Using databases and GIS in sales management.
Badea, Ruxandra ; Badea, Alexandru ; Moise, Cristian 等
In the present context of the globalization of the economic
activity and the expansion of knowledge management, the structured
information a company owns becomes a vital resource for maintaining the
level of competitiveness (Donaldson, 2005). Using geographic information
and spatial analysis in economic fields, which depend more or less of
the geographical component, can be an innovative measure and a source of
competitive advantages. The innovative instruments which allow managers
to introduce these concepts in their activity are Geographical
Information Systems (GIS). These tools have a great importance in all
economic fields and especially in marketing and sales. Their efficiency
recommends them as instruments of the future and their assimilation in
organizations equals lower costs and a better understanding of the
target market.
GIS is very useful in all the component activities of sales
management like sales forecasting, sales territory management, sales
force distribution, selecting the best location for new sales points.
With GIS complex market analysis can be made easy, competitors can be
analyzed, the potential sales areas can be studied and decisions can be
more easily taken. The decisional factors of a company have the complete
picture of any situation when making a decision.
The tangible benefits of using GIS in sales management can be seen
in the rise of the productivity of sales forces, the diminution of
operational costs and of the number of sales agents. In the same time
customer satisfaction rises and overall costs are diminished.
The use of spatial information in the economic activity in Romania
is rather rare. Not many companies use spatial information to analyze
elements of interest even though they have all the information at their
disposal. Tables and graphs will never be as easily read as a map,
especially in areas where location is an important variable of the
problem (Badea et al, 2008). Studies performed at this point try to show
the benefits of GIS and location based analysis in all economic fields.
In a small degree this information is used by banks to locate and place
ATMs and in logistics to manage transports and dimension transport
In the case of a fictional Romanian supermarket named Coral many
analyses were performed using GIS techniques to show the potential
benefits and the valuable information that can be obtained. Considering
a sample area around the supermarket we can see the concentrations of
clients in different shades from light green to dark green. We can also
see the competition around and analyze it. By knowing the
socio-demographic profile of our clients we can perform complex analysis
and even build up customer profiles. (Miller, 2007)
The target areas can be seen in the image below. Being a local
supermarket with a rather poor offer it bases its strategy on being a
proximity store for customers found in the surrounding areas. The
competition can be seen on the map based on their annual revenues. The
bigger circles mean bigger revenues. We can calculate distances and
appreciate competition levels. Using a measure tool we can see exactly
how much each store can influence the subject store.
As all companies, Coral superstore has a certain geographic
territory which constantly needs to be defined and analyzed. This means
that besides the territory analysis based on clients, these territories
come with their own demographic and social-economic information. In this
manner we have a complete profile of our customers and information about
their age, sex, education level or income. All these elements are
essential for an efficient planning based on demography, client
dispersion, market trends, sales personnel and demographic profiles. We
can see where we have territories with sales lower than expected, we can
see if territories are equilibrate from the clients' point of view
and in which territories we have the most complain from clients.
Managers also have a better picture on the competitors that act in a
certain territory.
Correct planning, optimization and implementation of the
distribution logistics affect the profitability of the company. Managers
have to face unpredictable situations and have to take into account a
multitude of parameters. They have to keep transport costs at a minimum
level without compromising restrictions like time, transport load,
weather and schedules, or the most important factor, customer
satisfaction. For all these problems GIS applications can make the
difference. (Maguire et al, 2008)
Using at large scale Geographic Information Systems consists, in
fact, in a platform for implementing a management based on knowledge.
Also, in the economic field the preoccupation of integrating the
Geographic Informational Systems, even if recent, has gained momentum
and the applications have multiple uses, therefore becoming a necessity.
The most important thing in today's economy is to know were
clients and potential clients are and how they react to promotional
activities. In the present context of the financial crisis it is crucial
for companies to know exactly were customers can be found, as it would
be a waste of resources to spend money on promotional campaigns that are
not well oriented and that won't produce results in the end.
Companies need now to focus their efforts in making the most out of what
they have, this meaning preserving their customers and knowing how to
promote their products to the real potential customers. Risks should be
avoided as much as possible, this being the reason why businesses will
need to make their markets transparent in order to survive. Making this
bond with their customers will be a serious plus and will definitely
make the competition easier. More and more organizations around the
world are already taking advantage of these solutions and the economical
context will force all companies to make their activities as efficient
as possible. The financial investment is not big compared to benefits
and the advantage of using a GIS platform is obvious.(Maguire et al,
The GIS applications for sales and marketing concentrate on the
following aspects:
* Market prospecting, knowing where the clients and the potential
clients are
* Dimensioning and placing of the commercial zones based on
population density
* Forecasting the sales for retail points for a certain period of
time. Building models for sales forecasting for a certain retail point
and predicting the future characteristics of a sale area based on
historic datasets.
* Performing an interactive forecast of the sales and building
interactive models of market segmentation
* Using the gravitational model for optimal placing of a new store.
Developing gravitational models for estimating the potential sales at
the new retail sales points
* Performing analysis based on the average time of traveling the
distance to the sale points
* Evaluation of competitors and building up a complete picture of
the competition and its characteristics.
* Orienting the marketing campaigns and improving performances in
marketing communication (customer information may vary and help in
strategic segmentation and in discovering the most efficient
communication channels)
* Finding the ideal customer's profile for aiming groups with
similar characteristics
Supplementary thematic maps will complete the analysis scenario and
may serve to utilities providers or public institutions without
commercial profile, if the following are added:
* Zonal estimation of utility consume (electricity, water,
telecommunications, etc)
* Dimensioning the common carrier services by estimating the number
of passengers
* Forecasting of the necessary educational services (kindergartens,
schools, high schools, etc) based on demographic prognoses
* Computing the crime degree and developing of certain combat
* Complex analysis regarding the population's heath and risk
factors of a zone
* Labor force occupation degree related to demanded work force
* Placing and dimensioning of service points (banks, hospitals,
pharmacies, fire stations, etc)
* Planning the roads exoneration based on estimations of usage and
traffic degree
* Monitoring the pollution degree
The obvious conclusion is that using GIS is an important asset in a
company, an asset which can transform in a real competitive advantage.
Badea, R; Voicu, V., Bagu, C., Lungu, A., Moise, C., (2008)
Introducing Gis In Marketing Analysis And Sales Management, Annals of
DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings Of The 19th International Daaam
Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus On
Next Generation Of Intelligent Systems And Solutions", ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 026, Editor B. Katalinic, Trnava,
Slovakia, 2008
Badea, R., Voicu, V.& Moise, C.(2008). Ways to Improve Sales
Management for Romanian Retailers Using Geographical Information
Systems, Proceedings Of 9th WSEAS International Conference On
Mathematics & Computers In Business &Economics (MCBE '08),
Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008
Donaldson, B. (2005). Sales Management: Theory and Practice 3rd
edition, Codecs Publishing House, ISBN CDCS-12, Bucharest
Maguire, D., Kouyoumjian, V., Smith, R., The Business Benefits of
GIS, ISBN 978-1-58948-200-5, Published by ESRI Press, 2008
Miller, Fred L., GIS Tutorial for Marketing, ISBN
978-1-58948-079-7, Published by ESRI Press, 2007
Zeiller, M., (1999), Modeling our world, The ESRI Guide to
Geodatabase design, ESRI Press, ISBN 1-879102-62-5, California, USA