Interdisciplinary researches for occupational risk evaluation.
Draghici, Anca ; Vacarescu, Valeria ; Lovasz, Erwin-Christian 等
The importance of occupational risk analysis and evaluation is
linked with the work systems safety assurances and production systems
environment policies development and implementation, too. Nowadays,
organization social responsibility is a hot subject because it is an
intensive preoccupation of different level managers. They all are
involved in practical and propaganda actions that aim to diminish or
eliminate the work accidents and occupational diseases. So, for better
explanation of the concepts and their importance there are given the
following definitions (Erickson, 2003), (Macdonald, 2003): (1) work
accident means "the hurting of the human body and occupational
acute intoxication that are happening during working process or during
work duties that are causing the lost of work capacities at least for
three days, invalidity or death"; (2) occupational disease
"the disease produced by the exercitation of a profession, caused
by physical, biological, chemical agents from the working environment
and the overload of organs and systems during the working process".
The actual statistics (EUROSTAT, 2007) estimate that in the world
there is approximate 160 millions of occupational disease each year;
30-40% of these evolve as chronically disease; 10% determine permanent
working incapacity. From these reasons, the occupational diseases are
considered as "silent epidemics" because are hard to diagnose
and are discovered late, and cannot assure the reversibility of
individual's health. If we consider the fact that 10-30% of workers
from the evolved countries and 50-79% from the workers from the
countries in course of evolution are constantly exposed to occupational
risk factors or are working in non-ergonomic conditions we just can draw
the conclusion that the problem of evaluating these factors and the
study of their genesis (appearance, development, manifestation, effects)
is a clef for amelioration/optimization of professional life--the
"iceberg" model (Roughton & Mercurio, 2002). The costs of
these phenomena are composed not only by their direct effects regarding
treating and hospitalization of those affected but also, by the indirect
effects regarding the temporary lost of work capacity. So, statistics
underline that work accidents and occupational diseases attracted costs
of 3% from GDP in the first case and about 20% in the last case
(EUROSTAT, 2007). The social investigations done for the employees work
incapacity dynamics showed that the psychological stress experienced by
them from the pressure exercised upon their family, the society and, the
collectivity (at organizational level) affect the health, the wellbeing
of other members of society (in accord with the documents and statistics
provide by International Labor Organization,
The European Union New Strategy adopted in the field of
Occupational Health and Safety for the period 2007-2012,
( m),
proposes to realize a reduction by 25% of working accidents and
professional diseases.
Based on these considerations and perspectives, the present paper
will outline the detailed approach used to build the ontology and
complementary knowledge map for the particular field of the occupational
risk evaluation in the context of the research activities planed to be
developed in the national project "Interdisciplinary research for
the occupational risk evaluation platform development with impact upon
the safety culture in organization" (ID 1022) financed by CNCSIS in
Romania, in the context of the Ideas -- PN II program.
In the following are presented the proposed objectives and scenario
for a future research regarding the occupational risk evaluation in the
context of the financial opportunities given by the PN II program in
Romania, and the specific Ideas Exploratory Projects format. Having
these minimal, but representative considerations as a leaving point the
financed project wants to accomplish interdisciplinary integrative
approaches that would offer an efficient and innovative system for
occupational risk evaluation, with effects on the development and
implementation of the safety culture in organizations.
The approach complexity is sustained by its interdisciplinary and
also, by the results of the research- development and innovative
activities (using modern means of the information and communication
technology and of knowledge management). The approach novelty consists
of an ontology creation that will be the base of the knowledge
management system (KMS). The KMS will collect three important aspects of
the occupational risk filed: the risk factor, the possible accident
and/or disease induce by it and finally, the corrective and/or
preventive measure that could be implement for avoiding the risk factor
The research scenario consists of: (1) knowledge capitalization and
formalization regarding the occupational risk from the perspective of
the interdisciplinary and systemic approach given by ergonomics; (2) the
occupational risk taxonomy structure establishment; (3) the knowledge
management contribution for the occupational risk ontology definition by
considering the work accidents genesis (risk factor -- effects --
prevention and corrective measures). Figure 1 show the complex and
innovative proposed research scenario based on a bottom top approach.
Using appropriate software (MindManager) the knowledge map is first
structure and build, including the description of each item in the
database: the occupational risk, the work accidents and/or diseases and
the preventions--corrective measures that can be implement at the work
place level.
The design knowledge map and ontology will allow the analysis and
optimization of the different work systems' activities and
interdependences relations inside them by considering the technical,
economical, social variables. Also, the proposed approach aims to
collect the whole practical cases that can appear in different working
systems regarding the occupational risks. Based on this, managers and
work safety responsible can better analyze, evaluate and prevent the
negative events of the working processes of their organization by not
omitting some aspects or situations. In this context, safety responsible
of the organizations (managers from different levels) can better define
their strategies, policies and tactics and they can pro-active act by
investments in intelligence, learning, communication, and knowledge in
order to develop the safety organization culture (Monteau & Phamd,
The preliminary research result is presented in Figure 2. There are
presented only the first and the second level of the ontology. The other
levels are particular build and developed depending of the considered
sub-system. Then for each final item of the knowledge map there was
define a specific file (note) that include: the detail description of
the item (risk factor, accident, disease, preventive and corrective
measure according to some existing regulation, with some examples and
case studies for particular working systems depending of the industry
type). These notes are definition elements of the database behind the
knowledge map.
The preliminary occupational risk ontology was first tested and
valid inside the real economic environment of a company in the field of
electric maintenances services. During this process there have been
identify more risks that where collected by the evaluation process
developed for the ISO 18001 company certification. So, the occupational
risk ontology is a complex and useful tool, superior to the actual
This working and research approach facilitate the future research
and work for defining the occupational risk platform that will develop
as a web platform in the next year. So, the future researches will
develop the KMS using a graphic model represented by diagrams on
activities build with the SADT method (Structured Analysis and Design
Techniques), using graphic language IDEF[empty set]. This will allow the
study of some interdependence from technical, economical, social
variables, for the occupational risk factors in the case of some
particular production/working systems. The occupational risk ontology
will be associated with the project researchers' competencies that
will support better the future activities.
At the organization level, the design web platform for the
occupational risk evaluation will support the management team to define
the strategies and to act pro-active by investments in intelligence,
learning, communication, and knowledge for the development of the safety
and security culture (Monteau & Phamd, 2004).
The paper presents the interdisciplinary -- systematic approach for
defining the occupational risk ontology as the base of the knowledge
management system development in the filed. The preliminary research
results were focus on the capitalization and the formalization of the
knowledge based on the ergonomics way of thinking. The ontology was
developed using the MindManager software and it will be the bases for an
occupational risk platform which will be a web base one.
The main advantage of the ontology (complexity and detail
description of the items) was confirmed by its test and validation in a
particular organization in the field of electric maintenances services.
The work system's risk analysis and evaluation process was better
conduct and the ISO 18001 procedure was update with new risks
identification together with their prevention and corrective measures
Erickson, P. A. (2003). Practical Guide to Occupational Health and
Safety, Elsevier
EUROSTAT (2007). European Statistics,, Accesed on: 2009-05-13
Macdonald, D. (2003). Practical Industrial Safety, Risk Assessment
and Shutdown Systems, Elsevier
Monteau, M. & Phamd, D. (2004). L' accident du travail:
evolution des conceptions. Traite de psychologie du travail, (Concept
Evolution Regarding the Work Accidents. Work Psychology Book). Paris,
Roughton, J. E. & Mercurio, J. J. (2002). Developing an
Effective Safety Culture. A Leadership Approach, Elsevier