Determination of the optimal design parameters for the wavy air fins used in the construction of automotive radiators.
Ilies, Paul ; Naghi, Mihai ; Mare, Ciprian 等
On the matter of selecting the right heat exchanger from among
several possible designs, the device of choice is the one that achieves
the required heat rejection with minimum energy consumption for fluid
circulation, while occupying the smallest space. A certain device cannot
fulfill all these requirements at the same time. A diminished heat
exchanger volume can be obtained either by increasing the circulation
speed of the two fluids (for an existing device), or by altering the
heat transfer surfaces, i.e. choosing a surface fitted with turbulence generators. Nevertheless, both methods lead to higher energy consumption
for fluid circulation. The problem is resolved using statistical
optimization of the geometrical parameters of the wavy air fins witch
are used in the construction of radiators.
A water cooler in standard construction and a preset functioning
regime have been chosen. Thermal performance calculations have been
performed using air fins with different heights and pitches. In order to
determine the heat rejection performance, the following have been used
(Incropera & Dewitt, 2002):
--Similitude criteria Reynolds (Re)--denotes the flow pattern of
the fluid (turbulence). The number Re is given by the fluid's flow
speed, by the kinematic air viscosity and, also, by the hydraulic flow
diameter; Coulburn (Cb)--this criterion is influenced by the global heat
rejection coefficient k, determined by specific formulas;
--Thermo-dynamic parameters:
Friction (f)--coefficient which determines the air pressure drop
and, consequently the air flow-rate; Coefficient (a)--named partial
coefficient of heat rejection.
Heat rejection and Pressure drop (Q and [DELTA]p)--performance
In our case, the definition of the concept optimal is given by the
correlation between air fin pitch and air fin height, and the result is:
High heat rejection (Q in kW) vs. Low air pressure drop ([DELTA]p in
mmH2O) (Nagi & Iorga, 2006).
The [DELTA]p parameter is closely correlated with the number Re,
friction f, and also with the number Cb, and the Q parameter is linked
to the a coefficient. Favorable results are obtained in the following
situations (Kays & London, 1984):
The value of Re is high (Re<2320--laminar flow pattern,
Re>10000--turbulent flow pattern, 2320<Re<10000--transitory
The values of Cb and of the coefficient ([alpha]) are also high;
The friction (f) values are small.
The statistical calculations were performed with ModeFrontiere
software, in the following stages:
a) The parameterization sketch was drawn up in Mode Frontiere. This
sketch has been built around a macro containing the thermal calculation
algorithm. The macro will be used in a necessary number of iterations.
b) Within the work sketch, the input values-air fin pitch and
height-have been parameterized. Each input value will be varied within a
preset range.
c) Two types of output parameters, named objectives and objectives
with constraints, have been set: Q has to be maximum, [DELTA]p minimum,
Re >1700, f >0.05, a > 130, Cb > 1;
d) Predefining the parameters in the statistical calculation
sequence DOE (Design of Experiment). The chosen method was
"Random" and this method forms the basis of the experiment
Design of Experiment. This method yields a uniform spread of data in the
preset domain and it is based on the random number generating theory;
e) Choosing and predefining the "convergence" algorithm.
For this stage the method Multivariate Adaptive Crossvalidating Kriging
(MACK) has been chosen. This algorithm has been designed to improve the
filling of the working space and to supply efficient data to the RMS method; this method is not an interactive one(***, 2008).
Considering the input data values that were constrained to vary
between specified limits and the output data values with both
constrained and non-constrained targets, statistical charts were
A. Multi-History 3D Ribbon chart is a three dimensional plot for
the specified variables. This is how the optimization parameters'
progress is monitored in time. Interpretation-the study of progress was
conducted on parameters with comparable domains and these were: Pitch
vs. Height which are interconnected, Fig. 1.
B. The Bubble 4D Chart is used when the data has a third and a
fourth dimension that needs to be shown on the same chart. Each data
point is displayed as a bubble. Two of the dimensions are axis
represented. The Radius Variable (the third) value influences the bubble
diameter: the larger the bubble, the greater the value. The Color
Variable (the fourth) value influences the bubble color: blue represents
a lower value, red an upper value. Interpretation- Bubble 4D charts were
plotted, Fig. 2, for two series:
--Heat rejection vs. Air pressure drop, where the target values
Colburn and friction are being presented (analysis input values vs.
output values). The maximum values of the output parameters are focused
in the area 25-28 kW Heat rejection, 18-20mmH2O Air pressure drop.
--Air fin height vs. Air fin pitch which can be interpreted in a
similar manner, (analysis input values vs. output values).
C. The Correlation chart represents a measure of the linear
association between two variables, Fig. 3. The degree of relationship
receives the values: "1" (two variables are perfectly
positively correlated); "0" (the variables are said to be
uncorrelated, that means that they are linearly unassociated);
"1" (the two variables are perfectly negatively correlated).
Interpretation-in the first column, the Reynolds parameter is positively
correlated (0.499) with the Air fin height parameter, which results in a
medium influence on the relationship between the two variables output /
input. The data on the other columns and rows will be interpreted
D. The Parallel Coordinate Chart is used for visualizing data in a
particular range, particularly by employing a filter (the green line),
Fig.4. The user can set the lower and upper limits for the variables,
and can spot the thermal performance solutions within the specified
domain. Interpretation-the filter has been set to the maximum values,
offering the opportunity to observe the full spectrum of feasible /
non-feasible solutions (***, 2008).
This paper is highly original concerning the field of statistical
study of the air fin performance. The paper initiates an optimization
algorithm for the heat transfer phenomenon, which is applied to the air
fins used in the construction of radiators. All possible combinations
were performed between the input dimensions: pitch and height, Fig.1.
From the analysis of the charts, the next conclusions were drawn: an
optimal operating point is Q=25 kW, the value of Cb is high (1.18), f
(0.057), and air pressure drop (16 mmH2O), Fig.2. The optimal value of
heat rejection is obtained in the case of the following input dimension
combination: the pitch is 6.5mm, the height is 11mm, and the value of
the air pressure drop is 16 mmH2O, Fig.2. The fin pitch and height
parameters are closely correlated with Re, Fig.3.
The whole spectrum of possible solutions for the fin pitch and fin
height combinations was obtained from the statistical analysis.
Incropera F. P. & Dewitt D. P. ((2002). Fundamentals of Heat
Mass transfer-Fifth Edition, ISBN 0-471-38650-2
Kays W. M. & London A. L. (1984). Compact Heat Exchanger-Third
edition, ISBN 1-57524-060-2
Nagi M.& Iorga D.; (2006). Heat Exchangers, ISBN (10)
973-52-0001-5, Vol 1, Vol 2
*** (2008) ModeFrontiere software. Help and Tutorials
*** (2009) Kuli Component software. Help and Tutorials