Mechanosorptive creep of wood laminate elements.
Obucina, Murco ; Dzaferovic, Ejub ; Bajramovic, Rasim 等
Laminated elements made of veneer or wood laminates, glued together
in longitudinal and perpendicular direction, have better mechanical and
reologic properties and stability of shape compared to products made
from single piece of wood. During exploitation these products are mainly
exposed to constant loading and environmental effects. Considering the
fact that wood is a viscoelastic material the logical consequence is the
The least explained phenomenon is the wood creep appearing due to
change of moisture. Deformation--deflection of loaded element, which
goes through one or more moisturizing cycles, is higher than with the
element exposed to one of two extreme moisture content conditions. Also,
the amount of creep depends on the quantity and speed of moisture
change. This phenomenon was explained by Grossman (Grossman, 1976)
naming it "mechanosorptive creep". He described the difference
between the creep under constant environmental conditions and
mechanosorptive creep. Wood as a hygroscopic material has the ability to
receive and to lose moisture depending on the difference between its own
moisture and moisture in its environment, striving to create a balance
with its environment. This phenomenon (absorption and desorption of
moisture) is specially emphasized in hygroscopic moisture area and it is
manifested through change in wood dimensions. Any movement of moisture
in material is called moisture diffusion. If the cause is the gradient
of potential of moisture then it is isothermal transfer of moisture and
that phenomenon is called moisture conductivity. If the cause is the
gradient of the temperature then the phenomenon can be called
thermal-moisture conductivity.
Moisture diffusion in the cross section of wood and wood products
can be described by basic mass balance equation. This, together with
constitutive relation of the initial and boundary condition, represents
a mathematical model (Demirdzic et. al., 2005).
Equations are valid for a whole body and for each body volume part
V limited with surface S, with the outward-pointing surface vector n.
Equation (1) relates the mass change in the time unit and over the
with the moisture diffusion. With the constant temperature the ratio
between the moisture content and moisture potential is a linear function
given as:
w = [c.sub.m]M (2)
where [rho] is density, w is moisture, [c.sub.m] is specific
moisture, M is moisture potential, [q.sub.w] is mass flux, [S.sub.w] is
moisture source in the time unit and over unit of mass.
If we assume isotropy and isothermal moisture transfer, then the
relation between the mass flux [q.sub.w] and the moisture potential
gradient M is given by the Fick's Law:
[q.sub.w] = -D gradM (3)
where D is the moisture diffusion coefficient
Boundary conditions for moisture diffusion are determined with the
following equation (Srpcic et. al., 2001):
where [q.sub.w] is the flow of the moisture (mass flux) through the
boundary surface (kg/[m.sup.2]s), [n.sub.i] are components of the normal
to boundary surface, and [w.sub.p] is the given moisture content at
Boundary conditions for the moisture flow (4) can be simplified
assuming that the water flow is a linear function of the difference
between the water content at the boundary [w.sub.S] and equivalent water
content in surrounding air [w.sub.A], which depends on relative humidity of surrounding air and the type of wood (Srpcic et. al., 2001):
[q.sub.w] = s([w.sub.A] - [w.sub.s]) (5)
where S is a coefficient of the transfer of moisture.
Creep test was done on a device with four-wheel load, where it was
possible to simultaneously perform the creep test for 5 elements. Device
was in a chamber where relative humidity was made constant by constant
flow of air using axial fans over the container with salt. To preserve
94 % air humidity we used saturated solution of salt (Potassium Sulphate
[K.sub.2]S[O.sub.4]) in water, and for 33 % humidity the Magnesium
Chloride Mg[Cl.sub.2] x 6[H.sub.2]O. Room temperature was kept at 22.5
[+ or -] 0.5 oC.
Length of the cycle of different relative moistures was determined
using the experience gained in the pre-experiment. Creep was monitored
in four cycles of the air humidity change, two moistening (94 %) and two
drying (33 %). The first cycle was moistening and it lasted 21 days, and
the other three cycles were 14 days of sequential change of humidity in
the chamber. Moisture of samples was measured using the gravimetric
method. Each sample was cut to 26 samples of the same length of 18 mm.
Then these were aligned one after another on a flat surface, the 3.2 mm
thick veneer layer and put in a chamber along with the elements which
were subjected to the creep test (Figure 1).
Samples were then quickly taken out of the chamber and were not
returned in order to avoid the change of the relative humidity in the
chamber as little as possible. The moisture determined in this manner
was then used for the verification of the moisture content results
through time, acquired by numerical model.
Analysis of experimental results shows the moisture influence on
creep of laminated elements. The dominant influence on creep comes from
the relative air humidity, i.e. moisture content of the laminated
elements which were exposed to constant loading. After the initial
elastic deformation which occurs under the loading, when we have a
relatively high air moisture ([phi] =94 % [approximately equal to] w=21
%) then we get the deformation which increases with time (Figure 2).
With the increase of the moisture content in the hygroscopic area
we have a decrease in the module of elasticity and increase of
deformation (Obucina, 2006). Diffusion of the moisture through
time leads to tearing, transfer and reestablishment of active hydrogen
bonds. This "tearing" of the bonds in the cell wall has as a
consequence in the decrease of elastic properties, which leads to the
deformation increase (Mukudai & Yata, 1986).
Most of the moisture is transferred by diffusion through a porous
material. That is the reason why moisture content in the samples was
assessed by diffusion in each time step and then the two-dimensional
distribution of the moisture content was calculated over cross section
(Figure 3). Material and physical parameters influencing the
distribution of the water content were taken from literature.
In the above diagram we can observe that the highest diffusion of
moisture in the cross section of the laminated elements happens at the
start of exposure of laminated elements to different moisture. If the
penetration depth of moisture throughout the cross section had
influenced the creep then it would have taken much longer time to reach
stabilization of the mechanosorptive creep. Moisture diffusion in the
sample cross section is slowed down by glue layers and change of the
wood properties due to increased temperature and pressure during the
gluing process. This means that there is a significant difference in
moisture of internal and external layers of the laminated elements. The
speed of change of moisture influences the speed of change of
deformation, but not its value.
Considering certain omissions during the definition of the
numerical simulation of the moisture distribution over sample cross
section we achieved good results, and the mentioned numerical model can
be used to predict diffusion and distribution of moisture in wood and
wood composites.
Change of moisture significantly influences the creep of laminated
elements obtained by gluing of wood.
Outside layers of laminated elements had the highest moisture
changes and that dominantly influenced mechanosorptive creep of
laminated elements.
The used numerical model based on finite volumes can be
successfully applied in prediction of the moisture gradient for cross
section of the laminated elements.
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Mukudai. J. & Yata S. (1986). Modeling and simulation of
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