Temperature and speed influence on plastic deformation strength of high speed steel.
Catana, Dorin ; Catana, Dorina
The current economic juncture requires reduced production costs,
requirement that is present in cutting tools manufacture domain. At this
moment mass production of cutting tools is obtained by cutting
processing and the future is to obtain these cutting tools from
laminated semi-products.
Because material microstructure is influencing mechanical and
technological properties, being dependant of cutting tools exploitation
properties, the search for new solutions has begun, considering that
such material microstructure can determine superior mechanical and
technological properties.
A negative aspect met in cutting tools is big consumption of
expensive high alloy steels that are practically turned into chips.
Because most cutting tools are made from molten semi-product, a large
microstructure was noticed within cutting tools and this fact can
determine an unwanted behaviour.
Tools cutting structure is not suitable for cutting; the molten
ingots are processed by plastic deformation in order to finish the
structure and to obtain laminated semi-products that will be used to
remake other cutting tools.
Due to the addition agents within the steel used in the making of
cutting tools, hot forming is required. Considering that high alloy
steel deformation strength has been raised, sometimes fine crevices can
appear during plastic deformation which are difficult to be seen due to
their presence within the material and this fact can affect the quality
of the tools.
Another technological process which begins to often use in the
plastic deformation of the tool steels is extrusion. Besides the
decrease of the consumption of material, extrusion offers significant
decreases of the cost through the elimination of chip removal processes
for the punching parts, due to the high accuracy obtained.
That is why plastic deformation parameters have to be monitored
very carefully in order to eliminate as much as possible of these
aspects. Mostly used plastic deformation methods are: precision forging,
extrusion and isothermal forging. In figure 1 are presented steel types
from database of plastic deformation simulation program.
This program will be used to design cutting tools obtained by
plastic deformation. After steel type was selected if push "Preview
flow stress" button, another window will be opened by displaying
different values of material properties.
From all steel types, the user of this software does not find the
Rp5--SR equivalent to (M2--AISI/SAE) steel and for this reason the
simulation of plastic deformation can not be applied to this type of
material. Based on further determined equation for specific material
values, simulation process can be applied. Determined equation that
shows plastic deformation resistance depending on temperature and speed
was determined based on experimental values.
High speed steel is dedicated to achieve highly effective cutting
tools for materials with high hardness value. Steel cutting tools are:
drills, taps, cutters and mills. Because cutting tools have a complicate
geometry, semi-finished product can be made by plastic deformation,
technological processes will increase mechanical characteristics and
reduce high speed steel consumption (which is expensive). High speed
steel consumption is reduced because material quantity removed by
cutting device will be smaller.
The Rp5 high speed steel has following chemical composition (main
C--0.84 - 0.94%;
Mn--maximum 0.40%;
Si--maximum 0.45%;
Cr--3.80 - 4.50%;
Mo--4.70 - 5.20%
W--6 - 6.70%;
V--1.70 - 2%.
Technological and mechanical characteristics are: forging or
rolling 1050 - 900[degrees]C, soften annealing 770 - 820[degrees]C (240
- 300 HB), quenching 1190 - 1230[degrees]C and drawing 540 -
560[degrees]C (minimum 64 HRC).
As a result of hot forming tests, the evolution of deformation
strength depending on temperature was established for Rp5 steel mark.
The tests have been made at 900 - 1200[degrees]C temperature range
(with an increment of 50[degrees]C) and were in compliance only for
various deformation speeds (66.5 - 77 - 87.5 l/s). Average deformation
speed is related with tools movement deformation speed and semi-finished
product height (Adrian & Badea, 1983):
[epsilon] = [v.sub.i]/[h.sub.0] [??] [v.sub.m] = [square root of
gH/2 x [h.sup.2.sub.0]] [1/s] (1)
[v.sub.m]--average speed deformation;
H--free fall height;
[h.sub.0]--semi-finished height.
For each deformation speed was established the equation that
allowed to determine strength deformation equation depending on
temperature. These equations are presented below (Catana, 2005):
[R.sub.d] (t) = a x [e.sub.b-t], (2)
[R.sub.d]--plastic deformation strength;
a, b--equation coefficients;
t--deformation temperature.
In order to have a complete image of deformation strength
evolution, a larger range of deformation speed was selected for hot
forming area.
Using previous determined equations it is possible to establish the
equation capable to determine deformation strength depending on two
parameters: temperature and deformation speed.
To determine equation coefficients, first we have to set its shape.
The basis of measurement values consists in [R.sub.d](t) graphic at
different deformation speeds, followed by amorphous materials (using
appropriate scale) that have been brought up to a correct shape (Stetiu
& Oprean, 1988).
Considering equation (2), the result is an exponential equation of
two variables (Catana, 2007). The equation is presented below:
[R.sub.d](v,t) = a * [e.sup.bt+cv], (3)
[R.sub.d]--plastic deformation strength;
t--deformation temperature;
v--relative deformation speed;
a, b, c--equation coefficients.
Using equation coefficients established to constant relative
deformation speed, it is possible to calculate equation coefficients
(3). Following the calculus, the equation of deformation strength
depending on temperature and relative deformation speed has next form:
[R.sub.d] (v, t) = A * eBt+Cv (4)
Using the [PROGR.sub.d] software in Visual Basic it was determined
deformation strength for different temperature and speed values (Eftimie
et al., 1998).
Because relative deformation speed has values between 66.5 and 87.5
1/s this means that is possible to use equipments such as mechanical
press or hammer.
Making cutting tools using plastic deformation started to be used
widely. This development was possible due to following advantages:
--up to 60 % high steel alloy saving;
--chip removal is no longer required;
--better microstructure compared with traditional technologies
--cutting tools hardness is increased;
--cutting tools mechanical features are improved.
Determination of deformation strength, for a large range of
relative deformation speeds and for an adequate temperature range,
allowed an easy selection of deformation parameters (figure 2). With
determined values for deformation strength it is possible to use
simulation software for plastic deformation of semi-finished product.
The optimization of deformation process, besides material saving,
will lead to a homogeneous and fine microstructure which will increase
mechanical and technological properties, for the next cutting tools
Adrian, M. & Badea, S. (1983). Plastic deformation process
fundamentals, Technique Publishing, Bucharest
Catana, D. (2005). Theoretic contributions for the plastic
deformation simulation process, Proceedings of International Scientific
Conference "Modern Technologies, Quality, Restructuring" TMCR 2005, pp. 333-337, ISBN 9975-9875-4-5, Technical University of Moldova,
05-2005, University of Moldova, Chisinau
Catana, D. (2007). Dependence between deformation speeds and high
alloy steel plastic deformation strength, Bulletin of the Polytechnic
Institute of Jassy, Vol. LIII, No. 4, 05.2007, pp. 63-66, ISSN 1453-1690
Eftimie, L.; Dinescu, I. & Catana, D. (1998). Materials
Engineering, Lux Libris Publishing, ISBN 973-9240-55-0, Brasov
Stetiu, C. & Oprean, C. (1988). Geometrical measurements in
machines building, Didactics-Pedagogic Publishing, Bucharest