Supply source for electrochemical discharge drilling.
Coteata, Margareta ; Slatineanu, Laurentiu ; Munteanu, Adriana 等
The electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) is one of the hybrid
machining methods based on the anodic dissolution of the workpiece material and on the erosive effects of the electrical discharges that
occur between the electrode tool and the workpiece surface (Strabalak et
al., 2004). The purpose of applying the two processes in one is to have
a synergetic action for the material removal.
Generally, the ECDM process implies the existence of the
electroconductive working liquid and the connection of the electrode
tool to the cathode of the direct current source, while the workpiece is
connected to the anode. When a nonconductive material has to be machined
by using the electrochemical micro discharges, an auxiliary anode
electrode is used (Sanjay et al., 2007).
The properties of the working liquid affect the character of the
ECDM process. Thus, if the working liquid is an electrolyte as aqueous
solution of potassium chloride or natrium nitrate, the material removal
process is preponderant represented by the electrochemical dissolution.
When the working liquid has a partially dielectric behavior, due to
the products of the chemical reaction between the liquid and the
workpiece material, the material is removed mainly by electrical
erosion. This last category of working liquids include the so called
semi-dielectrics, the most known being the aqueous of natrium silicate.
The electrochemical discharge drilling of the hard-to-cut materials
can be a good alternative instead of the drilling by means of the high
technology equipments, which are generally very expensive (laser, water
jet cutting etc.), since the required equipment for ECDM process is
mainly based on a direct current source and a mechanical setup of low
complexity. The electrical supply basically should include a capacitor,
a rectifier, a voltage regulator and the required switches.
B.R. Sarkar et al. used a pulse direct current generator for
electrochemical discharge machining of silicone nitride ceramics (Sarkar
et al., 2008); there are not offered details concerning the structure of
the used pulse generator.
I. Basak and A. Gosh studied the electrochemical discharge process
by the using of a direct current source with a separating transformer;
two diodes, were included to obtain the direct current applied to the
electrodes (Basak & Gosh, 1996).
Coils and electrical resistors were included in the discharge
circuit to easier modify the machining parameters within electrochemical
discharge grinding process (Kuromatsu, 1984).
The ECDM process by means of the semidielectric liquid was used
mainly for cutting (process known as anodic-mechanical cutting) and less
for drilling. In small mechanical workshops, the drilling of the
hard--to--cut materials may be achieved by ECDM. Thus, a mechanical
setup adaptable for classical milling machine is proposed within this
paper. A schematic representation of the proposed device is shown in
figure 1.
The use of a semidielectric liquid (in this case, aqueous solution
of natrium silicate) makes possible a better control of the
electrochemical dissolution of the material by the forming of the
passivanting film. In order to remove this film, a relative pressure
between the electrode-tool and the workpiece material is requisite. When
the electrode of small diameter (d <1 mm) is used, its buckling may
occur. For this reason, the workpiece holder is sustained by a spring
that assures the necessary pressure between the electrodes, avoiding the
electrode-tools buckling.
In order to assure the electrical discharges occurring by
electrodes contact breaking, the slotter ram of the milling machine was
used for fixing the electrode-tool holder device. Thus, the frequency of
the electrodes contacts may be established and, in this way, some
parameters of the electrical discharges and of the electrochemical
dissolution could be also controlled. The alternative linear motion and
the rotation of the electrode tool allow also the expulsion of the
removed particles (detached by electrical discharges) and also of the
rests of the broken passivating film from the working gap, by stirring
up the semidielectric liquid in the working zone.
The proposed direct current source must contain capacitors with
different capacitances C that make possible the varying of the
electrical discharge energy; the energy Wd of a single electrical
discharge is given by the expression:
[W.sub.d] = [CU.sup.2]/2, [J] (1)
where U is the voltage applied to the work gap.
The used values of the working voltage are around 30 till 50 volts,
so that a transformer was included in the electrical circuit, in order
to assure a diminishing of the voltage from 220 volts to 35 volts and
respectively 45 volts; these values were considered after preliminary
experiments. The electric circuit schema of the supply source is shown
in figure 2.
