Reserches regarding the choosing of the type device for long cylindrical surfaces rotorolling.
Sava, Ovidiu ; Lupescu, Octavian ; Popa, Ionut 等
The solutions diversity that can be used in the devices
construction for superficial cold plastic deformation (SCPD) process
applications through rolling or rotorolling is relatively high, this
work imposing, at one moment, to take some decisions to use any type of
device to process the distinguished piece surfaces. There are known the
Saturov researches in rotorolling area concerning the usage, as a
rolling tool, of a long cylindrical roll that realize a principal
rotation motion, as well as, another rotation one, towards a normal
piece surface axis, in the instantaneous tool-piece contact point
(Saturov, 1979).This solution, proposed and patented by Saturov, can be
accepted as a "history" for the rotorolling appearance and
respectively, as a mechanical hardening process for metallic surfaces.
The author's proposed new method consists in a technological
equipment for SCPD through rotorolling, in figure 1 being possible to
follow the working head principle kinematic schema.
This is endowmented with 3 cylindrical rolls, frontal cam type,
star connected, executing a [n.sub.c] rolling motion towards the main
head axis. The used rolls also recive:
--a [n.sub.s] rotation motion around their axis, due to the
friction contact with the working piece, whose speed is [n.sub.p];
--a [s.sub.t] low ampliude alternatig rectilineal motion, due to a
pusher contact with their frontal rolling surfaces, that also compress
or relax an elastic element; finally it takes place a [n.sub.p1]
rotation motion (planetary) of the entire rolls star, all around the
central device axis.
The entire assembly realise also the [s.sub.a] displacement towards
the piece, to obtain the rotorolling pressure force, together with the
[s.sub.l] longitudinal head feed, on the pieces axis direction.
The planetary motion also determines a second rollers pass when,
the B point arrives in the A initial position point but, not necessity,
on the same elemantary unit piece surface. This depends by the
longitudinal rolling head feed size and also, by the speed working
The researches objective was from the beginning, the SCPD
application trough rotoroling to rigid heavy shifts, on their smooth
cylindrical surfaces without sills (panel drawing roller on). Especially
it was followed the surfaces hardening through rotorolling, as well as
to some working regim parameters values, the realization of any
calibration and finishing of these. The speciality literature (Lupescu
O. 1999) show that the process is possible to be used for individual and
serial production, the hardening degree of the superficial layer (until
0, 5-1, 5 mm) exceeding in many cases 350 units HV (Lupescu O &
Baciu M, 2002). Another objective of the author's researches was to
choose one of the constructive variant which can be used, based on some
criteria that can allow to give of an optimal final decision (Lupescu O,
2005). In this meaning the paper authors appeal to the
"utility" concept, defined for the first time by Newmann and
Morgenstern in 1947 and representing, the conventional rate-setted value
gived by a governor to some variable, taking into account a certain
estimation criterion.
To elaborate the decision algorithm, the authors began, considering
as a variable, the device constructive solution, the possible variants
technically taked into account being: [D.sub.1]-unbalanced device for
hardening long external cylindrical surfaces; [D.sub.2]- unbalanced
device for hardening long external cylindrical surfaces and for the
interface connector radius; [D.sub.3]-balaced device for hardening
smooth cylindrical surfaces, short and long; [D.sub.4]-device for
rotorolling with rigid contact, unbalanced, for long external
cylindrical surfaces hardening.
The used criteria to estimate this variants were established as
being: the constructive solution price [x.sub.1] (determining any
production process) and respectively, total device rigidity [x.sub.2]
(justified choise by his conection and dominant influence upon the
processing precision and also, upon the obtained performances, in the
case of this technological process application). In table 1 are gruped
the known elements for these four analysed variants. The each
constructive variant estimation, reported to the considerate criteria
was noted with [x.sub.ij] = consequences, subscript parameters
significance being as follow: the first one represents the solution
estimation - i, and the second one, the criterion estimation - j.
Rate-setting into 1 and 0 limits the [u.sub.ij] utilities, those can be
rendered as subjective probability using the proposed variants for the
SCPD device.
The values deduction of those utilities involves, first of all, the
extreme adjustment for: [u.sub.12] = 1 (maximum utility) for the lowest
cost and respectively [u.sub.31] = 0 (minimum utility) for the highest
cost. For the other consequences, the utilities are granted
proportionally with the respectively consequences, through linear
interpolation, between the maximum and minimum utilities, using relation
1 and 2 (Lupescu O, 2005):
[u.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij] - [x.sub.minj]/[x.sub.maxj] - [x.sub.minj]
[u.sub.ij] = [x.sub.maxj] - [x.sub.ij]/[x.sub.maxj] - [x.sub.minj]
The first relation can be applied for the utilities deduction, in
the case in which these varies directly proportional with the
consequences values and the second one can be used for those utilities
granted inverse proportional with the consequences.
