Probabilistic analysis of continuous welded rail stability.
Ungureanu, Valentin-Vasile ; Dosa, Adam ; Botis, Marius Florin 等
In 1992 / 1999 period the International Union of Railways (UIC)
commissioned a research program from European Rail Research Institute
(ERRI) about improving the knowledge of continuous welded rail (CWR)
track, including switches (***, 1999). This research was necessary for
revision and update of Leaflet UIC 720 which regulate the problems
concerning the laying and maintenance of CWR track, which was from
January 1986. In the new Leaflet UIC 720 (***, 2005), which was from
March 2005, there were introduced concepts and criteria for the CWR
buckling safety assessment and were shown case studies which appeal to
the two CWR stability analysis softwares, one developed at TU Delft (Holland) for ERRI--software called initially CWERRI, and nowadays
LONGSTAB--and the other developed at Foster&Miller company for
Federal Rail Administration of United States of America (FRA)--software
called CWR-BUCKLE (Kish & Samavedam, 1999). In this context, at the
Civil Engineering Faculty from the University Transilvania of Brasov,
Romania, was developed a software for track stability simulation using a
non-linear discrete model for CWR buckling analysis, in the presence of
thermal and vehicle loads, model called SCFJ (Stabilitatea Caii Fara
Joante = Stability of CWR). A presentation of SCFJ model can be found in
(Ungureanu, 2007).
This paper presents a probabilistic computational model of the
buckling of CWR track. The great variability of the main parameters
which characterize the stability of the track is introduced in the
computational model by the statistical distribution of the parameters.
The model is based on a nonlinear analysis in total Lagrangean
formulation (Dosa & Ungureanu, 2007). The validity of the present
model is verified through a series of comparative analyses with other
author's results (Van, 1997).
In contrast with CWR-BUCKLE program, which use probability density
functions, the probabilistic computational algorithm of SCFJ program is
based on the evaluation of convolution integrals (Ghiocel & Lungu,
1975) in a discrete approach (Ghiocel & Lungu, 1982), using the
histograms of the main parameters which characterize the stability of
the CWR track (Ungureanu & Dosa, 2007).
For every set of date which contain the physical and geometrical
parameters of the CWR track introduced in the SCFJ model it will result
(Fig. 1) a buckling response curve of track (***, 1999).
This curve is characterized by two points (Van, 1997):
[T.sub.b,max]--the maximum increase of temperature for which the
buckling certainly starts, and
[T.sub.b,min]--the minimum increase of temperature which occurs in
the post-buckling domain.
For a railway track safety conditions, [T.sub.allow] is the maximum
allowable temperature above the neutral temperature of the rail that is
considered safe as far as track buckling is concerned.
The safety concepts and criteria proposed by researchers are based
on one of the following situations (***, 1999):
1. evaluation of [T.sub.b,max];
2. evaluating of [T.sub.b,min];
3. simultaneous quantification of [T.sub.b,max] and [T.sub.b,min].
Since the first situation leads to imprudent results in terms of
safety, and the second method leads to too conservative results, it
appears that the third method is the most rational, and therefore it is
based on safety criteria developed by UIC.
For this reason the criterion of safety implemented in SCFJ program
is provided by the new Leaflet UIC 720 through the ERRI D 202
Specialists' Committee (***, 2005):
[T.sub.R--TN] - [T.sub.N] [less than or equal to] [T.sub.allow] (1)
where [T.sub.R] is temperature of rail at a specific moment,
[T.sub.N] is neutral temperature of rail and the [T.sub.allow] is
computed as follows:
a) If [DELTA]T > 20[degrees]C:
[T.sub.allow] = [T.sub.b,min] + 0,25[DELTA]T (2)
b) If 5[degrees]C < [DELTA]T < 20[degrees]C:
[T.sub.allow] = [T.sub.b,min] (3)
c) If 0[degrees]C < [DELTA]T < 5[degrees]C:
[T.sub.allow] = [T.sub.b,min] - 5[degrees]C (4)
d) If [DELTA]T < 0[degrees]C: it is not allowable in main lines,
where [DELTA]T = [T.sub.b,max] - [T.sub.b,min].
The essential aim of structural design is to ensure that in all
sections the "minimum" sectional strengths are at least equal
to the "maximum" structural effects of the loads (Ghiocel
& Lungu, 1975).
The buckling "load" can be expressed in terms of the rail
temperature increase over the neutral, and the "strength" is
expressed in terms of the allowable temperature increase,
The buckling evaluation can be approached in a deterministic or in
a probabilistic manner (Ungureanu, 2007).
In a deterministic approach the above criterion for buckling safety
is satisfied or not. Hence, the track will either buckle out or not, and
the "probability" of buckling is either 1 or 0.
