The spin-off: the step from research to business.
Turcoiu, Titi ; Stanasila, Octavian ; Trifa, Gavril-Ioan 等
Through its mission, a university must offer society members
education, training and new knowledge. Access to information and
knowledge, coupled with innovative, creative spirit of many of its
members, especially young people, give the possibility to subscribe the
way of becoming a knowledge-based society.
The increasing welfare of this society may become real only by
infusion to knowledge, new products and services, technologies, know-how
a.s.o results of creative human mind, research-development and
innovative activities, all transferred in economical market.
The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) has 13 faculties, 4
departments, 38 research centers and, recently, 2 incubator centers (one
of these is our incubator, named Technological and Business Incubator,
CPRU-ITA, implemented in 2007) (Turcoiu, 2008b).
The UPB's research activity is funded around 100.000.000 Euro
per year, from research-development agreements, research grants a.s.o.
innovative activities. Most of this money is used for equipment
acquisition, especially of IT, for human and material resources, costs
of seminars, conferences, publications a.s.o. But we have one problem:
what part of this sum is materialized in transferrable products,
technologies and services to increase the welfare of society members? We
think that only a small part of it!?
This is a reason for the Romanian Government to open a new
financial program to increase economical competitiveness, through
research competiveness, technological development and innovation, the
operation: support for innovative start-up and spin-off (with Romanian
coding: POSCCE- A2-O 2.3.12008), with a budget of 18.500.000 Euro.
As what we up asserted, only innovative companies are eligible for
this program, recent setting up, with an activity of 1 to 3 years, named
start-up, or what to set up in the same time to develop the financial
project, named spin-off.
In conception of this financial program the spin-off is a new or
formed by split from a larger one, such as a research group, research
institute or, to set up and produce and market one's own results of
research-development (Turcoiu, 2008a).
Our spin-off project was set up by three university professors, of
course, from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, incubated in
Technological and Business Incubator, CPRUITA, with recently own patent,
emitted of Romanian National Office of Invention and Trade Marks (Stanasila, 1993; 2007). The spin-off project was named by acronym HYFETECH and was entitled: "Ecologic technology to produce of
The budget demanded of this project was of 150.000 Euro, and the
duration will be of 15 months.
In the actual techniques, there are many industrial plants,
research pilots or solutions to deoxidize the iron ores. The proposed
technology, in this project of spin-off, entitled HYFETECH, is based on
the treatment of the iron ore at about 5500C, with a gaseous reducer,
furnished by a gas producer (from cellulosic residues) and on the iron /
steam reaction in order to obtain pure hydrogen, equivalent to that from
electrolysis. Usual iron ore under 150 [micro]m, not pelletized,
descends in bulk in a reactor and is traversed by the reducing gas. The
thermo chemical processes are intensified over 100 times, in comparison
with the heat transfer in the case of pellets or balls. The hydrogen is
obtained by temporary re-oxidation, with steam from common water, of the
iron ore (reduced sufficiently), which subsequently is fully reduced to
iron. The production of hydrogen is adjustable, the correlation being of
about 1000 m3n [H.sub.2] [left and right arrow] 1 t Fe; the plant can
yield only Fe, according to the market requirements.
Among the applications of iron powder: to yield special steels
(avoiding the losses due to the oxidation of C and implicitly Fe), in
pharmaceutical industry or even in sowing the oceans to increase in a
controllable way the aquatic production of hydrogen is adjustable, the
correlation being of about 1000 m3n [H.sub.2] [left and right arrow] 1 t
Fe; the plant can yield only Fe, according to the market requirements.
Among the applications of iron powder: to yield special steels
(avoiding the losses due to the oxidation of C and implicitly Fe), in
pharmaceutical industry or even in sowing the oceans to increase in a
controllable way the aquatic flora and fauna (with favorable
consequences to diminish C[O.sub.2] in the terrestrial atmosphere); in
what concerns the hydrogen applications, the main problem is the cost,
reduction of which enlarging the applications in the industries of the
artificial fuels, fertilizers or in green Energetic.
It is necessary to build a pilot with continuous operation,
permitting the design of the further great industrial plants (the profit
increasing with the capacity).
Innovative aspects of the technology of this spin-ff project:
--The technology exploits the direct contact between the gaseous
redox agents and the iron ore, to make available the great surface of
heat transfer of the small granules of ore.
--In the zone of de-oxidation, the reducing gas traverses
alternately the bulk. This alternation reduces 5 to 6 times the
temperature variation in the mass of ore, creating uniform processes.
--In the next zone, the partially reduced iron ore is traversed,
alternately too, by the oxidizing agent (steam prepared in exterior) and
one release clean hydrogen. Then, one completes the reduction of the
iron ore.
--The technology does not use technical oxygen. Main advantages of
the technology that sustain the production:
--The iron powder, practically without carbon, will be welcome in
steelworks where the carbon must be extracted, by burning it and the
iron with oxygen. For large productions, the iron powder can be
briquetted, with no danger of pyrophoricity.
--The resulted iron powder is obtained at a cost price under 60% of
that actual one and it can also answer to the exigencies of the
pharmaceutical industry.