In the case of [x.sub.1] criterion, using those presented before
and the reation 2, one obtain for [D.sub.1] and respectively [D.sub.2]
[u.sub.11] = [x.sub.max1] - [x.sub.11]/[x.sub.max1] - [x.sub.min1]
= 9400-5500/9400-3000 = 0,6 (3)
[u.sub.41] = [x.sub.max1] - [x.sub.41]/[x.sub.max1] - [x.sub.min1]
= 9400-3700/9400-3000 = 0,89 (4)
Calculating also the utilities for the [x.sub.2] criterion, but
using the relation 1, one obtains the results from table 2.
If for each estimated criterion is granted a significance [k.sub.j]
coefficient, one can determine a sum utility for the [D.sub.i] variant,
using relation 5:
u([D.sub.i]) = [m.summation over (j=1)] [k.sub.j] x [u.sub.ij] (5)
--"m" is the number for the established criteria
utilities and [k.sub.j] are the significance coefficients for the j
criteria. These coeficients can be choosed in the way to verify relation
[m.summation over (j=1)] [k.sub.j] = 1 (6)
In the mechanical cutting processing case the speciality literature
(Bragaru A. & Stancescu C, 1977) recomands that [k.sub.1] >
[k.sub.2], the cost determining, with priority, the choise of the
technological variant, the processing precision being not so much
related to the costs, but especially, to the cutting regim parameters
and other factors. In the SCPD process the working device rigidity
becomes the primary criterion (implied [k.sub.2] > [k.sub.1]), this
essentially determining the performances obtained at the process
application, more then the contact force (specific pressure between tool
and piece), who became one of the work regim parameters. In this
conditions, the coefficients importance weight, statically determinated,
being: [k.sub.1] = 0,42 and [k.sub.2] = 0,58 (the difference between
them being smaller than in the case of the cutting proceses because, in
the rotorolling case, the device costs are bigger, fact that approach
the cost importance between those of the device rigidity), one obtaine
the sum utilities using the system:
One impose as an optimal decision the variant to which correspond
the maximum sum utility, this being in this case the constructive
solution [D.sub.4]. In the productive activity some consequences can
appear with a value or another one, in some probability limits. Those
can take more values depending by the concrete conditions in which the
production process is deployed.
From [D.sub.1], [D.sub.2], [D.sub.3], [D.sub.4] devices, the
constructiv solutions analaysis allows an optimal variant establishment,
taking into account the following conclusions:
* the tool-piece contact type is necessary to be established
through the device constructiv solution and influence both the rigidity
and the costs measure of these;
* the rotorolling tools number from the device (1, 2 or more),
through which one transmit the contact force on the processed piece,
depends and is invers proportional with his rigidity;
* the future researches will be centered to increase the
rotorolling force, using a tools-head with hidraulicaly constructive
Bragaru A. & Stancescu C. (1977). Bazele optimizarii proceselor
tehnologice- Indrumar de laborator (Bases of technological processes
optimization--Laboratory handbook), Publsher Polytechnic Institute of
Lupescu O., (1999). Netezirea suprafefelor prin deformare plastic
(Surfaces polishing through plastic deformation), Publisher
Technical--INFO, ISBN 9975-910-67-X, Chisinau
Lupescu O., (2005). Ingineria calitafii in procesele de deformafie
plastica superficiala la rece (Quality engineering in cold superficial
plastic deformation processes), Publisher Politehnium, ISBN:
973-621-104-5, Iasi
Lupescu O. & Baciu M. (2002). The characterization of
mechanical treatment at SPD at cold through rolling as a tribological
process, Proceedings of Meridian Engineering, pg. 29-32, ISSN 1683-853-X, Vol 12, No. 3, Chisinau
Saturov G.F. (1979). Sposob uprocineniia poverhnostei
tilindriceskim instrument, Surfaces hardening method with cylindrical
tool, Patent description nr. 662329
Tab. 1. Calculating utilities for [D.sub.i] variants
and [x.sub.j] criterion
Criterion [X.sub.1] Criterion [X.sub.2]
(cost-lei) (rigidity--daN /mm)
[D.sub.1] 5500 1220
[D.sub.2] 3000 1960
[D.sub.3] 9400 3500
[D.sub.4] 3700 3350
Tab. 2. Calculating utilities for [D.sub.i] variants
and [x.sub.j] criterion
Criterion [X.sub.1] Criterion [X.sub.2]
[D.sub.1] 0,6 0
[D.sub.2] 1 0,3
[D.sub.3] 0 1
[D.sub.4] 0,8 0,9