Ecomaterials for wood preservation based on acrylic copolymers and lignin derivatives.
Dumitrescu, Lucia ; Manciulea, Ileana ; Sica, Mihaela 等
Wood has been used as an engineering material because it is low in
cost, renewable and strong and it requires low processing energy. Wood
has many excellent properties that result from its exceptional
combination of microstructural, ultrastructural and molecular features.
The main drawback is its dimensional instability in the presence of
moisture, which can affects also the biological stability.
Wood is formed basically of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin,
with a minor amount of extraneous materials (tannins, terpenoids,
starch, lipids, alkaloids, proteins, etc.).
These three principal constituents make up cell walls and are
responsible for most of the physical and chemical properties of wood.
Wood is susceptible to degradation in a number of ways, including
rot or decay, insect attack, fire and weathering. Each of these forms of
degradation is essentially chemical in nature and can therefore
potentially be inhibited by chemical means.
Wood preservation is a complex process involving a wide range of
physical, chemical and biological factors, demanding much from the
chemicals selected for this purpose (Militz, et al., 1997).
As an alternative to the protection of wood with toxic chemicals
that inhibit the activity of deteriogenic organisms, research into
chemically modifying the wood substrate as a means of preventing
deterioration is a current area of study. The intention is to alter the
chemical structure of wood components so that enzymes are unable to
degrade the modified holocellulose and lignin, and yet to leave the
physical and engineering properties of the material more or less
unchanged (Militz, et al., 1997; Hon, 1996).
Based on the variety of functional groups (hydroxyls, carbonyls,
carboxyls etc), etherification, esterification, alkylation,
hydroxyalkylation, graft copolymerization, crosslinking and oxidation
reactions can be conducted to produce ecomaterials with many practical
applications (Hon, D.N. S. 1996; Hon, al., 2001).
Taking into account these aspects, as well as the main demand
regarding the environmental protection, our research research was
focused on the development of some new wood preservation agents based on
acrylic copolymers with extracts obtained from the bark of poplar, pine
and acacia trees and copper sulphate.
The ideea of the utilization of such lignin derivatives as reaction
partners into the emulsion polymerization of acrylic comonomers is based
on the observation that the third major wood component, lignin also
possess biocide activity and was proved to be the major fixation site
for certain wood preservation components, such as copper.
The extracts obtained from the bark of poplar pine and acacia trees
have also been used as reactive comonomers in emulsion copolymerization
of acrylic comonomers because they possess a reactive chemical
potential, caused by the presence in the structure of lignin (as a major
wood component) of some functional groups such as: phenolic and
alcoholic hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl etc (Hon, 1996; Hon,
al., 2001).
The chemical characteristics of the poplar, pine and acacia bark
extracts used in the synthesis, determined following the methodology
specific for lignin (Zakis, 1994) are presented in the Table 1.
Both the acrylic copolymers and the copolymers modified by copper
sulphate and poplar, pine or acacia bark extracts have been obtained
using a semicontinuous technique emulsion copolymerization.
The copolymerization processes have been done in a one litter glass
reactor, equipped with a paddle type stirrer, thermometer and cooler,
conforming the following standard recipe:
Monomer composition:
--ethyl acrylate, acrylonitrile, butyl acrylate, acrylic acid
--poplar, pine or acacia bark extracts
Emulsifying system:
--ionic and nonionic emulsifier
Initiation system:
--sodium persulphate
Dispersion medium:
--distilled water
--copper sulphate
Percentages of 8% from the acrylic comonomers have been substituted
by bark extracts from poplar, pine and acacia trees extracts.
The acrylic comonomers emulsion, with or without bark extracts and
copper sulphate, was dozed by a constant ratio, at 80[degrees]C, for
2.5-3 hours into the copolymerization autoclave. At the end of the
process, the inner temperature was raised at 90[degrees]C and kept for
an hour, in order to finish the copolymerization.
The chemical characteristics of the acrylic copolymers proposed as
wood preservatives are presented in Table 2.
Considering the biocide activity of acrylic monomers, copper
sulphate and the major wood component, lignin, the obtained copolymers
were biologically investigated and proposed as wood preservatives.
The wood preservation agents based on the acrylic copolymers (CP1)
and the acrylic copolymers with bark extracts from poplar (CP2), pine
(CP3) and acacia (CP4) were submitted to the biological testing.
The testing of the biocide activity of the wood preservation
proposed agents consisted on treating the sapwood samples by immersion
in the wood preservations agents for 30 minutes and exposing the treated
samples against the attack of the following microorganisms: Chaetomium
globosum Kunze, Paecilomyces varioti Brainier, Stachibotrys atra Corda,
Alternaria tennuis Ness, Trichoderma viridae Person ex. Fries.