In a probabilistic approach, the probability of load exceeding the
strength is the "failure probability of the structure" and it
can be evaluated on the basis of the so-called "convolution"
integral (Ghiocel & Lungu, 1982) given below.
If [f.sub.R] (x) and [F.sub.R] (x) are the probability density
function and the cumulative density function of the random sectional
resistance, R, and, similarly, [f.sub.s] (x) and [F.sub.s] (x) are the
probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of
the random sectional load effect, S, the probability of failure is
(Ghiocel & Lungu, 1975):
The integrals of equations (5) and (6) are called integrals of
convolutions and they are solved by using the following relations for
discrete distributions (Ghiocel & Lungu, 1982):
The input data of the SCFJ program are the histograms of key
parameters of CWR track stability and the output data are the histogram of allowable temperature [T.sub.allow] and the histogram of difference
between temperature of the rail at a specific moment and the neutral
temperature of the rail ([T.sub.R] - [T.sub.N]). Then these results are
introduced in the expressions of convolution integral to obtain the
buckling probability versus rail temperature (Ungureanu, 2007).
1) CWR buckling under vehicle and thermal loads can be predicted
using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. The deterministic
approach will decide whether the CWR track with given parameters will
buckle out or not. If it does not buckle, the "safety
assurance" in terms of a buckling margin of safety can also be
evaluated. The probabilistic approach introduces the statistical
variability in the input parameters. For given statistical distributions
of these parameters, the probabilistic approach gives the probability of
buckling as a function of anticipated maximum rail temperature.
2) The probabilistic approach developed for CWR track buckling
evaluations provides more flexibility in the maintenance of CWR tracks.
Tradeoffs are possible between ballast lateral resistance, CWR neutral
temperature and other parameters for more cost-effective maintenance for
the same level of buckling risk.
3) A computational procedure for the determination of buckling
probabilities has been formalized into a comprehensive buckling safety
analysis program called SCFJ. The program incorporates both the
deterministic and probabilistic analysis modules.
4) The SCFJ probabilistic method presented here can provide a
rational basis for speed reductions for buckling risk mitigation when
the rail temperature is above a "critical temperature".
Allowable speed levels can also be determined using the method.
5) The main application of this probabilistic computational model
is to assessment of temporary train speed limits using the simulation of
the CWR track buckling in a probabilistic approach. The temporary train
speed limits disturb normal passenger and freight traffic set in train
schedule and determine losses due to the decrease of circulation
capacity on the railway. An estimation of the allowable temperature
limit under which it is possible to circulate in safety conditions with
a known speed limit on the railway sector studied is an imperious necessity. In view of the great variability of main parameters which
govern the stability of the CWR track it must use the algorithm for
probabilistic assessment of the CWR track buckling developed in (Kish
& Samavedam, 1999) and (Ungureanu, 2007) to estimate these temporary
train speed limits.
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stability of continuous welded rail, In: Intersections/Intersectii,
Vol.4, No.1, 2007, "Transportation Infrastructure
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Ghiocel, D. & Lungu, D. (1975). Wind, Snow and Temperature
Effects on Structures Based on Probability, Abacus Press, ISBN 0 85626
026 6, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Ghiocel, D. & Lungu, D. (1982) Metode probabilistice in
calculul constructiilor (Probabilistic methods in computation of
structures), Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti
Kish, A. & Samavedam, G. (1999). Risk Analysis Based CWR Track
Buckling Safety Evaluations, Available from: Accessed: 2009-07-29
Ungureanu, V.V. (2007). Cercetari privind simularea pierderii
stabilitatii caii fara joante (Researches about simulation of continuous
welded rail buckling), Teza de doctorat, Universitatea
"Transilvania" din Brasov, Brasov, Romania.
Ungureanu, V.V. & Dosa, A. (2007). Algoritm pentru determinarea
probabilitatii de pierdere a stabilitatii cadrului sine-traverse
(Algorithm for computation of the rail track buckling probability),
Lucrarile Sesiunii Stiintifice Constructii-Instalatii CIB 2007, 15-16
Noiembrie, Brasov, Romania, Talposi et al. (Ed.), pp 385-392, Editura
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Van, M.A. (1997). Stability of Continuous Welded Rail Track, PhD
Thesis, Delft University Press, ISBN: 90-407-1485-1, Delft, Netherlands
*** (1999) ERRID202-RP12 Improved knowledge of forces in CWR track
(including switches)--Final report, European Rail Research Institute,
Utrecht, Netherlands
*** (2005) UIC Leaflet -UIC 720R, Laying and Maintenance of CWR
Track, 2nd edition, International Union of Railway, ISBN 2-7461-0526-8,