To switch the current from alternative to continuous, the circuit
contains also a rectifier. The proposed device was meant for drilling of
thin plates made of hard--to--cut material, such as tool steel. The
preliminary experiments shown that the micro drilling of the
hard--to--cut material may be achieved by ECDM with simple experimental
setup. Besides the electrical parameters (as capacitance and voltage),
the liquid density S and the electrode tool diameter were considered as
inputs of the process. The variation of the output parameter (the hole
depth) was studied.
One can formulate the hypothesis that by the increasing of the
voltage and capacitance, the hole depth will increase too.
For studying the process of the electrochemical discharge drilling,
an experiments planning was done. Both the electrode-tool and the test
pieces were made of cutting steel; the duration of each experiment was
of 6 minutes.
The sizes of the working parameters and the obtained results are
presented in table 1.
In order to mathematically process the experimental results,
specialized software based on the smallest squares method was used. As
result, the following empirical mathematical model was obtained:
[H.sub.d] = 2.137 x [10.sup.-4] [d.sub.ET].sup.0.2338] x
[U.sup.1.8254] x [C.sup.0,1287] x [[delta].sup.4.20133] (2)
By the analysing of the mathematical relation, one can notice that
the biggest influence on the depth [H.sub.d] of the obtained hole is
exerted by liquid density [delta]. One can specify also that the order
of the influences exerted by the considered work parameters on the hole
depth is the following: the work liquid density [delta], the voltage U,
the electrode tool diameter d, the capacitance C (the order of the
absolute sizes of the exponents included in the relation (2) being
4.2013> 0.2338>1.8254> 0.1287).
The image concerning the influence exerted by the work parameters
on the material removal rate can be completed by the graphical
representations included in figures 3 and 4. In the future, one can try
to establish the optimal sizes for the working parameters, so that the
maximum material removal rate to be obtained in the most convenient work
A work schema for the electrochemical discharge drilling of the
metallic workpieces was proposed. The identified supply source allows
the variation of the voltage and capacitance of the discharge circuit;
thus the optimisation of the electrochemical discharge process could be
possible. An empirical mathematical model emphasizing the influence
exerted by some of the work parameters on the depth of the hole was
Basak, I. & Ghosh, A. (1996). Mechanism of spark generation
during electrochemical discharge machining: a theoretical model and
experimental verification. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
Vol. 62, 46-53, ISSN 0924-0136
Kuromatsu, A. (1986). Electrolytic discharging grindstone and
electrolytic discharge machining. Japan Patent, no. 61050718
Sanjay K.; Chak, P. & Venkateswara, R. (2007). Trepanning of
Al2O3 by electro-chemical discharge machining (ECDM) process using
abrasive electrode with pulsed DC supply. International Journal of
Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 47, 2061-2070, ISSN 0890-6955
Sarkar, B.R.; Doloi, B. & Bhattacharyya, B. (2008) Experimental
investigation into electrochemical discharge microdrilling on advanced
ceramics. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and
Management, Vol., 13, 214-225, ISSN 1741-5195
Skrabalak, G.; Zybura-Skrabalak, M. & Ruszaj, A. (2004).
Building of rules base for fuzzy-logic control of the ECDM process.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 149, (June, 2004),
530-535, ISSN 0924-0136
Tab. 1. Experimental results
Exp. Electrode Voltage Capacitance Liquid Hole
no. tool U, V C, [micro]F density S, depth
diameter [delta] g/ Hd, mm
dET, mm [cm.sup.3]
1 0.5 35 33 1.05 0,29
2 0.9 35 33 1.05 0,19
3 0.5 45 33 1.05 0,68
4 0.9 45 33 1.05 0,42
5 0.5 35 840 1.05 0,60
6 0.9 35 840 1.05 0,51
7 0.5 45 840 1.05 0,16
8 0.9 45 840 1.05 0,82
9 0.5 35 33 1.20 0,463
10 0.9 35 33 1.20 0,293
11 0.5 45 33 1.20 0,85
12 0.9 45 33 1.20 0,62
13 0.5 35 840 1.20 0,42
14 0.9 35 840 1.20 0,99
15 0.5 45 840 1.20 1,39
16 0.9 45 840 1.20 1,36