After 28 testing days, the samples were examined using an optic
microscope, in order to establish the attack level of the above
mentioned microorganisms.
The fungal growth was classified (according to STAS 8022/91)
between 0 and 4, as following:
0 = no growth;
1 = trace of growth detected visually;
2 = slight growth or 5-20% coverage of the total test area;
3 = moderate growth or 20-50% coverage;
4 = plenty of growth or above 50% coverage.
The results of the biocide activity of the wood preservation
proposed agents is presented in Table 3.
Our research has established the existence of some functional
groups (hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl) bonded into the structure of
polymers cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, main components of the
wood structure, which confer to these wood wastes a specific chemical
As consequence, bark extracts from poplar, pine and acacia trees,
in amount of 8% (based on the total monomer content) were used in the
copolymerization of the acrylic comonomers: ethyl acrylate, butyl
acrylate, acylonitrile, acrylic acid.
An interesting aspect of this copolymerization process is those
regarding the emulsifying capacity of the bark extracts which improve
the emulsion stability.
The new preservation agents present better tensile breaking
strength and better water absorption of the copolymer film, essential
condition for the biocide preservation which depends on the water
content and on the easy accessibility of the microorganisms at the wood
These aspects of the emulsion copolymerization of the acrylic
comonomers with extracts from poplar, acacia and pine trees, as well as
the biocide activity of the copolymers increase the interest in the new
research field of emulsion copolymerization of classic monomers with
lignin based derivatives and the possibility for obtaining some new wood
preservation agents (Dumitrescu et al., 1996).
The biocide activity of the copolymers seems to be influenced by
the lignin content of the bark extracts and varies in order: copolymer
with acacia extract (CP4)>copolymer with pine extract
(CP3)>copolymer with poplar extract (CP2)> acrylic copolymer
The new ecomaterials based on acrylic copolymers and bark extracts,
will assure a better preservation action than the chemical agents as
such, because they also contain lignin derivatives with biocide activity
(Dumitrescu et al., 1996).
Our future research will be dedicated to identify and use other
wood wastes capable (due their chemical structure) to act as reaction
partners in synthesis of bioprotection and finishing agents, which will
confer a better access and compatibility with the wood structure.
Dumitrescu L., Popa V. I., Baciu G.& Petrovici V.(1996). Wood
preservation agents based on acrylic copolymers and metal complexed
lignosulphonates. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov.
Series B. 3(38): 6368. ISSN 1223-964X.
Hon, D.N.S. (1996). Chemical Modification of Lignocellulosic
Materials. Mark Dekker, Publishers, New York, NY.
Hon, D.N.S., and N. Shiraishi. (2001). Wood and Cellulosic
Chemistry. 2nd edition. Marcel Dekker Publishers, ISBN 0824700244, New
York, NY.
Militz, H.; Beckers, E.P.J. & Homan, W.J. (1997). Modification
of solid wood: research and practical potential.IRG Document
Zakis, G. F. (1994). Functional analysis of lignins and their
derivatives. TAPPI Press, ISBN: 0-89852-258 7, Atlanta, Ga.
Tab. 1. The chemical characteristics of the poplar, pine and
acacia bark extracts
Characteristic Poplar Pine Acacia
extract extract extract
Appearance brown brown Brown
liquid liquid liquid
pH- value 4.90 4.72 3.80
Solids, % 45.00 38.50 40.50
Viscosity at 72.50 75.30 69.20
Cellulose, % 29.35 31.85 26.80
Lignin, % 33.55 34.80 36.75
Pentosans 20.20 12.55 18.25
Tab. 2. Chemical characteristics of the acrylic copolymers
proposed as wood preservatives.
Tensile Water
Copolymer Viscosity breaking absorption
at 20 strenghts of the film
[degrees]C cP MPa (%) after
24h 48h
CP1 36.5 2.5 17.4 37.5
CP2 38.0 3.0 15.5 35.0
CP3 41.8 3.4 14.5 30.6
CP4 52.5 3.8 12.0 25.5
Tab. 3. The results of the biological testing of the
proposed wood preservation agents.
Treatment type Degree of attack Note
Treatment with Samples attacked in 4
CP1 extent of 80%
Treatment with Samples attacked in 2
CP2 extent of 18%
Treatment with Samples attacked in 1
CP3 extent less than 4%
Treatment with Samples attacked in 1
CP4 extent less than 2%