New trends and orientations in the stock markets consolidation.
Barbu, Teodora ; Vintila, Georgeta ; Nedelescu, Mihai 等
In Europe the consolidation trend began with the constitution of
Euronext and attempt to bring closer between Euronext, LSE and Deutsche
Borse. The main objective of the paper is to provide a real image of the
European markets, and is the beginning of a larger research on the stock
market's behavior.
Because of the multitude of technical, financial, economic and
political effects, trained by these trends, the present study is focused
on the next aspects:
--the actors and the economic and financial powers concerned in the
main stabilized stock markets;
--the settlement and the adjustment of the stock market's
activity by strengthening the stock markets;
--the strategies adopted by the European markets next to the
worldwide trend of the strengthening;
--strategies adopted by the European and American players.
The latter characteristics of the European financial market are the
grade of fragmentation added and the impact of the new European Layout
on the financial markets which will modify radical the European stock
market environment facilitating the entry of new stock market platforms
by this growing the competitive pressures on the existent stock markets.
At the questions which are the causes and the consequences of the
European stock markets' strengthening, if the present situation is
good and how are concerned the public authorities, the answers endorse
three levels: market's microstructure, the governance of the market
enterprises and market's globalization (Foucault, 2007).
Euronext was created in 2000 as paneuropean stock market by
regrouping the markets from Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Lisbon and the
market of abducted from London and is characterized by an open and
federal model founded on:
--platform of central negotiation;
--decentralization of the decision centers;
--local entry points;
--splitting the negotiation, compensation and settlement-delivery
activities (model of horizontal integration);
--externalized technology;
--a framework of local settlement.
Euronext developed an economic efficient model favorable also to
the issuers and to the investments (the reduction of the negotiation
costs with 30% in 4 years, the development of the transboundary trades)
and also to the Euronext shareholders (a big level of profitability, up
to 40% in 2006). These favored the independence of the compensation
structures, settlement-delivery and also maintaining the local
settlements due to the clients and users expectations (International
Investor Relations Federation Conference, Tokyo, 2007).
NYSE is the first worldwide stock market on the market shares
disposing by an international and incomparably attractiveness and which
to be traded the most famous American and foreign enterprises. NYSE is
using the same exploit model as Euronext but with an evident splitting
of the negotiation activities and the operation of settlement-delivery.
In 2006, the studies about the future fusion NYSE-Euronext highlighted
the superiority of this from the possible fusion project between Chicago
Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Chicago Board of Trade (CBoT).
Euronext-NYSE alliance was characterized from the fusion projection
moment by the next advantages:
The development of the primary market which means attracting new
issuers and stimulation of the enterprises to be quoted. Euronext-NYSE
alliance is transacting 80% from the great worldwide enterprises. The
international attractiveness of the alliance will choose a big number of
issuers from Brazil, Russia, India and China. Also, for the emerging
countries, the NYSE-Euronext platform offers and added attractiveness
with an estimated admittance flux at the international quotation of a
number of 200-250 enterprises.
1. Costs' synergy of the Euronext-NYSE alliance derivates from
regrouping the platforms of trading and negotiation and from the
strengthening the members network of the two stock markets.
2. Negotiation platform: negotiation platform from the Cash markets
(NYSE) presents two components: NYSE Hybrid which is a quotation and
electronic trading system from 2006 and another component, ARCA. Instead
of it, on the Euronext market it is functioning only one negotiation
platform, NSC. By regrouping the negotiation platforms, the estimated
economies were of 215 million Euro yearly, during 3 years, as a result
of the software infrastructure's rationing and of the used systems
for the negotiation activity within the new group.
3. Members' access: the alliance has two platforms, one for
stocks, Universal NSC and another for derivative products, Universal
Connect. The members have access at these trading platforms and are
using order books owning to each market and products negotiated on each
of these platforms. The unified platforms are creating synergy due to
the reduction of the technical access costs (605 members of NYSE and 207
of Euronext whereby 40 members are common). On the market of the
abducted Euronext has 425 members and NYSE-ARCA 150, whereby 25 common
(Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2002).
4. Extending the distribution network: Euronext had 227 points of
access but it didn't own displays in USA; the orders of the
American institutions were crossing the investments banks from London.
The alliance with NYSE allows Euronext to install his own displays in
USA at the institutionalized American investments that will have direct
access to the trading platform and at the order books of Euronext. In
USA the main way to negotiate is algorithmic and proprietary trading which consists in generation of automatic and formatted trades, of
selling or buying quickly of a portfolio constituted from a number of
individual securities under some conditions.
This way of trading assures 40% from the whole volume of stock
transactions on the NYSE market. Taking-over this model by Euronext will
train an increase of liquidity for the enterprises quoted on Euronext.
