Studies for a new prosthesis design for the work capacity rehabilitation.
Lovasz, Erwin-Christian ; Modler, Karl-Heinz ; Draghici, Anca 等
The social investigations done for the incapacited workers showed
that the psychological stress experienced by them from the pressure
exercited by the family, the society, the collectivity (at
organizational level) affecting the health, the wellbeing of other
members of society. The developments in the field of prosthesis improve
the work capacity of the employers affected by some particular
occupational risks. The disabilities can affect the mobility of the
upper and lower limb. For the knee joint prosthesis (Fig.1a) there are a
lot of mechanical and hidraulical solutions for insurance of the
movement stability. Considering the mathematical model of the biological
movement, the movement force is proportional with the square of movement
velocity. This dependence can be realised with a double acting hydraulic
cylinder (Fig.1c) which have in parallel a drosel (Hutten, 1992). This
actuator is usual used in an inverted slider-crank (Fig.1b) which has a
non-linear transmission function and allows a limited swivel angle
between the thigh and the leg.
In order to eliminate the disadvantages of the classical solutions
which use an inverted slider-crank is recomanded to be used a geared
linkage with linear displacent actuator. In the field of this type of
mechanism, the relevant references (Lovasz et al., 2002; Modler et al.,
2005) about studies of the kinematic and kinetostatik analysis and the
dimensional synthesis of the geared linkages with linear actuators were
used in the following research. The virtual optimization of the linkages
and some typs of geared linkages are also, presented in (Gnasa et al.,
Some geared linkages with linear displacement actuator are able to
realise an approximated constant ratio (first order transmission
function) for a very large swivel angle. This propriety can be used
succesfull to generate an optimal movement of the active knee
Through the type synthesis of the geared linkage with linear
displacement actuator result 6 mechanisms structures (Lovasz et al.,
2002). The geared linkages with inverted slider-crank as basic structure
can be used successfull for the proposed active knee prosthesis design.
This type of mechanism contain a inverted slider-crank as basic
structure and a planetary gear, which had the satellite gear connect
with the slider (Fig. 2).
Through the optimum synthesis will be determined the links length
the geared linkages for a desired generating function. The input
parameters for the optimum synthesis problem are: the desired function,
the given stroke [s.sub.H] and the gear ratio [rho]. The geometrical
function [chi](s) of the geared linkages is obtained in form:
[chi](s) = (1 - [rho]) x [psi](s) + [rho] x [phi](s), (1)
where [rho] = [+ or -][r.sub.3]/[r.sub.5] is the gear ratio,
[phi](s) and [psi](s) are the geometrical parameters of basic linkage.
The first order geometrical function will be:
[chi]'(s) = (-([s.sub.0] + s) + [rho] x [l.sub.1] sin
[phi](s))/([l.sub.1][l.sub.4] sin [psi](s)). (2)
As vector of the variable will be considered x =
[([[lambda].sub.2], [[lambda].sub.4]).sup.T] where nondimensional
variables are:
[[lambda].sub.2] = e/[l.sub.1], [[lambda].sub.4]]] =
[l.sub.4]/[l.sub.1]. (3)
The desired function for the geared linkage with linear
displacement actuator will be chosen as constant, which means a constant
[[chi]'.sub.desire](s) = [[chi].sub.max]/[s.sub.max] = const.
where [[chi].sub.max] is the maximal swivel angle of output gear
and [s.sub.max] is the maximal stroke of input element.
The difference between the first geometrical function and the
desired function will chose as target function, which must be minimized,
in order to realize a motion with approximately constant ratio. This
target function is:
The restrictions are given as inequation, which described the start
and end of the geometrical conditions:
[([[lambda].sub.4] -1).sup.2] - [[lambda].sup.2.sub.2] -
[([s.sub.0]/[l.sub.1]).sup.2] < 0, -[([[lambda].sub.4] + 1).sup.2] +
[[lambda].sup.2.sub.2] + [(([s.sub.0] + [s.sub.H])/[l.sub.1]).sup.2]
< 0., (6)
The condition for a convenient transmition angle [mu] >
[[mu].sub.min] at the start position will be used to determine the start
unitary displacement [s.sub.0]/[l.sub.1] :
([s.sub.0]/[l.sub.1]) = -[[lambda].sub.4]sin [[mu].sub.min] +
[square root of 1-[([[lambda].sub.2]-[[lambda].sub.4]cos
[[mu].sub.min]).sup.2], (7)
For a convenient start value, the variables vector is:
[x.sup.(0)] = [([[lambda].sub.2.sup.(0)],
[[lambda].sub.4.sup.(0)]).sup.T] (8)
will be given, generally, local optimum values. These values are
the optimum ones for the links length.
The knee can be substituted with a joint (Fig. 3). This joint has
to allowe a rotation motion with an angle of 120[degrees] (30[degrees]
flexion, 90[degrees] extension). Servo hydraulic cylinder,
servo-pneumatic cylinder or electrical actuator can be used as motor.
The control of the motion is realized with sensors and the command is
performed by a microprocessor.
The lead parameters for the optimal synthesis are the gear ratio
[rho] = 0.5 and the minimal transmission angle [[mu].sub.min][degrees] =
30[degrees]. The optimal maximum unitary stroke is determined from the
optimisation of the reaction force in the joint [B.sub.0] (Modler et
al., 2005) as [s.sub.H]/[l.sub.1] = 0.8. One local minimum value at the
synthesis optimization, for the unitary links length results from the
contour line diagram is shown in Figure 4, [[lambda].sub.2] = 0 and
[[lambda].sub.4] = 0.395.
The links length are [l.sub.2] = 0 mm and [l.sub.4] = 59.25 mm for
the value frame length of [l.sub.1] = 150 mm. This mechanism allows a
maximum rotation angle of [[chi].sub.max][degrees] [congruent to]
270[degrees] for a start position [s.sub.0] = 90.75 mm and a stroke
[s.sub.H] = 118.5mm. The rotations angle will be limited to 120[degrees]
symmetrical in respect to the flat point (Figure 5). The new
displacements [s.sub.1] and [s.sub.2] are determined with the
[chi]([s.sub.2])[degrees] - [chi]([s.sub.1])[degrees] =
120[degrees] [chi]'([s.sub.2]) = [chi]'([s.sub.1]) (9)
The new displacements are [s.sub.1]=23.23 mm and [s.sub.2]= 100 mm,
that means, for the knee-joint, the start position and the stroke are
[s.sub.0]=113.98mm and [s.sub.H]=76.77 mm, respectively.
This new active prosthesis with geared linkages with linear
displacement actuator will quicklier improves the work capacity of the
employers affected by some particular occupational risks that can cause
diseases on their knees. The correlation between the synthesis and
kinetostatic optimisation method allow the obtaining of an optimal links
length for the geared linkages taking into account the constructive
In the future we shall build a prosthesis prototype that will be
tested and validated in the real environment.
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