Ecological method for separation of inulin from phytoextracts using molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films.
Patachia, Silvia ; Croitoru, Catalin ; Scarneciu, Ioan 等
Phytoextracts (aqueous or hydroalcoholic extracts from plants) are
a natural source of a various class of compounds such as carbohydrates,
alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, terpenes and complex acids often used
in traditional medicine as drugs, nutritional supplements, dyes and so
forth. However, separation of a certain compound from the complex
aqueous or hydroalcoholic mixture is a tedious task, often implying time
and energy consuming procedures or exposing the biologically active
substance to thermal degrading (Hart & Shea 2001).
Molecular imprinting is a novel method for designing materials with
molecular memory, which consists of cavities that bear the shape and
dimensions of a template molecule. The cavities are highly specific
towards the molecule that imprints the polymer, making molecularly
imprinted materials suitable for use in isomer separations, catalysis,
biosensor assays or in controlled drug delivery (Rechichi et al. 2006;
Dickert 2006). Recognition and separation of saccharides have been the
focus of much recent attention. Boronic acid is a powerful tool for this
purpose since it can form a stable complex (cyclic ester) with
saccharides, especially with those comprising a cis-diol group. However;
these supports have problems in mechanical and/or chemical stability.
Hydrogels are reported to be rather weak under pressure, while glass
beads exhibit poor stability under basic conditions (Hayden &
Dickert 2002; Wulff & Karsten 2002). Such polymers obtained from
bulk or solution polymerization, however, necessitate some tedious
treatments, such as grinding and sieving before use (Bolman &
Revsbech 2005). In this work, a new method of alternative molecular
imprinting to design imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) [PVA] stable
hydrogelic films crosslinked with boric acid has been proposed (Patachia
2003; Patachia 2006). An oligomer of fructose with average molecular
weight of 17000- inulin- has been used as template molecule. Inulin is
widely used in diabetes treatment, as dietary fiber, blood pressure
regulator and glomerular filtration rate measuring.
2.1 Materials
PVA 120-98 (1200 polymerization degree and 98% hydrolysis degree)
was purchased from Chemical Enterprises Rasnov, Romania. Inulin oligomer
with average molecular mass of 17000, boric acid, vanillin and
concentrated sulphuric acid have been purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and
were of reagent grade. All reagents have been used without further
2.1 Imprinted films obtaining
PVA solution has been prepared by dissolving the polymer powder in
Milli-Q deionized water, under magnetic stirring at room temperature,
followed by heating at 80 [degrees]C for 4h. The solid content of the
obtained solution was 10%.
PVA- IN mixtures have been prepared, by adding the weighted IN
powder to 25 mL of PVA solutions with different solid contents.
Mixtures of IN to PVA ratios from 18 % to 38% (reported to 1g of
dry PVA [xerogel]) have been obtained. The PVA films have been obtained
by polymer solution (with the respective amount of IN added) casting and
solvent evaporation in a vacuum drying stove (T = 28[degrees]C; p = 120
mbar) for 24 hours.
The films have been immersed in a 0.8M boric acid solution for 3
hours to achieve crosslinking. Reference probe of PVA crosslinked film
without IN has been prepared using the same procedure.
The template IN molecule has been removed from the polymer matrix
in order to form the active cavities with the shape and size
complementary with that of the template by curing the obtained films in
distilled water for 3 days.
2.2 Imprinted films testing
The imprentation of the PVA films has been tested by comparing the
amount of IN absorbed in the imprinted polymeric matrix with the amount
of IN absorbed in the non-imprinted polymer.
IN absorption has been studied by immersing weighted film samples
in a determined amount of 0.1 g/L IN solution.
At certain time intervals, 2 mL of IN solution were drawn and
analyzed and the film samples have been immersed in a fresh IN solution
of 0.1 g/L.
IN has been determined by the spectrophotometric method using a
SPECOL 10 Karl-Zeiss Jena spectrophotometer, due to its ability to form
a colored complex (absorption maximum at 520 nm) with vanillin in the
presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.
IN desorption from the imprinted films has been studied by
immersing the samples subjected earlier to absorption studies in a
determined amount of distilled water. Solution samples have been drawn
and analyzed as above, and after each determination the films have been
reimersed in a fresh amount of distilled water.
Amount of IN absorbed in the imprinted PVA films (in terms of
absorbed IN amount (g) reported to 1g of xerogel is plotted in Fig. 1
(absorption kinetic). Amount of absorbed IN as a function of IN: PVA
ratio is presented in fig.2:
As it can be seen from Fig. 1, the imprinting of PVA with IN
template was successful. All imprinted films absorb a higher amount of
IN than the reference non-imprinted sample. A maximum of absorption is
observed (Fig.2) at 30.46 % IN: PVA ratio. After this maximum, the
absorbed IN amount decreases, probably due to the lower polymer content
in the films, which could lead to insufficient formation of active
cavities. The absorption rates are also higher for the imprinted
samples, comparative with the non-imprinted one. The desorption kinetic
is presented in Fig.3 in terms of desorbed IN amount/g xerogel:
From the desorption kinetic (Fig.3) it could be seen that the
desorption rate of IN from the polymeric matrix is higher in the films
with optimum IN: PVA ratio, probably due to the presence of more
non-deformed active cavities in the polymeric matrix, which leads to an
increase in desorption. Also it could be seen that the IN molecule is
retained in a higher amount in the imprinted PVA samples. Elimination of
all IN amount from the polymeric matrix was not possible.
Imprinted PVA 120-98 films with inulin as template molecule have
been obtained and characterized. Sorption and desorption analysis have
been performed. The results indicated that the imprentation of PVA
120-98 with IN was successful.
All the imprinted films absorb a higher amount of IN than the
non-imprinted PVA.
The optimum IN: PVA ratio has been found to be 30.46%. The
imprinted films are transparent, homogenous and have good resistance to
solvent action, due to crosslinking.
Taking into account the non-toxicity, biocompatibility,
biodegradability of PVA and the possibility of obtaining molecular
imprinted materials based on PVA/IN, new applications in special fields
(medicine, pharmacy, separation processes) could be developed.
We would like to be thankful to The National University Council
from Romania (CNCSIS) for funding of the research through the national
grants CEEX10/2005, CEEX18/2005 and CEEX 148/2006.
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