--The resulted hydrogen is clean, at a price under 70[euro] /1000
--The technology is highly ecological, since all the emissions are
well neutralized and carbon dioxide is clean, that simplifying and
cheapening the plant.
-Finally, the plants which apply the proposed technology are
compact and reliable, at low costs of investment and operation.
In order to create a business plan for one industrial installation
that produces hydrogen after the HYFETECH technical project, we must
consider one quantity of hydrogen and one quantity of pure iron.
All our calculation is done with [+ or -] 10 % error. For this
business plan we consider one industrial installation that can produce 1
t / h (ton / hour) Fe (pure iron) + 500 m3n (normal cubic meter) / h
(hour) H2 (hydrogen):
4.1 The investment expenses:
--the gas production 200.000 [euro]
--the reactor reducer 150.000 [euro]
--the de-carbonator 40.000 [euro]
--the hydrogen reactor 60.000 [euro]
- the design activity 30.000 [euro]
Total 480.000 [euro]
At these expenses 150.000 [euro] must be added for the land
(arrangement, the pipes, access way a.s.o.), the annexes, service
location, fees a.s.o.
So, the TOTAL investment expenses add up to:
630.000 [euro].
4.2 Yearly operation expenses (with [+ or -] 10 % error)
--the pay off (in six years) 480.000 [euro] /6 = 80.000 [euro]
--the fuel (cellulosic residues), at 80 [euro]/ton, with one
supplement of 30% for hydrogen obtaining (1,4 t fuel / 1 t Fe x 1.3 x
8000 h/year x 80 [euro]t) = 1.170.000 [euro]
--the superior to milling iron ore (1,7 t iron ore/1t Fe x 1,3 x
8000 h/year x 45 [euro]/t) = 800.000 [euro]
--the electric energy (60 kW x 8000 h/year x 0,1 [euro]/kwh) =
50.000 [euro]
--the maintenance and service (nearly 25% of pay off) = 20.000
--the gross salaries (10 persons x 600 [euro]/month x 12 months =
75.000 [euro]
--the overhead (40% of maintenance and salaries) = 40.000 [euro]
--others = 165.000 [euro]
TOTAL yearly operation expenses : 2.400.000 [euro]
4.3 The yearly gross revenues
--hydrogen (500 [m.sup.3.sub.n] / h x 8000h/year x 250 [euro]/1000
--the current market price) = 1.000.000 [euro]
- iron powder (1 t/h x 8000 h/year x 350 [euro]/t) = 2.800.000
--charcoal (20% of fuel with 90 [euro]/t) = 180.000 [euro]
--steam of drying process = 70.000 [euro]
TOTAL yearly gross revenues: 4.050.000 [euro]
4.4 Yearly net profit (with 19% income tax): (4.050.000
[euro]--2.400.0000 [euro]) x 0,81 = 1.336.500 [euro]
4.5 The pay off duration :
480.000 [euro] x 12 months / 1.336.500 [euro] = 4,3 months.
--The spin-off project HYFETECH constructing one pilot installation
to produce hydrogen, using iron ore;
--The HYFETECH technology to produce hydrogen is an ecological
--The hydrogen may be the main or secondary product;
--In the case when hydrogen is a secondary product, its price is
very low (nearly 70[euro] /1000 [m.sup.3.sub.n]), practically for free;
--This type of research and project (spin-off) may be one great
business, because for a large installation, for example one that
produces 10t/h Fe and 5000 [m.sup.3.sub.n]/h [H.sub.2], the yearly net
profit it is much more:
--the investment expenses are nearly 2.000.000 [euro]
--the yearly operation expenses are nearly 20.000.000 [euro]
--the yearly gross revenues are nearly 40.000.000 [euro]
--the yearly net profit is nearly 16.000.000 [euro]
And, of course,
--the pay off duration to reduce under 3 months
Stanasila, C. (2007). Method and Installation to Produce
Concomitantly Iron Powder and Cheap Clean Hydrogen. Romanian patent
no.121605/28th December 2007
Stanasila,C. & Stanasila, O. (1993). Method and Installation to
Produce the Hydrogen. Romanian patent no.106721/30th June 1993
Turcoiu, T.; Stanasila, O. & Mirea, A. (2009). Innovative Ideas
in the Technological and Business Incubator of University
"POLITEHNICA" of Bucharest. Proceedings of The 2nd
International Conference,, Entrepreneurial, Innovation and Regional
Development, Ketikidis, P. et. al. (Ed),pp 291-297, ISBN 978-960-89629-9-6, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-25 April, 2009, City
Sheffield Thessaloniki
Turcoiu, T. (2008a). HRTC-TBI: One Entity for to Intensify The
Innovation and Technological Transfer, The 12th Symposium
MATNANTECH-CEEX, Sinaia, Romania, 7-10 May, 2008
Turcoiu,T. (2008b). One Solution for to Intensify the
Research-Development, Innovation and Technological Transfer Activities
in Romanian Maritime Universities, Proceedings of IMLA 16th Conference
on Marine Education and Training, Guldem, C(Ed.), pp 225-234,ISBN
978-975-441 256-, Izmir, Turkey, 14-17,October 2008, Dokuz Eylul
Publication, Izmir