Design Building Management System with internet technology.
Manh, Thang Pham ; Quang, Vinh Tran
All buildings have some form of mechanical and electrical services
in order to provide the facilities necessary for maintaining a
comfortable working environment. The buildings today not only tend to
have modern design, they are also equipped with many high-technology
equipments. The designed BMS includes subsystems as follows:
* HVAC subsystem (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) with
sensors of temperature, humidity, air flow and carbon dioxide provides
automatic cooling, ventilation and drying control for a specific zone in
the house.
* Lighting subsystem controls lamps using local push buttons,
moving detection or based on illumination level (darkness). All of the
lamps in the specific floor also can be switch on/off by users over
embedded web server using TCP/IP technology.
* Appliances control subsystem permits to turn on and off specified
devices from inside and outside of the building by SMS messages or via
internet. Efficient using of these appliances enables to minimize cost
and preserve the environment.
* Energy management subsystem measures the electric consumption
like HVAC, lighting, water pumping subsystems. Consumption measurements
transfer regularly the power consumption data to a central computer.
* Electronic security subsystem monitors doors, windows and all
areas in the house. The system is equipped with magnetic- sensors,
glass-breaking sensors, gas detector and all possible intrusions can be
detected and signified by SMS messages or via the web server. The
browser-based user interface shall utilize latest web technologies, such
as AJAX. Security cameras permit the manager to watch what is going on
around a building.
* Access control subsystem is implemented with proximity readers,
electronic keys and electronic locks. The system can identify and manage
the profile of each staff gone into the building by the Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) tags. The system is supplemented with 16 card
readers in each floor, where employees are requested to identify
The main advantages of designed BMS are economy of maintenance and
running costs, time saving, increased level of comfort and safety. An
efficient BMS brings us greater levels of convenience in our living
The CPU of the Ethernet controller board using in BMS is the
100-Pin High-Performance PIC18F97J60 with Ethernet Controller. It's
a microcontroller compatible with 10/100/1000 Base-T Networks and
integrated on chip MAC and 10Base-T PHY. The features of the chip are:
128k Bytes Flash, 8k Bytes Transmit/Receive Packet Buffer SRAM, 16
channels of 10-Bit ADC (Microchip Technology, 2009). That chip clocks at
25 MHz and obtains two enhanced USART modules supporting RS-485, RS-232
and ICSP interface for In-System Programming. For designed board, we use
the 100-pin TQFP packages. Ethernet microcontroller PIC18F97J60 uses
8-Kbytes SRAM buffer between the Ethernet MAC and the internal data bus
to efficiently handle high-speed applications.
The status of the sensors, actuators in the specific floor in the
building can be sent via RS485 buses to Ethernet controller board and
can be updated or controlled by users from the long range via TCP/IP
Networking. The PIC18F97J60 connects to an Ethernet network through
4-pin signal TPIN+, TPIN-, TPOUT+, TPOUT- (Differential plus/minus
twisted-pair inputs/outputs) and RJ45 connector. The LEDA, LEDB are
multiplexed with PORTA pins RA0, RA1 and can be individually configured
to automatically display link status, RX/TX activity (Figure 2).
For a RS485 communication to the subsystems of BMS, Ethernet
controller board uses two pins RC6 and RC7 in the PORT C of
microcontroller (Figure 3). For pins RB0 to RB3 in the PORT B are used
for 04 interrupts, that can be used for switching ON/OFF the BMS and
reserved functions. The Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter module has 16
inputs, this allow monitor analog input signals such as temperature,
humidity or level of human-generated CO2 in the rooms (Ajay, 2005).
Other pins of the PIC18F97J60 are used like standard I/O.
All of the board's schematics and layouts were drawn in the
Orcad Capture CIS and Orcad Layout Plus from Cadence Design Systems. The
board has designed as double-side PCB. The brief hardware features of
Ethernet controller board are as follows:
* CPU: PIC18F97J60, TQFP package, crystal 25 MHz
* Memory: 128k Bytes Flash, 8k Bytes Transmit/Receive Packet Buffer
* I/O: 16 analog inputs, 70 standard digital I/O.
