Remarks on the time-scale invariance property on the financial markets.
Dima, Bogdan ; Preda, Ciprian Ion ; Pirtea, Gabriel Marilen 等
The evidences from financial markets indicate that the data series
display complex structures with time adapting hierarchies and
sophisticated evolution laws. Zooming out, the data series seem to
behave like random walks (no pattern can be summed up), but, once as the
"resolution" is magnified (the data frequency is increased), a
set of special properties ("fat-tails" effects, long range
correlations in volatility, the presence of informational leverage etc.)
shows up. Among these properties, it is worth noticing the possibility
to describe the data as a collection of interrelated fractal families
("multifractal" objects). Also, the associated
"free-scale" property is especially important for a more
accurate description of a complex reality. The goal of this paper is to
advance an empirical analysis of a key European market index in order to
examine the invariant time-scale issue.
One of the critical issues in the analysis of the movements in
financial assets' prices is generated by the fact that if
prices' changes are independent, then it should not be any
noticeable streaks in the data. Or, the empirical evidence shows that
such increasing/decreasing streaks are highly frequent in a manner that
is improbable under the classic Gaussian model. An alternative approach
was proposed by Mandelbrot et al. (1997) with the so-called Multifractal
Model of Asset Returns (MMAR) and largely discussed and developed in the
literature (Mandelbrot & Hudson, 2004; Eisler & Kertesz, 2004;
Lux, 2003; Lux & Kaizoji, 2004). The meta-assumption of this
approach is that the dynamics of prices reflects a fractal property with
the same characteristics as the initial data series. This property stays
intact while shifting from low to high "resolution" (on the
time-scale). Inserting a random component to this property guarantees a
more accurate description of the prices' behavior. This implies
that the economic subjects are neutral with respect to the informational
leverage time scale (i.e. they are acting similarly no matter the
frequency of the new information relevant for their decisions).
Our starting point consists in the thesis that if the information
is "imperfect" (i.e. it is incomplete, unequal distributed and
there are costs of obtaining, updating and using it), a bounded
rationality mechanism of prices formation could be described as:
In formula (1), [P.sub.t], is the price at time t, [[alpha].sub.0]
reflects the price trend ("central tendency" which is obtained
overall an anterior interval of time), [t-1.summmation over (i-t-k)]
[[beta].sub.i] [P.sub.i] is a convex combination of the k lagged prices
values (i.e. [[beta].sub.i] [member of] [01] and [t-1.summmation over
(i-t-k)] [[beta].sub.i] = 1). In fact, [[beta].sub.i] represent the
weights of past information (about the prices level) at the current
prices level. Also [I.sub.t], is an "informational indicator"
at time t, which captures the status of all the relevant information
regarding other variables susceptible to influence prices'
evolution. Moreover, [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.i] are the anticipation errors
committed by the economic subjects in the previous periods. We used
again a convex combination with the anticipation errors (i.e.
[[theta].sub.i] [member of][01] and [t-1.summmation over (i-t-k)]
[[theta].sub.i] = 1) to adjust the anticipated level of prices for the
current [[zeta].sub.t] denotes a parameter reflecting the dominant
relative risk aversion on the price formation market and
[[alpha].sub.1t], [[alpha].sub.2t], [[alpha].sub.3t] are time-depending
weights in price evolution of the corresponding variables.
The bounded rationality model implies that all the relevant
information (about price formation) obtained at an "efficient level
of implied costs" is provided by previous and current periods. The
goal is to support the thesis that the economic subjects are always
trying to adopt the "second best" decisions with
"incomplete information".
The time-invariance property assumes that the properties of
prices' mechanisms are conserved for all the time computational
frequencies. More exactly, this means that the characteristics of the
distribution, volatility and auto- regressive behavior are invariant
with respect to the shifts from one time frequency to another. It also
implies that the parameters of prices formation do not vary if the
analysis frequency is changed--or that the spreads between coefficients
can be described as pure random walk processes:
Where [[epsilon].sub.t] ~ N(0, [[sigma].sup.2]) and t, [t.sup.*]
are two distinct time frequencies.
A stronger version of the time-invariance is involved, if the
markets display different degrees of informational efficiency and the
prices' evolution itself is close to a pure random walk process
(eventually with drift). Then [[alpha].sub.1] [approximately equal to]
1, [[beta].sub.i] [approximately equal to] 1, k [approximately equal to]
1, [[alpha].sub.2] [approximately equal to] 0 and the spread between two
distinct time frequencies could be described as:
Where [epsilon]'.sub.[tau]] ~ N (0,[[sigma].sup.2]).
