Setting up the maximum speed at which the structural elements of the FUS 25 milling machine resist after remanufacturing.
Daraba, Dinu ; Cosma, Marius ; Alexandrescu, Ioan Marius 等
Using the applicative research presented in this paper, we observed
the setting up and verification of a methodology for diagnosing the
dynamic parameters, which are characteristics of the elastic structures
of the machine tools that are proposed for remanufacturing, before
starting this process. The proposed methodology allows the exact
determination of the natural frequencies, which occur within the limits
of the work frequencies of the analyzed technologic equipment, and thus,
the speeds at which the mechanic system could enter the resonance domain
can be calculated (Chiriacescu, 2004).
This methodology, which can be used for all types of machine tools,
satisfies the request of the remanufacturer and beneficiary of the
future remanufactured machine-tool to know, even in the projecting
stage, the main characteristic of the machine: the maximum speed of the
main spindle.
The proposed methodology allows the determination of the speeds at
which the machine tool could enter the resonance domain, warning the
remanufacturer about them. The numerical controls of the remanufactured
machine tools will be able to eliminate these speeds, not allowing the
operator to use them, even by mistake.
A milling machine was used for this research, because the milling
process for generating surfaces is highly generating forced vibrations,
whose frequencies are comparable to the speed of the main spindle, and
also having relative high amplitudes. The dynamic characteristics seen
at the milling machines can be considered as covering most of the
machine tools. So, the presented methodology can be used for all types
of machine tools. (Ispas et al, 2008).
Almost all structures have the tendency of vibrating at certain
frequencies, named vibration or resonance natural frequencies (Zapciu
& Bisu, 2007).
When touching that frequency, each frequency is associated to a
deformation mode. When a structure is dynamically loaded with stresses
that overlap its natural frequencies, this structure undergoes
considerable deformations. The natural frequencies and vibration modes
are very important parameters during the projecting stage, as they
supply information about the dynamic regimen behavior of the analyzed
structure(Daraba, et at, 2008).
The purpose of the research, using the finite elements method, is:
* To determine the natural frequencies of the FUS 25 milling
machine elastic structures;
* Calculation of the maximum speed borne by the elastic structure,
before remanufacturing.
These are the steps made in this methodology, using the finite
elements analysis:
* Creating the model using CAD programs;
* Discretization, using an optimum amount of finite and differently
sized elements (Fig. 1);
* Setting up the loading conditions (Fig. 2);
* Running the analysis with a specialized software;
* Generating a report, which includes a description of these steps
and the conclusions following the finite elements analysis.
We set up the type of the elements and the discretization meshing,
in conformity with the shape of the structure and the stress underwent
by it. More types of discretizations can be carried out for the same
When choosing the optimum discretization method, we took into
account that the precision degree of the obtained results increased with
the augmentation of finite elements, but even this figure could not have
been of any amount, as the number of unknown degrees of liberty would be
increased, and their calculation period would consequently increase.
For an efficient correlation of these two aspects, the structure
discretization with finite elements of different dimensions was
performed. Thus, for the areas where the movements and tensions have not
high variations, we used high dimension finite elements, and in the
areas where the values of the movements and tensions highly differ from
one element to another, we used a much more dense finite elements
In order to ensure some results as near as the real ones, the
passing from the finite elements with high dimensions to those with
small dimensions, had to be progressively performed.
The first natural frequency is of 4.6 Hz and it appears due to some
aspects linked to the static rigidity of the machine-tool table; all
these elements will have to be eliminated during remanufacturing.
The resonance phenomenon appears at a natural frequency of 20.6 Hz
(Fig.3.), due to which the machine tool elastic structure bears
deformations. These deformations do not affect the processing precision,
as there are no observed displacements between the main spindle (tool)
and the machine table (part).
The natural vibration of 112.3 Hz brings the machine into a
resonance condition, which concurs to the displacements of the machine
structure elements, with the severe effect on the processing precision.
In Fig.4. we notice a rotation of the machine trunk and table around the
Z axis, but in different senses, leading to the positional modification
of the tool against the part.
The own mode presented in Fig.5 at the frequency of 140,84 Hz marks
out a bending of the machine body and table within the X-Z plane,
catastrophically affecting the tool-part position(Daraba, 2008).
Tab.1. sums up the natural frequencies obtained using the graphic
analysis of the vibration mode (Daraba, 2008).
Using the formula n = 60 f [Hz], and considering the natural
frequencies, we calculated the speeds that are shown in Tab.1. At these
speeds, the remanufactured machine tool will resonate.
Subsequently analyzing the natural modes of vibrations, we find
that the deformations of the structure elements will certainly influence
the processing precision, at frequencies higher than 112 Hz. The
resonance danger does not appear anymore due the 112 Hz natural
frequency of the analyzed structure, as the subsequent frequencies are
off the domain of the work frequencies.
Thus, we set up that the frequency of 112 Hz is the maximum natural
frequency until the structure elements bear deformations, which will not
influence the processing precision of the would be remanufactured
milling machine. Thus the maximum speed will be 6700 rpm. We found that
after remanufacturing, the maximum speed of the FUS 25 shop universal
milling machine--initially manufactured at 2200 rpm, can increase up to
6700 rpm.
The proposed methodology, for setting up the limits of the elastic
structures of the technologic equipment before the remanufacturing
process, is based on the finite elements analysis method and it is
verified using the universal experimental modal analysis.
The studied machine tool can undergo a remanufacturing process,
following which the performances of the machine can be substantially
Main spindle speeds, which are much more superior to those used by
the original machine can be used; these speeds can reach up to 6000 rpm
without any problem. In case of the fulfilled analysis, we observed the
determination of the vibration behavior mode of the structure elements
of the non-operational milling machine, as before starting the
remanufacturing process the work parameters of the old equipment do not
interest anymore.
Chiriacescu, S. T. (2004). Dinamica masinilor unelte. Prolegomene
(Dynamics of Machine Tools. Prolegomena, In Romanian), Editura Tehnica,
ISBN 973-31-2206-8, Bucuresti
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2008 International Scientific Conference. Machine and Construction
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Daraba, D.; Cotetiu, R.; Ungureanu, N. & Alexandrescu, M.
(2008). Experimental Determination of own Vibration Mode Machine Tools
Before Remanufacturing, The 9th International Scientific Conference for
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(2008). Dinamica masinilor si utilajelor (Dynamics of Machines and
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Tab. 1. The calculated speeds relative to the natural frequencies
Figure of frequency F7 F8 F9
Frequency f [Hz] 4.6 20.6 26.1
Speeds [rpm] 276 1236 1571
Figure of frequency F10 F11 F12
Frequency f [Hz] 54.1 112.2 140.8
Speeds [rpm] 3249 6737 8450