Development of a process chain for grinding and subsequent laser beam polishing of quartz glass components.
Hecht, Kerstin ; Bliedtner, Jens ; Mueller, Hartmut 等
From state of the art methods of polishing surfaces with laser
radiation are already known. So it's possible e.g. to reduce
processing time of metallic injection moulding moulds from
30min/[cm.sup.2] to a few seconds per [cm.sup.2] (Fraunhofer-ILT 2008).
For the current study a C[O.sub.2]-laser beam is used as a polishing
tool to finish quartz glass surfaces. This method could save time and
money, if it is possible to optimize the various process parameters. To
reach a high-class surface special requirements and preparations are
necessary. The result of the study should be a process chain, which
includes specifications for grinding, polishing and the surface
analyses, to bring quartz glass blanks to reflective parts.
Former analysis have shown, that specific roughness shall be kept
to polish a surface in just one machining step. So the grinding process
itself includes the optimization of lots of parameters as well as the
polishing procedure does. To check the influence of changing parameters
the surface is examined with a stylus instrument, an atomic force
microscope (AFM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Fig. 1 shows the planned process chain from the start with a quartz
glass blank (size: 25x25x3 [mm.sup.3] or 50x50x3 [mm.sup.3]) to the
final polished part with rougness Rms up to 5 nm and less.
The grinding is carried out as a process that uses an abrasive,
geometric undefined wheel as cutting tool on swing frame grinding
machine. It is also possible to use a grinding tool on a 3-axis milling
machine to grind not just surfaces on--but also outlines into--quartz
glass blanks. This second step has to fallow after finishing the current
study. The grinding process depends on different machining parameters.
To check the significance of these values DoE (Design of
Experiments) was used. Tab. 1 shows which parameters were changed and
Figure 2 compares the 9 different parts, which were grinded on
basis of the [2.sub.3] Factorial Design, by means of the roughness Rms
and the waviness Wq. These values were measured with a stylus
It gets obvious that the parameters--used for grinding the 2nd
part--lead to the best surface roughness results. In the next step these
parameters (from part 2) were kept constant and roughing infeed as well
as rotational speed were changed. But their influence is (in analysed
limits) not that significant.
It is possible to manufacture parts with a roughness Rms of 0,53
[micro]m, this is one result of the grinding experiments. The analysis
gives us fields of parameters to grind quartz glass blanks with defined
and selected surface qualities.
In further experiments we will explore the possibility of grinding
geometries and outlines with mounted points on a 3-axis milling machine.
The laser beam polishing is a process that not just depends on a
multitude of parameters, these parameters also interact with each other
strongly. The principle of laser polishing seems simple at first. A
scanner system moves a defocused C[O.sub.2]-laser beam with a defined
high velocity over the glass surface and the feed rate is realized with
an additional x-axis. By doing this so much (nearly 100% of) energy is
inserted in the material, that the surface melts and that's why
unevenness and roughness were smoothed. This polishing process is
associated with just a light stock removal--the smoothing happens
because of the material tensions in the melted surface layer.
The challenge of this polishing method is the great deal of
parameters--which have to be adapted--to reach a perfect glass surface.
In doing so much depends on the inserted energy so it's basically
important to keep this value constant. But also with a constant
application of energy defocusing, feed-rate and beam velocity are
important. Several series of tests took place in which the mentioned
parameters were checked concerning their influence on each other and the
surface quality. Tab. 2 shows the parameters and the range of their
To optimize the polishing process itself a lot of experiments were
carried out on different quartz glass blanks. Finally parameter
combinations were found to reach excellent surface quality. So it was
possible to finish the grinded parts too. During and after the
polishing-tests the surfaces were analyzed with a stylus instrument as
long as the roughness was big enough. But as Rms reaches 5 nm and less
is was necessary to check the measured values with a proper measuring
method--the AFM.
In Figure 4 you can see the afm-picture and the associated
roughness of one of the best polished surfaces. Consider this picture in
particular it get's obvious, that there is a kind of surface
structure on the quartz glass part. It seems that there a smooth hills
and valleys. This structure is considered as a result of the surface
melting but it is so weak, that we are able to reach optical surface
quality with this new method of laser beam polishing. This gets even
more obvious if you consider Figure 5 too. There is a diagram that
includes the psd-function of a laser and a mechanically polished quartz
glass part as well as a lapped one. The grinded part was manufactured on
a ultrasonic supported milling machine. A psd-function includes the
spectrum of the spatial frequencies of the surface roughness measured in
reciprocal units of length. It allows a complete description of the
surface quality and it is qualified for description of high polished
surfaces. (DIN ISO 10110-8) The equation 1 describes the functional
relation of spectral power density and spatial frequency.
2D-isotropic-PSD=P/(2[pi]f([DELTA]f)) (1)
P Power under a part of surface (in nm2)
[DELTA]f change of frequency
f frequency which equates to a defined surface size (in
[nm.sup.-1]) (Biedtner & Graefe, 2008)
Figure 5 we can demonstrates that the laser beam polishing method
permits better surface qualities as the classical and time-consuming
mechanical polishing method does. With this new process machining times
of 6 [cm.sup.2]/s and less are possible.
With the results of the grinding and polishing analyses it is
possible to develop a complete process chain to manufacture quartz glass
parts with a high-class surface. With known basic values and optimized
machining parameters it is possible to finish a glass surface with
requested quality.
In further investigations it is planned to grind profiles with
ultrasonic support and to polish them. Furthermore there is still a
problem with impurities on the hot surface while polishing. They lead to
micro-fine areas of polluted glass. These areas behave different while
cooling and they peel off, which leads to micro-defects on the surface.
This was detected during SEM-measurements. So it is necessary to reduce
foreign components in the polishing area--to keep the space around the
interacting zone of the laser beam clean
Bliedtner, J. & Greafe, G. (2008). Optiktechnologie, Carl
Hanser Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-446-40896-8, Germany
DIN ISO 10110-8. Optics and optical instruments--Preparation of
drawings for optical elements and systems--Part 8: Surface texture.
*** (2008). Polishing of
Injection Molded Tools, Fraunhofer-ILT, Accessed on: 2008-05-06
Tab. 1. Grinding parameters
checked with the [2.sup.3] Factorial Design
contact width 0,1 ... 3 mm
feed rate 7,4 ... 17,4 m/s limits
finishing infeed 0,005 ... 0,02 mm
changed, no significant influence
cutting speed 25 m/s; 35 m/s 4
sparking out 0, 2, 4 steps
roughing infeed
rotational speed kept constant
wheel grit (64)
Tab. 2. Polishing parameters
[V.sub.b][mm/s] [V.sub.f] [mm/min] P [W] Rms [[micro]m]
400 ... 800 11,9 ... 50 490 ... 830 0,2 ... 0,8
influenced values: intensity, line spacing, polishing time