2]
According to the nonlinear regression method the following results
were obtained.
[E.sub.1] = 13701; [E.sub.2] = 11658; [[mu].sub.1] = 420594;
[[mu].sub.2] = 28779; R = 4.165 a = -8.57765 x [10.sup.-5]; b =
0.405083; c = 2.37754 x [10.sup.-6]; d = 1.58763; R = 4.165
Transforming a, b, c and d the next values are obtained [E.sub.1t]
= 13703; [E.sub.2t] = 11658; [[mu].sub.1t] = 420602; [[mu].sub.2t] =
28780; R = 4.165.
According to the given F-test 4-parameters model is significantly
better them 3-parameters model. The convergence was faster for
transformed model obtained by parameter grouping. Obtained results are
the same for both cases. The problem will appear if we want to determine
confidence intervals for parameters. There is no problem for original
model since parameters have physical meaning. In the case of transformed
model confidence intervals for parameters a, b, c and d can not be
transformed into confidence intervals for [E.sub.1]; [E.sub.2];
[[mu].sub.1]; [[mu].sub.2]. If we need models only for prediction then
it is useful to use transformed model, but in the case that we need
confidence intervals for real parameters then original model should be
considered no matter how difficult is to estimate it.
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