Management of successful teamwork in automotive industry field.
Izvercianu, Monica ; Vartolomei-M., Mihael ; Staicu, Florentiu 等
Technical aptitudes are necessary but not sufficient for
managers' success. Literature presents the team concept
("members of a team influence themselves in order to achieve the
organization objectivE" (Deaconu et. al, 2004), the law of teamwork (Maxwell, 2003), but also the influence of settlement strategy elements:
structure, culture, work environment, groups and individuals'
motivation showing leader's abilities. Especially practical field
emphasises the role of managerial (Harrington-Mackin, 2002) and
philosophical values and the impact an efficient teamwork over
organisation's sustainable achievements has.
Even if human resources management represents the process during
employees obtain the needed satisfaction level, according to literature
(Deaconu, 2004) the organization obtain proposed targets by
interweaving four elements: environment, organization, job and employee.
Advantages for managers to use efficient teams are
* The teams are perfect suited for solving complex problems that
need different knowledge and opinions.
* They represent a perfect environment to learn.
* They are more well target oriented.
* They can easier to establish own vision and purpose.
* They can use better the resources of every member.
* They are more flexible (Draghici, 2007).
* They rise loyalty and work using principle "all for one and
one for all" (West, 2005).
The teams follow more stages in order to be considered efficient
one: the birth, the storm, the normalization, the final.
In human resources (HR) strategic plan overview of studied company,
the authors realised to define its vision, key strategic issues and key
actions (table 1). Thus, in business description, HR vision of
organization develops and implements people strategies leading to one
organization culture focused on supporting growth objectives, best in
cost producer strategy.
Organization key strategic issues are: weak bench, retention,
resources to support shift to low-cost facilities, communicating
globally, improve process efficiency.
The strategic thrusts (Key Actions) for organization seen by the
authors are:
* Identify, develop, manage and retain talent and leadership within
* Lead the organization in developing HR strategies to support the
low cost producer strategy.
* Build the process to effectively execute communications.
* Build plant organizational capability to manage in a global and
virtual environment.
The relationship between formation and performance shows a complex
system networks are both social and economical, in the same time, as can
be seen in figure 1. According to figure 1:
* Connection 1 refers to feedback about team-makers.
* Connection 2 shows a normal process to increase know-how by
formation. It is about more to improve its efficacy than its size.
* Connection 3 shows formation process can be remedy for careless in activity, because it improves worker's relationships, it can
make a good integration of workers.
* Connection 4 reflects rising knowledge level can increase
understanding level regarding plant functioning process. It results an
improvement of organizing process that can lead to an increase of
* Connection 5 refers to relationships between knowledge
improvement, social environment and organizing process, "increasing
the individual culture level".
* Connections 6, 7 underline the effect of increasing culture level
can be seen on productivity enhancing the plant performance level.
Performance represents the way member of a team contributes to the
achievement of team objectives.
Although people motivated not always obtain good results (low
aptitudes, undeveloped abilities, wrong understanding of targets, bad
chance can decrease performance even for the most motivated persons), in
figure 2 authors present some factors contribute to individual
performance in the frame of work in a team. Now more than ever,
extraordinary leadership is an increasingly important element of
plant's success.
For the plant studied in this paper, the authors identified the
following propositions for improve teamwork performance:
* Business Acumen (internal training): knows Competition, familiar
with strategies and tactics, manages by fact, and demonstrates knowledge
/ interest / aptitude for business.
* Customer Focus (internal, external training): focuses work
process on customer satisfaction, meets internal/external expectations,
promotes and maintains strong customer relationships/partnerships,
demonstrates that meeting customer needs is a priority.
* Strategic Impact (external training): drives change / innovation,
understands the larger picture, rethinks / reconceptualizes the
business, analytical thinking.
* Vision and Purpose (external training): sees possibilities,
optimistic, creates/communicates compelling vision/direction, inspires
and motivates, aligns the organization.
