Experimental aspects regarding pressure determination to the narrow sliding radial bearing (L/d < 0,6) working under hard shocks.
Alexandrescu, Ioan Marius ; Cotetiu, Radu ; Cotetiu, Adriana 等
The assessment was made on the experimental stand of the Tribology and Manufactural Engines Lab from the North University of Baia Mare,
making use of the modern technology concerning the
results'processing and acquisition.
The research was made using a HD radial bearing with L/D=0,5 and
the spindle's diameter [d.sub.e] = 59,86 mm, and the bushing
diameter [D.sub.e] = 59,93 mm, spindle's asperity 58-62 HRC, made
of 18MoCr10, bronze bushing made of 88%Sn, 8%Sb, 4%Cu. The dynamic
loading of the bearing is made through the lancing of a weight which
hits the bearing at different heights. They were made assessments for
heights between 5 and 40 cm, using a weight with m=5 kg, so as for H=5
cm we have [F.sub.1] = 1665 N, for H=20 cm we have [F.sub.2] = 2356 N,
and for H=40 cm we have F3=3332 N. The static working conditions is
presented for the following value H=0 cm. All the tests were made at a
40[degrees]C of the lubrifiant, being constant, available supply
pressure pin having the following values, from 0,5 bar to 10 bar. Using
a lubrifiant oil for bearings of LA 32 STR 5152-89 type, with the
viscosity of 31,3 cSt at 40[degrees]C, it was focussed on the
determination pressure distribution from the film to be lubricated in
diferent places of the bearing s body (P1 - P5), with the help of
pressure measuring dose with tensometric translators.
Figure 1 presents the bushing diagram in experimental assessments
having L/D=0,5 (Alexandrescu, 2005).
In dynamic charging conditions, the pressure distribution was
determined in the lubricated film in those 5 points on the
bearing's body with the help of pressure measuring with tensometric
translators. (Pay & Alexandrescu, 2004)
The translator is a manometer capsule at which the sensible element
to pressure is an enclosed tube at one end whose inner part is connected
to the oil whose pressure is measured. The tube is made of steel with
elastic properties on which there are 4 tensometric stamps, each of them
having the electric resistivity of 129 [OMEGA], two of them in axial
direction, and two in perpendicular direction. The tensometric
translators are used in large scale due the simpleness and the extended
domain for application from 7 to 700 bar (Alexandrescu et al., 2005).
Those 4 tensometric stamps are connected in a tensometric bridge
diagram, being related by an amplifier at the acquisition plate ADuC
812. Under the pressure variation influence, the thin wall of the dose
is changing its shape; the stamps are changing its resistance.
Figure 2 presents the pressure measuring dose with tensometric
translators made of steel 18 MC10 (Pay & Alexandrescu, 2004).
Figure 3 presents the pressure measuring chain in the lubricant
film. The exhibition of the pressure measuring dose was made in the case
of dynamic charging, on the manometer's exhibition stand, using the
above chain, focusing on the variation exit sign and registering
amplifier and the acquisition plate ADuC 812.
The pressure increase was made bar by bar, the dose distortion
being linear with the pressure. It was established the dependency
relation between the pressure and the tension in the exit point in mV
(2,3 mV = 1bar [DELTA]p) (Alexandrescu et al., 2007).
ADuC 812 produce by Analog Device has an 8051-compatible
microcontroller core supported by 8Kb Flash/EE program memory, 640 bytes
Flash/EE data memory and 256 bytes data SRAM on-chip. The digital data
can be sent to a PC via a standard UART Serial Port.
The pressure distribution in places P1-P5 of the bearing s body,
depending on the static G and dynamic F charging conditions are
presented in figure 4 for spindle's rotations n=370 rot/min, and
available supply pressure [p.sub.in] = 0,5 bar.
The following conclusions may be taken into consideration:
* in all these situations the following fact is to bare in mind:
the short time for pressure variation in dynamic charging (under 0,5
* the dynamic pressure from the moment of shock is increased when
increasing the dynamic charging conditions; this increasing process
refers to the all active zone, the dynamic pressure rise at the same
time with the rise of dynamic charging, depending on the studied
position of the periphery zone of the bushing the pressure leap being
between 5,95 and 7,45 multiplied with static pressure;
* the static charging conditions of the bearing does not have an
important influence regarding the changing in the pressure's
values, as the static charging conditions gets bigger, so as the dynamic
pressure is bigger; the existence of an optimum point from the viewpoint
of carriage: any change in the functional parameters of the bearing
leads to straying from the optimum value from the viewpoint of carriage;
at the same time with the rise of static charging, the static pressure
decrease; the ratio of film thickness sensitively influences carriage;
* research under factory, operational conditions, conducting
operational test in labs, checking the already accepted technological
solutions; conducting studies about the obtained products' long
term testing and compared operational safety; conducting laboratory
tests underoverloaded, strained conditions for items including high
performance materials; giving the research tests' results to the
interested economic units, editing and spreading those results;
* during the last few years and for the future period in Romania
there is a prognosis which shows an accelerated industrial development
and the industry is increasing demands for up-to-date materials. As part
of this process, the North University of Baia Mare gave currency to a
technical developing program on the basis of the results of the
researches in using and replacing with friendly environmental materials.
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