Relation (3) implies that if the markets are efficient then the
spread between two arbitrary frequencies is fairly described as a random
(with possible a drift) random process.
The Austrian Traded Index (ATX) is the Austrian market main index
and comprises the blue chips of Wiener Borse from 1991. It was designed
as an underlying reference for futures and options financial assets and
it contains the most actively traded and highly liquid stocks on the
prime market segment. In order to verify the preservation of the
time-scale invariance, a time-scale variation indicator can be used:
[??]Indicator = Indicator {n}--Indicator {n * z} (4)
Where z is the number of the main observation period'
sub-periods. Assuming the robustness of the market index about the time
scale change, the time-scale variation indicator should be close to 0.
By taking the same analysis period and considering hourly data (i.e. 9
hours of trade) over the ATX market, the time-scale variation indicator
(computed on 9*5= 45 data) looks like in Tab. 1.
The general statistic properties of the time-scale variation
indicator [??] display the same non-Gaussian distribution. Also, the
mean varies over the data subsets. A critical aspect is that the
time-scale variation indicator can not be described as a random walk as
in Tab.2.
The so-called aggregational Gaussianity is present, which means
that the price distribution converges to a Gaussian one (accordingly to
the Central Limit Theorem), if the time horizon [DELTA]t increases
slowly. Thus, it can be presumed that the time-scale variation indicator
exhibits some stationarity properties. Or, the evidence suggests that
the null hypothesis of the no unit roots could be accepted for this
indicator. Thus, Tab.3 shows that a more detailed analysis is required.
Based on the proposed analysis, it can be concluded that the market
does not fully exhibit the time-invariance property. The evidences
appear to be mixed especially in terms of the time- scale variation
properties. Despite some important caveats, we consider that the
advanced analysis can provide a better explanation of the
investors' behavior in the portfolio management processes under
shifting time frames decisional frameworks. In our view, this extension
requires minimally to: 1) adopt a more complex analytical framework
(perhaps based on the computation of the Hurst exponent for the time
spread indicator); 2) further analyze the time spread stationarity /
distribution issues. Our objective is to go further in the amazing
microcosm of data in order to admire the "simple beauty of the
Calvet, L.; Mandelbrot, B. & Fisher, A. (1997), A multifractal
model of asset returns. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper, September 15
Eisler, Z., Kertesz, J. (2004), Multifractal model of asset returns
with leverage effect. arXiv:cond-mat/0403767 v2, Accessed on: 2004-05-11
Lux, T. (2003), The Multi-Fractal Model of Asset Returns: Its
Estimation via GMM and Its Use for Volatility Forecasting. University of
Kiel, Working Paper
Lux, T., Kaizoji, T. (2004) Forecasting Volatility and Volume in
the Tokyo Stock Market: The Advantage of Long Memory Models. University
of Kiel, Working Paper
Mandelbrot, B., Hudson, R. (2004), The (Mis)behavior of Markets: A
Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward. New York: Basic Books, ISBN 0465043577
Tab. 1. The general statistic properties of the time-scale
variation indicator
Category Statistics
Std. Err.
Indicator Count Mean Std. Dev. of Mean
[-20, -10) 7 -12.69143 2.079098 0.785825
[-10, 0) 17 -4.715882 2.556167 0.619961
[0, 10) 11 3.411818 2.323466 0.700551
[10, 20) 13 15.24000 2.735605 0.758720
[20, 30) 3 25.88000 4.120400 2.378914
All 51 2.829020 11.45631 1.604204
Tab. 2. The random walk test for time-scale variation indicator
Final Root MSE z- Prob.
State Statistic
[[epsilon].sub.t] 21.98000 20.64191 1.064824 0.2870
Log likelihood -229.2206 Akaike info criterion 9.208825
Parameters 1 Schwarz info criterion 9.247066
Diffuse priors 1 Hannan-Quinn info
criterion 9.223388
Tab. 3. The stationarity test for time-scale variation indicator
Null Hypothesis: SPREAD has a unit root
Exogenous: Constant, Linear Trend
Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on Modified
t-Statistic Prob. *
Augmented Dickey-Fuller -4.877778 0.0013
test statistic
Test critical 1% level -4.152511
5% level -3.502373
10% level -3.180699
* MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.
Null Hypothesis: SPREAD is stationary
Exogenous: Constant, Linear Trend
Bandwidth: 0 (Newey-West using Bartlett kernel)
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test statistic 0.062163
Asymptotic 1% level 0.216000
values *: 5% level 0.146000
10% level 0.119000
* Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (1992, Table 1)
Residual variance (no correction) 128.0817
HAC corrected variance (Bartlett kernel) 128.0817