* EEPROM: 24LC256, 256KB serial eeprom
* RTC: Real-time clock, DS1307 with 3V Lithium backup battery.
* GSM modem: Siemens Mobile SL 45i [Atmel AVR App. Note No. 323,
* LCD: 20x4 alphanumeric LCD type HD44780
* Communication: Support RS485, TCP/IP, GSM.
* Relays board: Opto-isolator, OMRON MY3 Relays
* Operating Voltages: 3.3 and 5 VDC for board's control, 12VDC
for Relay's board, 230VAC for appliances.
3.1 Function of application firmware
The physical connection in the TCP/IP network in the BMS is based
on Ethernet. The source program of firmware was written in C language
bases on Microchip TCP/IP Stack V5.0 and compiled with MPLAB C18
compiler. It is an IDE for the PIC18 PIC microcontrollers (MCU), fully
compatible with Microchip's MPLAB IDE, allowing source-level
debugging with the MPLAB ICD2. The firmware initializes the board and
core stack layers (MAC, ARP, TCP, UDP) and application modules (HTTP,
SNMP). The embedded firmware has to ensure the following functions:
* Periodical scanning of the status of BMS subsystems including
state of sensors and actuators in every floor in the monitoring building
(via RS485 buses). The data of BMS subsystems is updated in the real
time to the web server over Ethernet connection (via TCP/IP networking).
* Sending the internet control commands to the BMS subsystems to
control of the lamps, switch ON/OFF electrical appliances, HVAC or open
electric gates for access in the building. The commands are sent by
users from Internet FTP login accounts with passwords.
* Testing, if the some analog values run over the limit or case of
security or fire alarm, it will dial, send SMS and email to managers of
the building.
The Ethernet controller board is configured for DHCP operation
(Olimex Corp., 2009); it should automatically acquire an IP address on
DHCP-enabled networks and be available for immediate use in building
management systems.
3.2 Function of embedded web server
The strength of Internet technology lies in the fact that
information is gathered where it is produced as operation is based on
the use of a browser. The web server receives information from the BMS
via HTTP. This is particularly useful for multi-operator buildings or by
remote control.
The embedded web server using for the designed Ethernet controller
board in BMS is written in HTML. The web server utilizes web
technologies AJAX and is organized as multiple files within a single
directory. The Microchip File System (MPFS) image was been created by
command-line utility program, MPFS.exe, that is written for 32-bit
versions of Microsoft Windows. Depending on where the MPFS will
ultimately be stored, the utility generate either a data file in C, or a
binary file. Ethernet controller board using in BMS stored the MPFS
image directly in internal program memory of PIC18F97J60 (Microchip
Technology, 2008). Dynamic variables allow the web server module to take
an each data from BMS subsystems. The browser shall allow at the least
the following actions: lighting controls, door controls, IP camera
views, modifying the control settings or modifying the mode settings of
the controlled device.
In this report, design and implementation of Ethernet controller
board integrated into the building management system are presented. The
hardware design and method of firmware and embedded web server
development are also explained. The application of Internet technology
in BMS has a number of positive effects: Information transfers are
TCP/IP standardized; Distances will become irrelevant: once the data
enters the network, the distance problems can be solved elsewhere via
cable, satellite or wireless. The Ethernet controller board allows
improved communication and cooperation between subsystems of BMS. For
the real world, the designed BMS will work for building automation and
building surveillance in the long range via TCP/IP networking.
This work is supported by the state research project No.
KC03.12/06-10 and Asia Research Center--Vietnam National University,
Ajay,V.D. (2005). Microcontrollers -Theory and Applications, Tata
McGraw--Hill Publishing Company Limited, ISBN 0- 07- 058595 - 4, New
*** Atmel AVR Application Note No. 323, (2006). Interfacing GSM
Modem [Online], Available from: doc8016.pdf Accessed:
*** Microchip Corporation. (2009). PIC18F97J60 Datasheet, [Online],
Available from: Accessed: 2009-6-20
*** Microchip Corporation (2008). Microchip AN833 Application Note,
[Online], Available from:, Accessed:
*** Olimex Corporation (2009). PIC-MAXI-WEB, [Online], Available
from: Accessed: 2009-2-24