Study concerning the evolution of the entrepreneurship initiative in the West region.
Izvercianu, Monica ; Tion, Monica ; Negru-Strauti, Gabriela 等
Entrepreneurship represents the ability of an individual to
transform ideas into actions with a well-defined economical and social
finality. This includes creativity, innovation and risk assuming as well
as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to acquire certain
objectives. The entrepreneurship abilities make the employees realizes
the context of their activities and gives them the capability to
identify and materialize the opportunities and also constitutes the
fundament for unrolling the social and commercial activities.
The countries that have a high rate of entrepreneurship register a
low rate of unemployment. Moreover, social systems are constantly under
an increasing pressure due to the migration of the occupied people in
the last decade. Europe wants to successfully maintain the social model
and so it needs a sustained economical development, more new firms and
more entrepreneurs that contribute to the innovation development and
more developing SMEs.
On a European level, most strategic documents put forward certain
methods for promoting and developing entrepreneurship, starting with the
Lisbon Strategy and continuing with the Partnership for economical
development and occupation or the Action Plan for entrepreneurship.
The West region recorded an increase regarding the number of firms
between 1999 and 2005 (from 30.340 in 1999 to 45.548 in 2005).
Concerning the weight of the active firms relative to the total
number of registered firms we can notice a continuous increase from one
year to another, from 9.16% in 1999 to 9.79% in 2005.
The rate of vacant people in the West region has increased from
6.8% in 1999 to 7.03%, even though the number of newly established firms
has grown and the density of the population has decreased as well.
In Romania though, there is still a barely noticeable preoccupation
for developing entrepreneurship and sustaining actual entrepreneurs.
Romania's economical growth should be based on economic activities
with an increased added value, there being the need for passing from an
economical model based solely on the export of gross base or basic
manufactured, to economical activities that ensure a superior degree of
manufacturing, capable of generating added value.
As you can see the most interest field for entrepreneurs is
wholesale and retail because the investment is low at the beginning.
3.1 Actual state of the entrepreneurial initiative according to the
number of registration and radiation companies
If it can be drawn up a Romanian Entrepreneur from 5 West Region
"portrait" as being a mature male, 41 years old on average,
which starts up the business at an age of approximately 33 years, with
good professional readiness (mainly technical or economical) and with a
desire of a better earning or in order to develop self-safety.
Determination in starting up and developing a new business--recognizing
the opportunities offered in the environment, combining the resources in
order to fructify the opportunities, developing a strategy to utilize
the resources in order to exploit the opportunity and structuring an
organization capable of applying that strategy--all of them having roots
in enterpriser's behaviors and decisions. Future research will
include mastering an action plan to lower entrepreneur's age and
expanding this survey on national level.
In the first trimester of 2009 there have been over 800
bankruptcies, out of which 157 only in the Timis County. The rate of
unemployment is growing, reaching 2.47% in the present, and the
estimations after the announced dismissals indicate a value of 3.5% at
the end of June.
While considering the industrial production prognoses on different
types of activities, we can say that the next two years will register a
slight decrease, following with the fact that in 2011 there will be a
refreshing in the affected industrial fields. The increase of dynamism
and internationalization of the Romanian entrepreneurial base is the way
through which the economy can develop to answer the requests and
opportunities of the unique market.
Romania should invest in the development of the SME sector and in
promoting the entrepreneurial culture in order to create the necessary
frame for the appearance of new businesses, because the growing and
successfully competing capacity of an economy depends on the existence
of an optimal number of firms by encouraging the entrepreneurial
initiative and the dynamic management of businesses. Research has proved
that there exists a positive correlation between the entrepreneurship
and the economical growth. An economical growth based on innovation and
excellence needs as many entrepreneurial initiatives as possible in
order to create increasingly more and better work places.
Izvercian, M. (2002). The Human Resources Marketing (in Romanian),
Solness, Timisoara
Izvercian, M.; Pugna, A.; Negru--Strauti, G. & Tion, M. (2008).
Model for Determining the Entrepreneurial Profile, Proceedings of the
19th International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 337, Katalinic, B. (Ed), Published by DAAAM International,
Vienna, Austria
Romanian Statistical Yearbook (2006). Available from:
ry/Anuarul%20Statistic%202006/ASR_2006_integral.pdf Enterprise Activity,
pp.600-605, Accessed: 2008-06-12
Vaduva, S. (2004). The Entrepreneurship (in Romanian), Editura
Economica, Bucuresti
*** (2008) Centre for Entrepreneurship&Business Research,
Accesed on: 2009-05-22
*** (2009) National Comitee of Prognosis, Accesed on: 2009-05-24
*** (2008) National Comitee of Statistics, Accesed on: 2009-05-22
*** (2008) Program for Human
Resources Development, Accesed on: 2009-05-23
*** (2009) Dates, Accesed on: 2009-05-22
Tab. 1. Fields of interests for entrepreneurs
CAEN Fields Active Turnover of
Local Units Active Local
[number of Units
units] [RON million
current prices]
Wholesale and retail 17991 16329
Real estate transactions, 7374 1561
renting and service
activities mainly
rendered to enterprises
Manufacturing 6008 14774
Construction 3127 2939
Transport, storage and 2739 3457
Hotels and restaurants 2373 513
Education and Health 1001 122
and social assistance
Mining and quarrying 129 846
Electric and thermal 64 2648
energy, gas and water
Total 40806 43189
Fig. 1. Number of active enterprises in the West
region of Romania for the period 1999-2005
1999 30.340
2000 31.679
2001 32.415
2002 33.280
2003 36.677
2004 40.886
2005 45.548
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 3. Rate of unemployment during 2005-2008
2005 5,1
2006 4,1
2007 3,8
2008 3,7
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 5. Average number of employed people
Total Economy West
2005 4558,9 484,1
2006 4667,3 501,8
2007 4770 511,8
2008 4865 525,7
Note: Table made from bar graph.