The management of innovations applied for intelligent garments.
Fufezan, Monica ; Pelau, Corina ; Dinca, Violeta 等
The development of new technological innovations has changed the
way of living of the consumers and their behaviour on the markets. It
has changed in a positive way our living standards, by making it easier
to do certain things, to communicate and the list can go on. Nowadays,
in comparison to 15-20 years ago, it is very difficult to imagine to
work without the internet, without mobile phones or without other
electronic devices. Very interesting innovations are the intelligent
garments. These smart clothes, which are presented in this article, take
over many of the functions of other devices. Although these clothes
might seem as science fiction, their importance increases in the field
of sports and medicine (Mattila, 2006). Taking in consideration the
rapid developments of the technique, they might become the clothes of
the future.
Both in literature and in practice several such intelligent
garments are presented and analyzed. Although, in order to make these
clothes the garments of the future, it is not enough just to develop
these intelligent garments, but also to make the consumers buy them.
Based on some discussions with managers from the garment industry, in
this article, there are presented the results of a research regarding
the management elements which have to be taken in consideration when
trying to market these products. For the future, it is important to
analyze the opinion of the consumers regarding these intelligent
garments. It is important to find out, if the consumers are willing to
wear such clothes and what is their opinion regarding their new
functions. Only by the acceptance of the consumer, the intelligent
garment will become the clothes of the future.
Until now, the main function of clothing was to protect the human
body from the actions of the environment as for instance cold, rain,
heat and UV-rays and to assure a proper microclimate for the person who
wears it. Besides this, cloths have a social function, by offering
certain information about the person who wears it and to create an image
to this person. In this sense the brands play an important role (Oros,
In the last decades, new innovations have been developed, which
lead to the creation of "smart textiles". So the classic
functions of the cloths have been extended by new modern functions. An
overview on the innovations and new technologies indicate the main areas
of the smart textiles. These categories are: fashion, sports, healthcare
and work wear.
In the field of fashion, there are invented new materials, which
are more comfortable at wearing. The new fashion uses active textiles
which mean cloths that provide comfort, care, protection and freshness
for the skin. The principle of these active textiles is to build active
ingredients into the materials of clothing, so that during the natural
movement of the body, the skin is permanently freshened and revitalized.
One of the most interesting innovation is the bionic climate membrane,
which reacts on changing temperatures and weather conditions (Schoeller,
2009). The way this material works, can be seen in fig. 1.
Another innovation in the field of fashion is the way in which
consumer will get the information about the product. For more
information about the maintenance of the product, the consumers will not
read anymore the information from the traditional care label, but from
an electronic chip, which will be read with the help of electronic
devices such as the mobile phone. This also makes the work for the store
personnel easier, for information can be gathered much easier (Batista,
In the field of sports, there are many innovations which sustain
and help to achieve outstanding performances. One of the most expressive
examples are the intelligent sportswear, worn by many athletes at the
Olympic Games and other sport events and competitions. It is well known
the example of Ian Thorpe, who has won many gold medals in swimming, by
wearing the Adidas "full body suit". Thorpe's intelligent
bathing suit was supported by a technology which developed and copied
the movement and textures of sharks' and aircraft's
"skins" (Evan-Jones, 2000).
The most useful innovations, with the largest target group of users
are in the field of healthcare. So the intelligent garments have sensors
which can measure the temperature of the human body, the blood pressure
or even the amount of burned calories, while moving. The Vital Jacket,
which can be observed in fig. 2 (left), is an intelligent wearable
garment which monitors the electrocardiogram (ECG) wave and Heart Rate
of the wearer. According to Uebergizmo this products offers many
facilities by "being a wearable vital signs monitoring system,
consists of a amalgamation of textiles with microelectronics and
offering a greater degree of freedom and movement to a patient without
being tied down to a bed by a jungle of wires" (Uebergizmo, 2008).
The information gathered by the vital jacket are stored on a SD
memory card and send to be analyzed to a computer through Bluetooth,
which allows a real time visualization. This product has been developed
not only for medical use, but also for the field of high performance
sports and for fitness programs (Uebergizmo, 2008).
Another field of application for intelligent garments is the area
of work wear. For the people who work in low temperature climate, there
have been invented garments with incorporated heating zones. The heat is
spread directly to the skin and microprocessor allows the controlling of
the heat output.
The navigation jacket is another example of intelligent garment,
which can be used during work. This jacket has incorporated a mobile
phone pocket, a navigation system and a key pad, as it can be seen in
fig. 2 (right) (O'Neill, 2009).
Other types of intelligent garments contain on their surface solar
cells (Ecofriend, 2007) which can transform the solar energy into
electricity which can be used to charge the mobile phone or even a
laptop. Another interesting feature of the intelligent garment is the
automatic transformation of the garment depending on the weather
conditions. So for instance if the temperature increases the zipper opens or if the temperature decreases the zipper closes.
One of the most important elements for the success and performance
of technological changes is their acceptance on the markets. The
customers have to accept the innovation and recognize its potential to
fulfil their needs. This is an essential condition for the economic
success of an innovation, because only if the customers knows the
product and accepts it then they will buy them (Pelau, 2009). So the
management of the company has not only to concentrate on the research
and development of the product, but also on the information of customers
and selling of intelligent garments on the markets.
One of the first things which a garment company has to do is to
inform the customers about the new products and their functions. In
order to achieve the acceptance of the customer, they have to know some
information about the intelligent garments and the improvements they can
bring in their life. Actually having positive information about the
intelligent cloths is the premise for the acceptance of it and
consequently for its economic success, because the consumers buy only
those things, which they know. So the company has to start several
campaigns in order to promote the intelligent garments.
Another important element for the success of intelligent garments
is its easy or simple way of using it. Sometimes because of the
difficulty of use, some innovations are not successful. Conformity
analyzes in how far the innovation can be used together with other
products. If there is no conformity, the risk exists that the consumers
prefer their old products and the routine of using them.
An essential element for the success of the intelligent garments is
the relation between utility and price. One of the most important
factors in the buying decision of the customers is the price (Foscht
& Swoboda, 2004). For this reason companies have on one hand to
adjust the price according to the expectations of the customers, and on
the other hand they have to take care to cover the costs of the product.
An innovation which is to expensive won't be bought by the
consumers. In order to impose the higher prices of the intelligent
garment, it is important to show the consumer the extra-utility they
provide and the facilities the consumer has from this. In order to
obtain the willingness of the consumer to buy the new product it is
important to determine how much extra utility they get for a certain
price (Pelau & Pop, 2007). Consequently, another important aspect
for the success of a technological change is the analysis of costs. Even
if a product fulfills all expectations of a customer, if the product is
to expensive than the consumers will not buy it. That is why, it is
important that the costs of the research and development of the new
technology should not exceed the allowable costs.
The development of intelligent garments has an increased
contribution to the welfare of the consumers. They take over many of the
functions of other devices such as heating, navigation and others.
Although, in order to make this kind of cloths the garments of the
future, it is not enough just to develop them, but also to find a
strategy to sell them and to make the consumers wear them. So the
companies, which offer such products, have to offer innovative garments
at accepted prices on the markets. The main elements which have to be
taken in consideration are those regarding the acceptance of the
customers and their willingness to buy these products.
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