Wireless networks and programming languages used in the management of emergency situations.
Cioca, Marius ; Cioca, Lucian-Ionel ; Mihaescu, Liviu 等
Floods are natural phenomena that profoundly affect the development
of human society as they are the most widespread disasters in the world
and they cause the greatest property and human loss. The fact that the
areas where flooding may occur are predictable and that warning is
usually possible make flood risk management easier. Using mathematical
simulations and models of flooding scenarios, we could able to prevent
and to investigate the problems that arise during and after the
occurrence of the disaster. Floods are modeled by (Donciulescu et al.,
1996), (Donciulescu et al., 1985) in the context of decision support
systems in water retention and allocation applications.
The paper describes a research project referring to the disaster
prevention. Its main objectives are the following (Cioca et al., 2007):
--Designing and building a calamity warning and prevention
mechanism--an early flood warning system (EFWS);
--Developing a spatial information system (SIS) by using
geographical information systems (GIS), combined with mathematical
models and other technologies, in order to evaluate the affected areas;
--Developing flood scenarios processed by a computational
Grid-based system and presented to the users via certain Web interfaces.
Romania has lagged behind other European countries in terms of
information centralization and access to information. The development of
a spatial elements decision support system involves having access to
diverse, updated information and making decisions based on accurate and
promptly disseminated information. The resolution of this inconsistency
is part of Romania's efforts toward Euro-Atlantic integration.
Under disaster circumstances (rushes, floods, etc.) the flood
warning systems that "fail" are, in this order: TV cable,
electrical network, and possibly mobile phone networks. As shown below
in figure 1, the system designed to inform the citizen on the imminence of a rush "short-circuits"--in general --between points 3 and
4 (5) and respectively 2-5.
Thus, we consider our solution feasible and realistic as it
provides a practical alternative to existing warning systems. After
discussing the issue with authorities responsible for informing the
citizens of a certain locality (especially a rural one), we describe an
actual situation that happened in the Sibiu area (Cioca et al., 2007).
The head of a fire brigade who is a member of the emergency committee
told us that "... during the flooding in commune X, I tried to
contact the mayor in order to inform him. No one answered the phone in
his office, so the secretary was not at work either, the mayor's
mobile phone was turned off and I strived for about one and a half hour
to reach him.".
As the example tells us, one and a half hour was wasted in a
situation when every second is crucial. If the person in charge with
informing the citizens on the impending flooding had been able to use a
communication system as that described below (and a database containing
the phone numbers of all persons in the risk areas [data filed with the
agreement of their owners and possibly for an immaterial fee of
$0.5/month]), he/she would have gained 90 minutes.
We can remark that in the case of a rush (flooding, etc.), citizens
may find themselves in one of the following situations:
--They are not informed on the matter.
--They are informed too late.
--They are informed at the right time (this has been rather
uncommon in 2005 and 2006, especially in the rural areas).
In order to solve these difficulties and to build a concrete
system, our proposal is focused on Grid technologies. This section will
give a brief presentation of most important aspects regarding the actual
Grid-based methodologies, approaches, and applications. Also, we draw
several definitions and possible classifications of the Grid platforms,
and we enumerate the challenges and different areas of research. At the
end, we'll expose the use of semantic Web technologies in the
context of Grid computing.
According to (Buyya, 2002), Grid computing--a new paradigm for
next-generation computing--enables the sharing, selection, and
aggregation of worldwide distributed heterogeneous resources for solving
large-scale problems in certain areas of interest or for proving access
to large data, information, or knowledge repositories.
To address these challenges, a systematic approach to model and
retrieve certain resources has to be adopted. A system managing
available knowledge must offer facilities for the creation, exchange,
storage, and retrieval of knowledge in an ex-changeable,
platform-neutral and usable format.
In the next sections, we shall describe our vision regarding the
architecture of the decision support system to be used for disaster
management. Our focus is to provide general solutions concerning the
three aspects mentioned in the introduction of this paper.
