Using optimizer hints in an Oracle database.
Boicea, Alexandru ; Radulescu, Florin ; Bucur, Ion 等
Optimizer hints can be used with SQL statements to alter execution
plans. Hints let you make decisions usually made by the optimizer. As an
application designer, you might know information about your data that
the optimizer does not know. Hints provide a mechanism to direct the
optimizer to choose a certain query execution plan based on the specific
For example, you might know that a certain index is more selective
for certain queries. Based on this information, you might be able to
choose a more efficient execution plan than the optimizer. In such a
case, use hints to force the optimizer to use the optimal execution
The following work presents the manner in which the hints can
influenced the execution of an application following mainly the number
of executions of stored procedures and functions and the total time of
execution. For this reason the stored procedure Transformation_ Loading
was chosen which executes cyclically other stored procedures and
functions. The execution diagram is presented in Figure 1. Optimization is starting from the performances presented in the Table 1 which is
showing the number of executions (Count) of every procedure and function
and the average time of executions (Average Time). After modification of
the system parameters, specified for every optimization type, were made
in average 100 execution tests at different moments in time with maximum
300 simultaneous users connected to the database.
The procedure Start_Application is monitoring the total time of
execution spent from the time of launching an execution until the
finalization of the complete cycle, taking into consideration just the
execution times over 1 second. The optimization will take place at the
Oracle offers several optimizer modes that allow to choose your
definition of the "best" execution plan (Garmany et al.,
2008). Optimization at the level of instance is made setting the
parameter OPTIMIZER MODE on the Configuration menu, accessed from the
Oracle console.
The values of this parameter can be:
Optimizer_Mode =CHOOSE -- optimization at the level of cost
Optimizer_Mode=FIRST_ROWS -- optimization of the answering times of
Optimizer_Mode=ALL_ROWS -- optimization of the consumption of
Optimizer_Mode = RULE -- optimization at the level of rules There
were obtained the following times of execution in terms of options:
Optimizer_Mode = CHOOSE -- 541 sec
Optimizer_Mode = FIRST_ROWS -- 537 sec
Optimizer_Mode = ALL_ROWS -- 549 sec
Optimizer_Mode = RULE -- 504 sec
Therefore the optimization based on rules (indifferent of the
existence of statistics) has the better performances.
If a SQL statement has a hint specifying an optimization approach
and goal, then the optimizer uses the specified approach regardless of
the presence or absence of statistics, the value of the OPTIMIZER_MODE
initialization parameter, and the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter of the ALTER
SESSION statement. The optimizer goal applies only to queries submitted
directly. For changing the optimization at the level of session would be
using the command:
ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_GOAL= option where option is one of the
option presented in the item 2.
The all_rows optimizer mode is designed to minimize computing resources and it favors full-table scans. Index access (first_rows) adds
additional I/O overhead, but they return rows faster, back to the
originating query. The rule and choose modes reflect the obsolete
rule-based optimizer, so we will focus here. The following times of
execution were obtained in terms of options:
Optimizer_Goal = CHOOSE -- 453 sec
Optimizer_Goal = FIRST_ROWS -- 476 sec
Optimizer_Goal = ALL_ROWS -- 490 sec
Optimizer_Goal = RULE -- 429 sec
Optimization based on rules obtained the best time of execution at
the session level too. Analyzing the results it can be observed that
optimization at the level of session is always prevalently comparative
with the one at the level of instance.
We can use the time performance views V$Sys_Time_Model and
V$Sess_Time_Model. These views gather cumulative stats for either the
entire instance, or per session(Burleson, 2006).
Let's take a quick look at how hints are used to alter
optimizer execution plans. A optimizer hint is an optimizer directive
placed inside the SQL statement and used in those rare cases where the
optimizer makes an incorrect decision about the execution plan.
Changing the optimization at the level of instruction can be made
indicating the type of optimization respecting the following syntax:
SELECT/* hint_name * /column1, column2, ...
INTO var1, var2, ...
FROM table_name WHERE conditions;
where hint_name represent the type of optimization and can be
Because SQL is a declarative language, a query can be written in
many different ways, each with a different execution plan. For changing
the optimization would be changed the sub application and cursors from
procedures and functions, specifying the type of optimization.
From all the tested types the smallest time of execution was
obtained using the optimization based on COST -- 309 sec.
Analyzing the results of testing it can be observed that the
obtained time of execution through optimization at the session level is
better then the one obtained through optimization at the level of
instance. Nevertheless, optimization at level of instruction (based on
costs) has the best results concerning the time of execution of
procedures. This fact draws us to the conclusion to obtain higher
performance an Oracle application depends in a highest degree of
developers, which can intervene at the instruction level, when the
administrator can intervene just at the level of parameters of system.
Always the optimal performances can be obtain through the setting
of parameters of system correlated with the optimization of applications
at the level of instruction, specially at the database with a big number
of registrations.
A proper suggestive representation is observed the TIME in the
histogram presents in Figure 2.
When using hints, in some cases, you might need to specify a full
set of hints in order to ensure the optimal execution plan. For example,
if you have a very complex query, which consists of many table joins,
and if you specify only the INDEX hint for a given table, then the
optimizer needs to determine the remaining access paths to be used, as
well as the corresponding join methods. Therefore, even though you gave
the INDEX hint, the optimizer might not necessarily use that hint,
because the optimizer might have determined that the requested index
cannot be used due to the join methods and access paths selected by the
optimizer. However, Oracle does not recommend changing the default
values for many of these parameters because the changes can affect the
execution plans for thousands of SQL statements. For example, the
optimizer is using very rarely an index in the case of an interrogation
which is returning a very big number of lines from a table. Too many
indexes will also slow down performance of updates and inserts (Garmany,
In this situation if the index is deactivated we will have better
performances. If an SQL instruction is modifying an indexed column, this
will make the optimizer to not use in execution the indexes that is
having the respective column. Modifying the clause WHERE in an SQL
instruction, without modifying the result of interrogation, can
determine the optimizer to suppress the use of index.
The optimization depends on a model and it depends on a number of
assumptions about how that model will be have at run-time. Sometimes the
model isn't realistic enough; sometimes the run-time activity
doesn't quite match the model(Lewis, 2006). And just to make things
that little bit harder to understand, sometimes the model, the run-time
action, or both, will change as you upgrade the version of Oracle.
Burleson, D.K.(2006). Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference, ISBN 0-9744486-2-1, Ed. Library of Congress, USA
Garmany, J., Karam, S., Hartmann, L., Jain,V.J. & Carr, B.,
(2008). Oracle 11g New Features, Ed. Rampant TechPress, ISBN
978-0-9797951-0-70-9797951-0-9, USA
Garmany, J.(2007). The Power of Indexings, Oracle Tips by Burleson
Consulting, February 16th, 2007, USA
Lewis, J.(2006). Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals ISBN
1-59059-636-6, Ed. Apress, USA
oracle11g/index.html, Accesed on:2009-05-11
Tab. 1. The initial execution times for stored procedures
(exec) Time
Start_Application 1 628
Transformation_Loading 1 621
Execute_Begining_Statemens 1 610
Process_EDI_Data 39 534
Update_Invoice 39 49
Execute_Parse 39 178
Execute_Level_Two 9 354
Split_Child 220 23
Merge_Bills 1124 18
Empty_Table 2043 35
Write_Log 8838 160