The Euronext-NYSE alliance offers a geographical extending of the
European banking and financial mediators of medium size, especially of
the European mediators who can accede to the liquidity of the American
stock market as a result of the NYSE technology. The possibility of
extending some districts for the European mediators can be made without
training costs from them.
Beyond the trained anxieties, strengthening the stock exchange is
generating also advantages as they are specified (Gaughan, 2007):
Common trading platforms: consolidation of the stock exchange can
make compatible platforms, releasing the need for additional investments
in different systems of trading. A capital market requires different
fixed costs made for development, modernization and operating with the
system. Because these systems have similar architecture, a fusion
between markets can be an effective decision. Using some common trading
platforms can be an advantage for the investments banks and brokers
regarding the significant costs borne for maintaining the relation with
different trading systems.
Arisen liquidity of the capital market: trade platforms'
compatibility leads to the reduction of the costs of the transboundary
operations involving the attraction of new investments on the capital
market and so it can appear some significant volume indicators. The
liquidity indicates the possibility to buy or to sell an active in a
short time and with a similar price with the ones afferent to the last
transactions, supposing that there isn't any other available
When the salesmen and the buyers are few in number and they action
sporadically, it can appear big price fluctuations whereas the sales
orders can't find contact on the market only in a large period of
Diminished fragmentation of the capital market: The parallel
transaction of a title on different national stock exchange leads to the
capital market's fragmentation. Creating pan-european stock markets
can help to resolve this problem, if we allow that a bigger price's
stability and a more precise way to establish this one can result from a
bigger focusing of the left orders. A reduction of the market's
fragmentation can be a benefit after a long period of time, this being a
long time consequence of the strengthening process.
Products' specialization: the potential scale economies
offered by only one pan-european don't indicate the most efficient
structure of a capital market. The investments and the issuers prefer a
bigger number of stock markets which can offer different products,
orientated to different clients' categories.
The differences signalized at the laws and settlements' level
on the capital market: In the EU exist many authorities intended for
supervision and for settlement of the capital market, every country
having a certain set of rules. The disparity between national rules
discourages the transboundary transactions because the investments and
the enterprises must familiarize with the legislative regimens of the
countries they intend to activate. In Europe can appear major
differences between listing and the rules specific to the transactions
and also the fiscal treatment of the operations specific to the capital
Information's costs and the option for the national titles:
The strengthening can be stopped by the trained costs of the
occasionally information by the international transactions. The
information costs are an essential reason for the investments'
preference to have national actives even though the diversification of
portfolio offers advantages.
The fragmentation of the settlement, compensation and delivery
systems: The systems of compensation, adjustment and delivery are
another barrier for the strengthening. After the transaction is made, it
focuses the settlement: the buyer and the salesman confirm the
contract's terms and the settlement institution establish the
parts' obligation continued with the effective transfer of the
funds, of the titles between buyer and salesman. The operations involve
independent or checked institutions by the stock market. The
fragmentation of these institutions gear to additional processes of
compensation, delivery and settlement resulting bigger costs after the
transactions (Bruner, 2004).
The fusion between Euronext and NYSE can be analyzed in virtue of
five main criterions:
--increasing the power and the importance of the stock market for
--the reduction of transactions' costs for investments
--the balanced government of the new created entity
--a reliable settlement structure
--protecting the European public interests
NYSE-Euronext alliance represents a unique opportunity under many
aspects. Firstly, it will lead to the attraction of new investments
(especially from Brazil, India, China and Russia) and it will lead also
to the strengthen of the owned position by the primary capital market of
Euronext. A secondary, active and strong market can exist only if new
investments are attracted regularly by the primary market. Moreover the
alliance will generate costs' synergy-by strengthening the
transactions' platforms and the members' network--and also
synergy of products' categories. As an effect the new entity will
rise the liquidity of the two members, creating a "pool"
liquidity, more than the two big capital markets could offer if it would
continued to activate separated, facilitating the conditions for
extending the distribution network for each entity and the cross
NYSE and Euronext alliance caused the appearance of the biggest
worldwide operator of capital market at the level of the
actions-derivative products' mix. The strengthening operation
assured the appearance of a new worldwide entity but also of a real
challenger for the stock market from London. Also, Europe's
position within the financial markets will better as a result of a
bigger capacity to attract capital flux from all over the world.
Bruner, F.R. (2004). Applied mergers and acquisitions, John Wiley
& sons Inc., ISBN 978-0-471-39506-4, New Jersey
Foucault, T. (2007). Consolidation et fragmentation des marches
boursier: couts et benefices
Gaughan, A.P. (2007). Mergers, acquisitions and corporate
restructurings, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & sons Inc., ISBN
978-0-471-70564-2, New Jersey
***(2002) Current issue in economics and finance--Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, June 2002
***(2007) Stock Exchange Consolidation: What it means listed
companies--International Investor Relations Federation Conference,
Tokyo, December 2007