Analytical approach to determining the optimal shape of the casting sprue for small-size metallic parts.
Deac, Cristian ; Tera, Melania ; Bibu, Marius 等
The casting of small-sized metallic parts, such as those used in
medicine for the realising of prostheses or implants, differs
considerably from the conventional, industrial casting of large metallic
parts, in terms of technology, equipment and auxiliary materials.
The procedure which is the most used for the casting of purpose is
the so-called "lost wax" technique. It requires realising a
wax model of the part which is to be cast (and of the corresponding
gating system, the so-called sprue) and which is then embedded in a
refractory mass, known as investment material. The resulted assembly is
then heated to the melting temperature of the wax and later the cavity
resulted after the evacuation of the molten wax, a metallic alloy is
filled, which after cooling will form the desired part (Deac, 1995;
Deac, 2003).
In order for the cast material to fill all the space in the casting
mould, as fast as possible, procedures are used during which the
transfer of the molten material is aided by a supplementary pressure, so
that the filling occurs before the metal solidifies and so that the air
is completely evacuated from the casting cavity. The best method which
is currently used for this purpose is the centrifugal casting.
For the success of a centrifugal casting, the parameters of the
employed casting machine are significant, but the dimensions and shape
of the gate runners composing the sprue, are also very important.
Several authors (Al-Mesmar et al., 1999; Brauner, 1994; Chan, 1998)
have indicated that a curved shape of the gate runners is the most
desirable, but so far there were very few attempts to define
mathematically and to optimise the shape of the casting sprue.
This paper presents a novel optimisation approach using a
mathematical model based on the mechanics of the movement of the metal
through the sprue.
In order to determine the optimal shape of the gate runners by
mathematical modelling, it is necessary to analyse the kinematic elements (speeds and accelerations) and the dynamic elements (forces)
which appear when a very small particle of molten material (considered
as a material point) is sent from the melting crucible towards the
casting cavity, for each type of movement which the particle is going
through on its trajectory.
The functioning of a centrifugal casting machine presents two
distinct phases. The first one, from the starting of the machine until
the arm reaches the nominal rotation speed, is characterised by a
constant angular acceleration ([epsilon] = constant) and a rapidly
increasing angular speed. In the second phase, which lasts until the
metal is completely solidified, the angular speed remains constant
([omega] = constant) and the movement is an uniformous rotation
movement. The kinematic and dynamic elements have different expressions
function of the movement type, so the two cases need to be addressed
The model presented here was defined based on a mobile cartesian
coordinate system, in which the Ox axis is along the direction of the
centrifugal arm and the Oz axis is superposed over the rotation axis of
the centrifugal arm as presented in figure 1. Within this cordinate
system, the particle has the coordinates (x(t), y(t), 0), the movement
being free in the centrifugal arm's plane (horizontal plane). In
the vertical plane, the force of gravity is much smaller than the
centrifugal force and therefore has a negligeable effect).
In this paper only the case of uniformly accelerated rotation
movement will be discussed, for which the speeds and accelerations have
following expressions (fig. 2):
--the relative speed and acceleration:
[[bar.V].sub.r] = [v.sub.rx] x [bar.i] - [v.sub.ry] x [bar.j] =
[??] x [bar.i] - [??] * [bar.j]; (1)
[[bar.a].sub.r] = [?? ]x [bar.i] - [??] x- [bar.j]; (2)
--the transport acceleration:
[[bar.a].sub.t] = [[bar.a].sup.[tau].sub.t] +
[[bar.a].sup.[upsilon].sub.t] = ([epsilon] x [square root of [x.sup.2] +
[y.sup.2]]) x [bar.[tau]] + ([[omega].sup.2] x [square root of [x.sup.2]
+ [y.sup.2]]) x [bar.[upsilon]] (3)
--the Coriolis acceleration:
The dynamic elements influencing the movement are (fig. 2):
--the transport force:
--the Coriolis force:
According to the second principle of mechanics and to the principle
of effects superposition, the vectorial equation of the particle's
relative movement is:
m x [[bar.a].sub.r] = [bar.G] + [[bar.F].sub.t] + [[bar.F].sub.c] +
[[bar.N].sub.y] + [[bar.N].sub.z] (7)
If this equation is projected on the axes of the mobile coordinate
system Oxyz, following equation system results:
Replacing equations (5) and (6) in this equation system, we get:
Or, after simplifying and replacing as adequate:
This equation system can be solved with the help of numerical
methods. For making the solving easier, the authors considered the case
in which the terms containing the angular acceleration [epsilon] are
negligeable and the angular speed varies linearly:
[omega] = [epsilon] x t (11)
The approximated solution which results for this system is:
x(t) = R + [a.sub.4][t.sup.4] - [a.sub.8][t.sup.8] (12)
y(t) = [b.sub.6][t.sup.6] - [b.sub.10] [t.sup.10] (13)
where the coefficients [a.sub.4], [a.sub.8], [b.sub.6], [b.sub.10]
are defined by the expressions:
When plotting the resulting curve by means of a specialised
software package, we obtain a graph as shown in figure 3.
The calculations and results presented above indicate that it is
possible to determine the optimal shape of the casting gates starting
from the mechanical conditions around a particle of the metal which is
to run through the gates.
In the horizontal plane, this shape must be as close as possible to
the optimal one, resulted from the calculations and shown in figure 3.
For the best possible filling conditions, the main gate must be curved
in the opposite sense to the rotation movement of the centrifugal arm.
In the vertical plane, the best results could be obtained if the
gates would be inclined along the resultant between the gravity force
and the resultant of the horizontal forces. However, the gravity force
is much smaller than the centrifugal force, so the vertical angle can be
neglected for the design of the sprue system.
Given the conditions imposed on it and the simplifications taken
into account, the model described here is valid only for the case of
small-size cast parts. Also, only the factors considered as most
relevant for the given conditions have been considered.
In future, the authors intend to expand the model in order to take
into account also other factors and to study elements such as the
optimal size of the casting cone.
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