Correlations between entrepreneurship framework and economic performances.
Zirra, Daniela
In actual circumstances of economic evolution, it is more and more
difficult to realise economic performance and to evaluate how a public
decision can stimulate entrepreneurial activity, new firms creation, the
ambitions of entrepreneurs and managers to create wealth. Also, it is
very important to have all the elements for measuring the effects of
allocating funds to sustain economic development, to increase the
dynamic of companies' activity and to improve the characteristics
of business environment, with all the consequences involved.
For this reason, entrepreneurship (E-ship), as phenomena that
create and exchange value (SCADPlus, 2008), need a specific and complex
framework which is capable to stimulate and support the economic
performances of firms in the new era. At international level there are
various models of E-ship framework, but they need to be improved and
updated such as the requirements and the dynamic of internal and
international environment are asking. In these conditions, an E-ship
framework must provide flexible and updated services, especially for the
new born firms.
Into a dynamic business environment, considering here the rapid
technological, economic, social and political changing, SMEs development
is a very difficult and complex process, but with many benefits,
including human resources development, social cohesion, economic growth,
increasing employment, a better flexibility and adaptability of
individuals and organizations, competitiveness of national economies,
Also, we have to mention the close correlations between a stable
and performing entrepreneurship framework and long-term company
performance. This is the reason of the central position in economic
development strategies and the importance accorded to E-ship in present
day economy, not only in developing countries, but in highest developed
regions too. OECD has already elaborated a Demand and Supply Side Model
of E-ship Framework (Ahmad & Hoffman, 2008). We appreciate that an
adapted Model of this modern concept of the E-ship framework could be
represented as in Figure-1.
E-ship meaning in modern economy is to offer the basis for the
healthy circumstances of increasing and stimulating SMEs sustainable
development. In actual stage, without an entrepreneurial education and
culture, continuous learning abilities and skills it is very difficult
to realise positive effects for business performances and SMEs
The elements with a direct influence on E-ship performance, and as
a propagate effect with a strong influence on business performances,
* External Factors Influence (EFI): individual incentives, culture
and motivation, education system, infrastructure, framework conditions.
* Demand Opportunities (DO): technological transfer, R&D,
communication, market access conditions, competition.
* Supply Abilities (SA): financial capital, business angel, venture
capital, social capital, the quality of human capital.
All the three elements mentioned above represents the key factors
which could be named the group of determinants for E-ship Performance
(E-SP) and E-ship Impact (E-SI). In the same time, we cannot ignore that
E-SP have an indirect influence on EFI, which is changing periodically
because of economic and social conditions, in continuous changing and
As examples for the elements which represent criteria for
appreciation the E-SP and E-SI, included also in the adapted Model, we
can mention:
* E-SP: the rhythm of firm creation, business density,
self-employment, new business survival, high growth firms.
* E-SI: poverty reduction, job creation ratio, productivity growth,
economic growth, increasing of firm size.
But, the elements with a very strong influence on business
performance are extremely diverse (OECD, 2007). For this reasons it is
difficult to mark them out into distinguished categories.
According to the Statistical Business Registers (based on
Administrative Registers), E-ship is the effort made to initiate an
economic activity in the formal sector. The OECD/Eurostat Approach is to
create a framework for Business Demography Statistics. This approach is
very important because it gives us the opportunity to create more
effective strategies to stimulate and support new firm creation and
economic performance of existing firms.
The general aim of business support policies in EU industrialized areas is to increase competitiveness through various kinds of
interventions (European Committee, 2007), especially for SMEs
development, such as:
* Providing training, financial, information, conciliation and
business services.
* Granting funds for investments and high technology transfer.
* Improving communication and transport infrastructure.
We have to mention again that one of the key for a sustainable
economic performance is to increase the competitiveness of SMEs and the
dynamic of E-ship (Klapper et. al., 2007). For example, if the goal of
government is to increase the flexibility and adaptability of workforce
on management level, than the place of an E-ship stimulating policy is:
INPUT--state subsidy for SMEs human resources development in business
management; COMPONENT Increasing E-ship; TARGET--Increasing workers
quality (abilities and skills); GOAL--Increase the flexibility and
adaptability of workforce on management level, with direct effects on
economic performance.
