A new method to create refractive index gradients in inorganic glass.
Barz, Andrea ; Bliedtner, Jens ; Heineck, Volker 等
Conventional optical lenses mostly consist of homogeneous optical
media; their refractive index is constant. Their functional qualities
are generated by complicated surface geometries (spheric, aspheric). The
market, however, more and more demands optics whose qualities can be
systematically influenced. Complex lens shaping is no longer necessary
through the application of gradient index (GRIN) lenses, as the lensing
effect is generated by a constantly changing refractive index gradient
in the material and thus only plane surfaces are required. In optical
engineering such components are used for e.g. improving imaging
performance, a better aberration correction as well as for collimating
or focussing of laser beams.
Currently there are different methods to generate a refractive
index gradient in glass. Besides the CVD procedure (chemical vapor
deposition) other procedures are as well used such as neutron radiation,
ion exchange (Hornschuh & Russel, 2004; Knittel et al., 2001;
Messerschmidt, 2003; Messerschmidt, 2005) and electrophoresis of sol-gel
mixtures (Schmidt, 2005). However, the dimensions of achievable
gradients are limited. Moreover, the technologies are complicated and
The development of a new procedure had become necessary in order to
manufacture GRIN-optics, which have a refractive index gradient over the
whole material surface. The method is base on the assumption that ions
diffuse in the glass through the impact of a centrifugal force. The
diffusion is influenced by the viscosity of the glass as well as the
molecular weight and the binding strength of ions in glass network.
This way refractive index gradients with linear or
rotation-symmetric distribution can be generated depending on how the
sample is positioned towards the rotation axis. Figure 1 illustrates the
achievable gradients.
Glasses with low transformation temperatures and ions with high
molecular weights (Pb, Ba) were selected for the experiments i.e. mainly
heavy flint glasses, light flint glasses and heavy crown glasses.
Besides their chemical composition especially the rheological behaviour
of these glasses was interesting for the setting of the process
parameters. The viscosity was determined through different procedures in
the range from [10.sup.2]-[10.sup.14,5] dPaxs. Figure 2 shows the
viscosity curves.
A special device had been developed and mounted for processing the
glasses under the influence of temperature and centrifugal force. It
basically consists of two units with different functionalities. The
first unit guarantees the rotation of the glass samples and contains a
motor driving, by means of a v-belt, two metal shafts which are
positioned one upon the other and guided through ball bearings. The
upper shaft goes into a chamber furnace through a hole in the bottom and
is linked to a metal flange which holds the mould for the glass samples
to be processed. The mould which is centrically positioned on the shaft
can be closed by a lid. The second unit controls the temperature and
consists of a chamber furnace with integrated processor for realising
defined heating and cooling rates. Figure 3 illustrates the described
The measuring device SAG 80 of the company Zeiss, using the Toepler
method, enabled a visualisation of the refractive index gradient within
a certain range.
With this method an image is created through an illuminated slit.
If a sample shows different refractive indexes, a further shifted slit
image is created due to the light deflexion. Depending on the refractive
index the deflexion with different angles occurs. A gradual fading out
of the deflected light by means of a slit diaphragm enables an
observation of the gradient through the shadow contours. Figures 4 a-d
show the radial and continuous course of a refractive index gradient on
a glass sample SF15.
Refractive index profiles can be determined by the RNF (Refracted-Near-Field)-method. A focussed laser beam is coupled
perpendicularly to the refractive index gradient into the glass
substrate to be measured. A part of the light is refracted by the
reference glasses lying under the glass substrate. Subsequently, the
light passing the pin diaphragm is focussed onto a photo diode through a
split lens system. The measured light intensity enables a calculation of
the refractive index. As the refractive indexes of the immersion layer
and the reference glasses are known, they serve for the calibration of
the refractive index of the glass substrate to be measured. The
refractive index profile for axially spun samples is shown in fig.5.
Apparently the course is rotationally symmetric and spreads over the
whole sample volume.
Within a narrow area adjacent to the centre of the spin axis a
reduction of the refractive index could be detected, for which a reason
cannot be given at present. It is assumed that only from the point of
reduction the centrifugal force is high enough to induce diffusion and
to push ions outwards. This would lead to the determined continuous rise
of the refractive index up to the sample's edge.
The presented investigations show the successful creation of a
method to generate refractive index gradients over the whole sample
volume. Depending on the positioning of the glass the resulting
refractive index profile shows a rotationally symmetric or linear
distribution. This method allows a simultaneous processing of several
glasses with similar or different geometries which leads to a
significant reduction of manufacturing costs.
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Knittel, J.; Schnieder, L; Buess, G.; Messerschmidt, B. &
Possner, T. (2001). Endoscope-compatible confocal microscope using a
gradient index-lens system, Opt. Commun., V. 188, 267-273
Messerschmidt, B. (2003). Gradientenoptik--eine innovative
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Messerschmidt, B. (2005). Gradientenoptik--Innovative Mik rooptiken
fur Laserdiodenstrahlformung und Sensorik, Laser Technik Journal, No. 3,
Schmidt, T. (2005). Herstellung von optischen GRIN-Komponenten
durch Elektrophorese, doctor thesis, Universi tat Saarbrucken