4.1 Early Flood Warning System (EFWS)
To avoid poor of lack of communication in the case of urgency, a
possible solution--which actually does not exist at the present
moment--would have been a protocol between mobile operators and the
Government, solution that mobile operators have probably never thought
of, being to busy with sending to subscribers their unsolicited text
messages with information on cultural events, bills, etc., which are
undoubtedly important, but missing them never poses a threat to
people's lives.
The proposal is viable also due to the fact that mobile telephony
has gained more subscribers than fixed telephony; some families possess
even 2-3 mobile phones, so there is a chance that at least one member of
the family gets the warning in the case of certain calamity.
In Figure 1 (with a continuous line), the system develops at a
regional (county) scale and may be easily expanded to a national one
(with dotted line); if implemented at a national level, the system will
radically reduce the number of situations when people is taken by
surprise by raging waters, for example.
The minimum requirement is to send a text/picture message to
responsible authorities (or directly to citizens) in the case of a
disaster. The system must be as reliable as possible and platform
independent. It must be user friendly and intuitive, addressing people
with minimal/medium computer skills. These warning messages and
announcements can be sent via regular SMS (Short Message System)
facilities. An intranet application (under the control of an institution
such as the Mayor's Office) must have access to an SMS server
provided by a mobile operator.
The EFWS can function within a Grid system deployed by a civil
authority (The Meteorology and Hydrology Institute, Mayor, Civil
Defence, etc.) or--in extreme cases--by a military one.
4.2 Spatial Information System (SIS)
When we mention spatial information systems, we refer to a
combination of GIS (Geographical Information System) technologies and
computer numerical methods (models and algorithms) in order to build a
spatial decision support system.
With the help of certain numerical techniques, machine learning
algorithms, and optimization methods, the system can be very useful for
modelling and simulating various possible scenarios.
One important aspect is to prepare non-spatial input data required
by numerical models by operations executed on spatial data. Another one
is starting a set of operations on spatial data in order to evaluate the
impact the solutions obtained by numerical methods might have.
For example, when selecting a location for a point of observation
regarding natural disasters, we can use a multi-attribute analysis
(Cioca & Cioca, 2005), in order to visualize the neighbourhoods and
the access ways for making the right decision with the help of the
proposed system (Filip, 2002), (Filip, 2004).
Databases can be stored and deployed on classical actual database
management systems (for example, Oracle, Informix IDS, Microsoft SQL
Server). At the level of desktop, for mapping we can use an application
like MapInfo Professional. A suitable solution for the intranet/internet
is provided by MapInfo Discovery and MapXtreme Deployment.
Due to the fact that the acquirement of the input data (maps) -
e.g., satellite maps--is the most timeconsuming task, we can purchase
maps of scales between 1:10,000--1:50,000 from Geo Strategies.
The designed system must be simple and user friendly, in order to
be accessed even by the endusers with no programming or Internet skills.
The application must provide the quick access to the type and category
of maps required and offer basic functions regarding map manipulation:
pan, zoom, search, layer control, measure distance, select, etc. Also,
the system needs to give flexible access to digital maps in different
locations and made by different authors.
Because of its complexity, the problem of disaster automatic
management, in an intelligent manner can not be easily resolved. The
paper drawn certain considerations regarding the actual situation of
calamity warning and prevention activities and was focused on providing
online support for making decisions regarding these aspects.
Several main components were identified, in order to simplify the
design and implementation of a complex Grid- based system that can use
semantic Web (Shadbolt et al., 2006) technologies for enhancing disaster
management. The paper presented a general view of the proposed suite of
applications and not imposed a particular, specific, solution of
Unquestionable, further studies must be directed. One important
path will concern the aggregation and visualization of the data about
the observed disasters. Other interesting directions regard the
searching, reusing, merging distributed ontologies and discovering and
classifying the relationships (Sheth et al., 2003) established between
different Grid components.
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