In the new era, it can be notice that we are going towards an
entrepreneurial society. In these conditions, if the goal of an
organisation is to increase competitiveness or to maintain it at a high
level, the modern management must be in principle entrepreneurial, for
all kind of firms, including micro, small and medium too (SMEs). This
requirement is more necessary in a very dynamic, aggressive and
competitive environment. In this direction, if we are referring on the
managerial team of a company, it is often used the concept of dynamic
abilities, which could be classified in three categories (Teece, 2007),
such as:
* Ability for identifying the new market opportunities, like
technological, investments, informational, commercial, financial, etc.
and the risks or the potential sources of risks from the economic and
social environment.
* Capacity of a correct quantification or measuring the
opportunities, risks and trends of a complex and continuous changing
* Skills to catch on the opportunities and to transform them in
sustainable business or in real factors for enhance company
performances, through reengineering the assets of the organisation and
the structure of its activities.
It must be noticed that the public strategies devoted to stimulate
SMEs development must be based on correct, in time and relevant
All of these conditions are necessary to give the opportunity and
to create a technical support for all interested decision makers for a
better design, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of resources
allocated and used to support SMEs. But, having the information could be
a difficult process (Klapper et. al., 2007). We could outline here many
influence factors with a strong impact on the quality of gathering and
processing data (Table 2).
The Human Resources Development Project
Phare/2004/016-772., named "Today Managers,
Entrepreneurs Tomorrow! Project for entrepreneurial and managerial
skills development" itself is promoting the development of E-ship
through increasing the quality of all level management for industrial
sector. Based on the results of our research, we found that new firms
creation depends essentially on policies, institutions and tax systems,
specific for each country. Also, we can use 2 indicators for measuring
the dynamic of entrepreneurial activity or new born firms (Klapper et.
al., 2007): business entry (AER--Average Entry Rates) and density rate
(ABD--Average Business Density). Based on WB Study, using data available
from 84 countries, we can appreciate that the highest ABD per 1,000
active people, by region, in 2003-2005 is registered in Industrialized
Countries (64.23%) and the lowest in Asia (1.57%). The highest AER, by
region, in 2003-2005, using data from 82 countries is found also in
Industrialized Countries (10.24%) and the lowest in Asia (6.7%). In
Romania, ABD is evaluating ascendant in the last 2-3 years, but the
indicator is still 2.5 less than EU media. So, the propagate goal of the
project, is to create a network between business and high education, for
a better evolution of the specialists supply for managerial activities
in Romania, using the infrastructure and the experience of all the
organisations involved in the project.
Yet, taking into account the evolution of science and technologies,
the continuous changing of business environment, building an effective
E-ship framework represents a permanent challenge. In these conditions,
the main important requirements for a high performance of national
economies are: the E-ship services must be updated based on the most
relevant, complete and correct information; a continuous process of
developing entrepreneurial abilities and skills; more collaborative
projects between firms, universities and public sector.
Activities of the EU (2008), SCADPlus: A modern policy for SMEs, Accessed: 2008-03-05
Ahmad, N. & Hoffman, A. N. (2008), A Framework for Addressing
and Measuring Entrepreneurship, OECD Statistics Working Paper.
Washington D.C.: OECD, p. 10, Available from: Accessed: 2008-01-24
European Committee (2007), Evaluating Socio Economic Development,
Sourcebook 1: Themes and Policy Areas Enterprise Policy, Available from: Accessed 2008-03-12
Klapper, L.; Amit, R.; Guillen, M. F. & Quesada, M. D. (2007),
Entrepreneurship and Firm Formation Across Countries. World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper 4313. Washington D.C.: World Bank, Development
Research Group, Finance and Private Sector Team, pp.2-15, Available
from: Accessed: 2008-14-03
OECD Entrepreneurship Indicators Project: Overview (2007), World
Bank Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Development, Washington D.C.,
Available from: Accessed: 2008-03-09
Teece, D.J. (2007), The role of managers, entrepreneurs and the
literati in enterprise performance and economic growth, International
Journal of Technological, Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 1,
No 1, August 2007, pp. 48-61, ISSN 1753-1950
Tab. 1. Influence factors on gathering and processing data.
No Influence factors Description
1. Data availability Not compiling data about new entry
business or collecting data but not
processing them
2. Data "purity" Legal or institutional reforms which
change the rules for registration firms
or the status of the firms
3. Limitations regarding Not in all countries exists requirements
data on firm closures for reporting the closure of the
4. businesses
The existence of Created only for tax purpose, without
"shell" corporations being active businesses