The frequency method of analysis of stability of the multidimensional automatic control system.
Kramar, Vadim
The linear multidimensional control systems are the part of the
linear stationary systems class. That is why their theory is based, by
facts, on the same basis that the theory of one-dimensional systems. At
the same time the multidimensional systems class in comparison with the
one-dimensional systems class requires further evolution of the linear
systems theory because of the particular mathematical research problems
(Doyle, 1992). There are no such problems in one-dimensional systems
class. Such general specific problem is the one of the system
characteristic polynomial, which determines, with combination of the
other description elements, the dynamics of the great number of
processes on its outputs. The core of a problem is in that polynomial is
to be formed so that it is possible to determine a quantity of the
significant image poles of the system outputs (Gasparjan, 2008).
This article presents an approach to building a characteristic
polynomial of the multidimensional control system in case of
unstructured model.
2.1 System model
The mathematical model of multidimensional automatic control system
is to be viewed. This system can be presented as structured model. There
is an input/output description of the system is presented:
y(s) = [PHI](s)u(s), (1)
where y [member of] [R.sup.n], u [member of] [R.sup.n] are the
output and the input vectors correspondingly, and [PHI](s) is a rational
transfer function (the transfer function matrix) of the system, which is
given in the form of:
[PHI](s) = [[I + W (s)].sup.-1] W(s) = W(s)[[I + W(s)].sup.-1], (2)
i.e. in the form of the system, which is shown on Figure 1.
W (s) is the matrix of the forward path transfer functions of n x n
W(s) = {[w.sub.ij](s)}, [w.sub.ij](s) = [p.sub.ij] (s) / [q.sub.ij]
(s), i, j = 1,2, ...n. (3)
Let's present the W(s) matrix in the form of:
W(s) = [Q.sup.-1](s)[PI](s). (4)
Q(s) is the matrix presented as:
where [q.sub.i](s), i = 1, ..., n is the least common multiple of
the characteristic polynomial [q.sub.ij] (s), j = 1, ..., n from
equation (3).
[q.sub.i](s) = [c.sub.ij] (s)[q.sub.ij] (s), i, j = 1, ..., n. (6)
The matrix [PI](s) is given by:
[[pi].sub.ij] (s) = [c.sub.ij] (s) [p.sub.ij] (s), i, j = 1, ...,
n. (8)
Then for matrix [PHI](s) there is a right presentation in the form
It is need to get the requisite and sufficient conditions of
stability. For that the presentation (10) is introduced (Gantmacher,
where C(s) is a left greatest common divisor of matrixes, and
[??](s) and [??](s) are mutually distinct.
2.2 Stability analysis
Let's present:
q(s) = det Q(s), (11)
the characteristic polynomial of open-loop system.
By denotation of det C(s) = [D.sub.n] (s) it is possible to write
characteristic polynomial of the system in the form of:
[delta](s) = det[Q(s) + [PHI](s) / [D.sub.n](s)]. (12)
The r is a number of all right roots of polynomial q(s), d is a
number of all right roots of polynomial [D.sub.n](s), N = deg q(s), v =
deg [D.sub.n](s) (Coffey T.C. & Williams I.J., 1968). In view of
equation (11) the equation (31) can be written in the form of:
[delta](s) = -q(s) / [D.sub.n] (s) det[I + W(s)]. (13)
deg [delta](s) = N - v. (14)
Therefore the frequency stability criterion for the polynomial
[delta](s) is given by:
1. [delta](j[omega]) [not equal to] 0, [for all] [omega]; 2.
[DELTA] arg [delta](j [omega]) [|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] =
[pi](N - v). (15)
But at the same time
[DELTA] arg [delta](s) = [DELTA] arg q(s) - [DELTA] arg [D.sub.n]
(s) + [DELTA] arg det[I + W (s)], (16)
In which connection
[DELTA] arg q (s) [|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] = [pi]N -
2[pi]r, (17)
[DELTA] arg [D.sub.n] (s)[|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] =
[pi]v - 2[pi]d. (18)
By computation of argument increment of second condition in
equation (15) with help of equations (16), (17) and (18) it can be found
[DELTA] arg det[I + W(s)][|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] =
2[pi](r - d). (19)
Thus the equation (38) is equal to the second condition of equation
At the same time the number of all right roots of polynomial
[delta](s) with condition of [delta](j[omega]) [not equal to] 0 is equal
k = r - 1 / 2[pi] [DELTA] arg det[I + W(j
[omega])][|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]]. (20)
By writing of characteristic polynomial of system in the form of
[delta](s) = g(s)det[I + W(s)], (21)
g(s) = q(s) / [D.sub.n] (s) (22)
is the "reduced" characteristic polynomial of the
open-loop system.
If taking into account the response ratio, r is a number of all
definitely right roots of the polynomial q(s), d is a number of all
definitely right roots of the polynomial [D.sub.n] (s), p is a number of
all definitely right roots of the polynomial g(s), then:
[rho] = r - d, (23)
since the multitude of the roots of the polynomial [D.sub.n] (s) is
included in the multitude of the roots of the polynomial q(s) (or r =
[rho] + d).
Thus it comes in that with q(j [omega]) [not equal to] 0, [for all]
[omega], det[I + W([infinity])] [not equal to] 0, W([infinity]) [not
equal to] [infinity], for the concerned system to be steady it is
necessary and sufficient the fulfillment of the two conditions:
1. det[I + W(j [omega])] [not equal to] 0, -[infinity] < [omega]
< + [infinity], (24)
2. [DELTA]arg det[I + W(j
[omega])][|.sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] = 2[pi][rho]. (25)
The method is presented in this article allows to get a
mathematical model of the structured multidimensional automatic control
system presented in the form of the system with single degenerative feedback. The frequency approach to analysis of the system stability
based on analysis of frequency locus function is offered for the
obtained model. The use of offered approach allows carrying out the
stability analysis, including the discrete-continuous systems, whose
mathematical model is presented with the special approach to the type
species (Kramar & Kirilova, 2009).
The specified approach allows carrying out the analysis and
synthesis of discrete-continuous automatic control systems after finding
their equivalent single-cycle model (Kramar, 2008).
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