* Values and Ethics (internal training): lives by team values,
adheres business ethics, ensures compliance with laws and rules.
* Bias For Action (external training): demonstrates a sense of
urgency to achieve important goals, focuses on speed, sets priorities,
seizes opportunities, high energy, reduces cycle time and bureaucracy,
eliminates waste and unnecessary work, establishes process for
continuous improvement, problem solving.
* Commitment (external training): widely trusted, takes ownership,
candid and forthcoming, and delivers on commitments.
* Teamwork (external training): initiates and supports meaningful
projects, demonstrates trust in team members, serves on teams.
* Leadership (external training): assembles strong teams, attracts,
selects and develops talented people, stretches, empowers and trains
people, provides feedback and recognition, demonstrates/stimulates
passion and commitment, leverages and motivates resources, professional
attitude, and accountability.
Deaconu, A. (2002). Plant diagnostic and evaluation, Intelcredo
Publisher, ISBN 973-97879-8-3, Deva
Draghici, A. (2007). Human resources management, Politehnica Publisher, ISBN 978-973-625-511-3, Timisoara
Harrington-Mackin, D. (2002). How to create o successful team,
Teora Publisher, ISBN 973-20-0618-8, Bucuresti
Maxwell, J.C. (2003). The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, Amaltea
Publisher, ISBN 973-9397-71-9, Bucuresti
West, M. (2005). Work inside a team, Polirom Publisher,
ISBN973-681-970-1, Iasi
Tab. 1. Human Resources Strategy--Global
Strategies Objectives Actions Issues
One * Improve * Evaluate HR Shared * Will
Company/ efficiency, Services and require
One System/ consistency, and evaluate outsourcing close
One PLANT effectiveness of opportunities partnership
HR globally * Look at internal with IT
* Lower costs and external best and BUs
* Optimize practices target
systems that span 2007
the organization * Assess and realign
* Create a HR function and
"PLANT Best in plant coverage
Class and Cost" utilizing Subject
HR organization Matter Experts and
* Increase ability adopting Best
to change quickly Practices
Obtain, * Maintain and * Implement * Team
identify, improve Leadership needed to
develop, employee Development and finalize
manage and satisfaction Succession and roll
retain talent * Build a capable Management (LDSM) out
and workforce Plan LDSM
leadership * Increase bench * Determine best program
within strength practices; modify * Need IT
PLANT * Provide greater the SPER program to support to
flexibility to European develop
respond to growth requirements; LDSM
and changing implement database
markets vulnerability grid * Team
* Increase the and improve Employee needs to
continuity of the satisfaction evaluate
business questionnaire use of
* Promote PLANT
diversity and Learning
innovation Online
Lead the * Create an * Develop strategies * Need to
organization operating and plan to leverage work in
in environment free low-cost countries close
developing to locate talent for Manufacturing, collaborat
HR where best suited Tech Centres and -ion with
strategies to for the business Shared Services BUs
support low * Enable employee * Develop Plant * Depth of
cost productivity gains Labour Strategy talent in
producer to lower cost in including HR
strategy existing negotiations, union- organizati
operations free platform, -on to
* Facilitate and benefits, and pay support
support negotiations all
movement of business
work to new needs in
locations or this area
up/training of
facilities in
lower cost
Build the * Enable effective * Use employee * Overlap
process to and consistent communications plan with
effectively employee to achieve effective Marketing/
execute communications communication at all Communi-
communicati throughout levels in the cations
-ons PLANT organization group
* Develop plan to
promote innovation
Build * Create a * Evaluate a global * Inability
PLANT company culture HRIS system to attract
organization and talent base * Identify, recruit and retain
al capability that is adept at or develop HR global
to manage in working in a resources with global talent in
a global and global business experience HR
virtual environment * Be proactive in
environment * Manage talent to breaking down
incorporate the barriers across
global nature of businesses,
PLANT functional groups,
and regional groups