Product lifecycle management training modules for industrial engineering.
Funar, Stefan Petru ; Costache, Bogdan Mihai ; Adamescu, Dorina 等
This paper presents an initiative of UPB-PREMINV Research Centre of
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, in order to prepare the human
resources to respond for today challenges, in a larger and no border
market, using Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools (fig. 1). At the
moment industrial enterprises confront themselves with a series of
problems due to the competitive environment enforced by market
globalization and insufficient R&D capacity, difficulties met in
usage of new technologies. All these factors lead to an economic and
intellectual isolation of searching and defining solutions in order to
diminish the consequences of these vulnerabilities (Carutasu & al.,
2008). In this context, the Romanian companies started to take into
consideration and to actually implement PLM solutions, along with the
integration and enhancement of CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM
(Computer Aided Manufacturing), CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) use, or
CRM (Customer Relations Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
and SCM (Supply Chain Management) existing implementations, (Ameri &
Dutta, 2005).
We consider that a product done in the same enterprise is no longer
a valid option for this field without very large investments in
technology, investments which are not always available in those
countries industries. Even though there is not a general agreement on
certain related terms and definitions, the concept of Virtual Enterprise
(VE) is mostly associated with specific characteristics: a network of
enterprises that constitute a temporary alliance, in order to share
their costs, skills and resources, in supporting the necessary
activities towards the exploitations of fast-changing opportunities, for
product or service requests and competitiveness in a global market.
So, the global manufacturing enterprise can be viewed as a
collection of interconnected virtual and/or real entities and the whole
manufacturing systems will be represented by the society of
manufacturing agents, in which every agent will be doing specific tasks
(design, planning, manufacturing, control and diagnosis, marketing
etc.). The overall system will evolve out of their collective
There for, is important for those enterprises to be able to develop
their ability in involving themselves in international projects, where
they can cover using their skills specific tasks, modules of the project
proposed by the big enterprises who are leading the field (Cotet &
al., 2007). For that goal we propose the PLM oriented training of the
engineers and managers who can make this possible.
Even though there is not a general agreement on certain related
terms and definitions, the concept of Virtual Enterprise (VE) is mostly
associated with specific PLM characteristics: a network of enterprises
that can be viewed as a collection of interconnected virtual and/or real
entities and the whole manufacturing systems will be represented by the
society of manufacturing agents, in which every agent will be doing
specific tasks (design, planning, manufacturing, control and diagnosis,
marketing etc.). The overall system will evolve out of their collective
interactions (Dragoi & al, 2008).
Traditionally mechanical, manufacturing and industrial engineers
have played more dominant role in manufacturing. However, the increasing
VE-PLM trend facilitated by changes in information and communications
technologies has imposed for manufacturing engineers to acquire special
skills (Cotet & al., 2008).
The special skills relate to electrical and computer hardware, data
processing, knowledge processing, advanced computing techniques, human
computer interface, environmental issues and management skills for
global manufacturing.
Manufacturing practices, research and education lack an integrated
approach, under the impact of the new concepts of manufacturing.
We need to train our manufacturing engineers in the conventional
aspects of the manufacturing engineering, with additional emphasis on
the special skills requirements as were outlined and to equip ourselves
to create and use the digital libraries, interactive on-line virtual
classrooms/laboratories, multimedia and other advanced computing tools
(fig. 2). We must be aware that manufacturing is a physical process and
not a concept, which can simply be simulated on a computer system and
therefore, must to have a correct balance between information and
communication technologies and hard-core manufacturing backgrounds for
different industries.
Finally, our training project is based on a virtual classroom and
laboratory, associated to adapted traditional laboratory, under the
supervision and with the contribution of professors and
manufacturing/industrial consultants, in the distributed heterogeneous
www environment.
The aim of this university-enterprise partnership first project
step is mechanical engineers and SME management training in PLM-VE
paradigm, using new learning tools based on open distance learning
software, for developing their skills in solving the technical tasks
implied by the project module they will realize themselves as a part of
a modular project, as well as a good management of the interconnection
techniques of the different modules.
Based on the new ICT technologies in manufacturing, design,
engineering, planning, scheduling, programming, management, we had
identified specifications for the knowledge needed to be assimilated by
mechanical engineers on three levels: basic general level, operational
and service engineer, research and designer in the field of
manufacturing. The basic levels of training can be seen in fig. 2.
Because the request of our industrial partners was to develop an
e-training module we are using Ael software as an open distance learning
tool for our modules and we consider that a new form of learning &
teaching in vocational and education training (VET).
People working in SME from the new EU member countries will be
increasing and developing adaptability in order to consolidate
technological and organizational change and it is necessary to be so,
because their enterprise will change.
In the new VE-PLM paradigm, these mechanical enterprises will
become suppliers of specific modules interconnected with the most
important enterprises in their field, working at the same project. And
this is the main goal of our project, the training of such engineers and
SME managers able to work in VE-PLM environment.
This project is based on the partnership between technical
universities and SME, and will generate new employment possibilities
based on the new PLM techniques. After this training programme engineers
will be able to solve mechanical tasks implied by mechanical design,
manufacturing and engineering & to send their results in e-format to
the beneficiary enterprises.
The necessity of implementing an integrated VE--PLM system was
dictated by three main reasons: reducing the time-to-market for new
products, reducing the costs by centralizing the procedures/operations
and optimizing the manufacturing architecture and processes.
The implementation of such an integrated system for a VE
architecture brings the advantage of controlling data from many systems
across an organization, providing the user with a robust manufacturing
architecture optimizing engine and with the necessary information in a
user-friendly web environment.
Also because the students will realize themselves a part of a
modular project, developing the abilities to communicate with the other
students implied in other modules of the same project we consider that a
new an form of learning for engineers.
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the Knowledge Loops, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, Vol. 2,
No. 5, 2005, ISSN 1686-4360, pp. 577-590, USA
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