Remote-controlled mechatronic arm: ergonomic system used in dentristy.
Popa, Anca ; Argesanu, Veronica ; Jula, Mihaela 等
As known, a bad design of subassemblies of the working area in a
dental cabinet (Argesanu, 2004) facilitates the appearance of adverse
effects on health. In order to diminish the appearance of professional
diseases settling in and also in order to obtain high performances in
diagnostic and the process of treatment of the dentist, a remote
controlled arm system has been created to replace the dental lamp
(Burdea, 2008). The remote-controlled arm was performed according to
operator needs in terms of ergonomics, improving work conditions of the
staff in the field of dental medicine.
The aim is to position the light beam of the dental operating light
parallel with the viewing direction in order to obtain shadow free
lighting and a good balance between lighting in the working field and in
the mouth as a whole. This avoids the forming of shadows from the hands,
teeth, lips and cheek on the working field. A dental operating light
must be able to be positioned around the head of the dentist, before and
sideward so that the light beam is running parallel to the viewing
direction, with a maximal deviation of approximately 15[degrees], in all
positions around the patient chair (between 8.30-15.30 o'clock).
To achieve this, the dental operating light needs to have 3
(orthogonal) axes which then enables the lamp to turn in all directions
to achieve the desired position next to the head of the dentist and
avoid placing the lighting rectangle obliquely over the face of the
patient which is uncomfortable for him/her. It is necessary to have
shadow free lighting in the mouth of the patient and to make it possible
for the dentist to move with his head during treatment without forming
shadows with his head.
The adjustment of the lamp around 3 axes has to be made in such a
way that it can easily be carried out with a balanced movement, with one
handle in an as low a position as possible.
The illumination should be continuously adjustable from 8000-25000
lux. The amount of lighting must be continuously adjustable in
connection with the age, the antropometric dimensions of the dentist,
the position of the working field, the colour matching, etc., in order
to be able to work with a luminance between 200--2000 [cd.sup.2], with
an optimum of 1000 [cd.sup.2]. A too high illumination level will reduce
the visual acuity and cause fatiguing, glittering of instruments etc.
(Virtanen, 2001)
Visual fatigue is manifested through symptoms felt in the struggle
of the visual analyzer to clarify the picture by more or less effective
adjusting. Visual fatigue refers to lighting conditions, working
distances, to the repeated brilliance of violent contrasts of color, to
prolonged exposure time. So the visual fatigue of the dentistry
practitioner is due to inadequate illumination of the operating field,
common visual adjustments, resulting from the incorrect operating acts.
Other causes are related to accommodation disturbances and refractive disorders. General symptoms are periorbital, frontal temporal, occipital
located headache, gastric disorders in the form of indigestion,
dyspepsia, vomiting. Eye symptoms include the feeling of warm eyes and
weight of the eyelids. Visual symptoms manifest in difficulties of
distinguishing clearly the image, perception of color breakdown,
diplopic, vertigo, disturbance of assessing spatial relationships.
2.1 General considerations
The proposed remote controlled mobile arm for the dental lamp
improves the activity of the dentist, both in terms of ergonomics and
technological points of view. The classic role of this lamp is to
illuminate the oral cavity of the patient. The classic lamp troubles the
patients comfort. The new solution proposes a lamp with more powerful
lighting of the source, remote-controlled arm, image acquisition and
reduced dimensions. This connected mobile device, focuses the light
exclusively on the operating area. The spectrum of the emitted light
will not affect patient comfort and have not any long-term effects on
practitioners. Another device that was attached to the arm is a video
camera that has the role of image acquisition, that will transmit the
captured images via a monitor located ergonomically, according to the
needs of the dentist (Atitoaiei & Argesanu, 2000).
2.2 The device
The video-camera--type 208C Wireless Color CMOS Camera and Micro
Receiver Set, provides a clear picture of the mouth cavity. The main
features of the video camera are: wireless transmitting and receiving,
compact size and low weight, low energy consumption, high sensitivity,
easy maintenance, equipped with standard and easy to change lenses,
wireless 120 W receiver, 9 V battery, video cable.
The advantage of the surveillance system consists of the increased
emission from 50 to 250 mW. Audio-video signal provided by the receiver
may be received or recorded by any system equipped with audio-video
plug-ins: TV, surveillance monitor, VCR, MP4 Player, PC video capture
card etc. In order to move the arm of the lamp it uses a DC motor, via
remote control.
The image acquisition from the camera is via a radio receiver,
which through manually adjustment obtains images from the camera. The
reception device is located behind the screen, mounted on a timber
support. The device is connected to the LCD screen, via two RCA plugs.
The picture reception is realised with a 7 inch LCD screen, which
is connected to the radio receiver. The LCD screen is placed upon a
mobile platform, with four degrees of freedom, being easily manipulated.
The camera displays the image of the patient's mouth in real time,
for a successful intervention.
The concept of ergonomics is an existential matter, by which man
interacts with the external environment and working environment from an
emotionally and physically aspect, in a perfect harmony. The final
argument is the comfort, health and maximizing work efficiency (Burdea,
2004). Devices and Electrical diagram of the whole video systems are
subjected to the rigor of quality and function, which are designed so
that the ergonomic issues, the working position, handling, to be as
accurate as possible, with a special focus on the effects on the health
of the human operator (Argesanu, 2004; Irimie, 2008).
Through its construction the device provides movement on 3
orthogonal axes thus avoiding shadows by focusing the light parallel
with the viewing direction of the operator. The system provides easy
maintenance, programming and accessibility.
Furthermore it zooms in on problem areas providing better focus for
the dentist.
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