Period-to-voltage converter.
Baluta, Gheorghe ; Coteata, Margareta
The voltage-to-frequency and the frequency-to-voltage converters
belong to a larger class of converters, which realize the conversion
through the intermediary of time. This class also includes the
converters voltage-duration, voltage-duty cycle, voltage-phase
difference, as well as the ones, which realize their inverse functions
(Hendriks, 1994).
There are known voltage-to-frequency or frequency-to-voltage
converters realized by integrated circuits means, but these ones are
sold at high prices and their procurement is somewhat difficult
(McNamara, 2004), (Stitt, 1992).
Taking into consideration the facts presented above, in this paper
the authors present a period-to-voltage converter for recording the
frequency functions supplied by directly digital transducers.
The period-to-voltage converters (TVC) are devices, which permit
the transformation of a period applied to the converter's input
into a voltage obtained at its output.
The block diagram which emphasizes the converter's operation
principle is presented in Fig. 1. There has been made the following
CF-pulse shaper circuit;
[M.sub.1] and [M.sub.2]-monostable circuits;
CD-discharging circuit;
GCC-constant current generator;
S/H-sample and hold circuit.
The input periodic signal is applied to the pulse shaper circuit
CF, at its output being obtained rectangular pulses whose fronts point
out the [u.sub.i](t) voltage zero-crossings (Fig. 2).
The [M.sub.1] monostable circuit provides at its output very
short-time pulses, which indicates the input [u.sub.i](t) voltage
zero-crossings through positive values. These pulses are utilized, on
one hand, for discharging the [C.sub.1] capacitor of a variable linear
voltage generator which becomes thus sawtooth pulses generator with the
same frequency as the input voltage, and on the other hand for
commanding a S/H sample and hold circuit.
The sawtooth pulses generator is made up from a constant current I
generator GCC which charges the [C.sub.1] capacitor.
The test pulses from the [M.sub.1] monostable circuit output are
also applied to the [M.sub.2] monostable circuit input, at its output
being obtained very short-time pulses which, through the intermediary of
the CD initializing circuit, put to zero the capacitor [C.sub.1] thus
fixing the null initial conditions for a new conversion period.
If the input voltage is given by a relation of the shape:
[u.sub.i](t) = [U.sub.m] x sin[omega]t, (1)
then the linear variable voltage from the emitter-repeater output,
realized using the operational amplifier [AO.sub.1], follows the
[u.sub.AO1](t) = I/[C.sub.1] x t (2)
If the charging constant current I[[mu]A] is chosen equal to the
capacity [C.sub.1][nF], then for t=T the instantaneous value, in volts,
of this voltage, becomes equal to the input signal period T[ms]. Thus,
by adding a sample and hold circuit, it is obtained a period-to-voltage
[u.sub.e](t)[V] = T[ms] (3)
If the voltage representing the period T in milliseconds, is
applied to the divider circuit, at whose output is obtained a voltage,
proportional to the frequency in kHz, of the input voltage:
[u.sub.e](t)[V] = 1/T[ms] = f[kHz] (4)
The experimental researches have been made in the Electrical Drives
and Power Electronics Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering Faculty,
Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi. The electrical
schematic of the period-to-voltage converter is shown in Fig. 3.
The shaper circuit is realized with the voltage comparator I1 of
type LM 339 whereas the monostable circuits are made in the circuits
[I.sub.2] and [I.sub.3] of 74LS121 type. The emitter-repeater circuits
are realized with the precision operational amplifier LM 108.
The sample and hold circuits are fabricated in a large range of
integrated circuits hybrid or monolithically. Usually, the hold
capacitor is connected in the exterior. The I5 utilized circuit, of LF
398 type, has a low price and presents the following characteristics:
--less than 10[mu]s acquisition time;
--TTL, CMOS compatible logic input;
--low input offset;
--low output noise;
--0.002% gain accuracy;
--wide bandwidth.
This converter has been integrated in a high-performance trial
stand dedicated to the stepper motors driving systems control, using an
IBM PC486 computer (Baluta, 2003).
The interface was achieved on a so-named "prototyping
board" (with a connector that equips the computer mother board) and
contains the necessary elements for both the openloop control and the
closed-loop one. The voltage conversion of the pulse period offered by a
numerical speed transducer made it possible the analogue measuring of
the stepper motor instantaneous angular speed. As experimental results
there are presented the instantaneous angular velocity oscillograms
corresponding to:
--a linear profile (Fig. 4);
--a exponential profile (Fig. 5).
The real exponential profile recorded at the low-pass filter output
is shown in Fig. 6.
The period-to-voltage converter presented in this paper may be used
both in the measuring electronic devices field and in the automation
It has the following advantages:
--it may be utilized for the frequency-to-voltage conversion as
--the period-to-voltage converter answer time is of maximum 2
periods whereas to the one of the frequency-to-voltage converter must be
added the divider circuit's settling time;
--the period-to-voltage converter operates with high precision in
the range of 100 Hz / 10kHz.
Baluta, Gh. (2003). Electrical Drives with Stepper Motors (in
Romanian), Gh. Asachi Publishing House, ISBN 973-621034-0, Iasi, Romania
Hendriks, P. (1994). F/V Converter Has High Accuracy, Available
from: 051294/10di11.htm
McNamara, N. (2004). DDS IC Plus Frequency-to-Voltage Converter
Make Low-Cost DAC, Available from:
Stitt, R.M. & Rod, B. (1992). Frequency-To-Voltage Conversion
(AB-039.pdf), Burr-Brown Application