A new method for a selective laser ablation.
Bliedtner, Jens ; Schoele, Holger ; Baumann, Robert 等
Textile fibres can be applied to almost all materials as a
high-quality surface refinement. The application process is very
efficient and economical in most cases. That is why this surface
technology increasingly grabs the attention of designers and developers.
Precondition for a series production are high process stability and
reproducibility as well as a high flexibility (Beck & Rossig, 2007),
(Abele, 2007). The application of laser ablation can increase the
One essential aim of the project is to develop and test such a
selective, process-controlled laser ablation method. Applying this
method can lead to a better and more efficient manufacturing of
high-quality components e.g. in the field of car interior. Another aim
is to automatise the process and to guarantee a high quality of the
Currently this process of surface refinement with textile fibres is
characterised by a high finishing effort in order to provide a high
quality of the components. With the introduction of the new laser
ablation method costly finishing steps such as e.g. manual cleansing can
be reduced. Furthermore the selective laser ablation creates new design
possibilities. New material developments in the layer structure shall
enable colourisation to increase contrast as well as structuring and
The application of fast laser scanning systems is advantageous for
achieving high ablation rates with the new selective laser method (Carr,
2008). A preferred laser source is a 50 W sealed off C[O.sub.2]-laser.
The wavelengths of the Nd:YAG and Excimer laser can also be used for
certain material combinations. Table 1 shows the selected laser
The emitted laser beam is widened by 50% by means of a telescope
and afterwards circularly polarised by means of a quarter-lambda mirror.
Two fast-moving galvano mirrors guide the laser beam on a meandering
course over the sample surface. F-Theta lenses focus the laser beam with
a corrected focal length on a focus diameter of 0.25 mm (0.1inch). A
special spectral photometer is used for the process diagnosis. The
measured curves help to define the ablation depth. Figure 1 illustrates
the setup of the process components.
It is, however, difficult to achieve high ablation selectivity.
This means that the plastic carrier should not be damaged during the
ablation process. This problem is due to the similar absorption
qualities of the fibre layer and the plastic carrier. Figures 3 and 4
illustrate such a material joint.
A further important task is the qualitative assessment of
laser-structured surfaces. The selected measuring procedure as well as
the assessment of the measured results has to enable a reliable
classification of the created laser structures. Figure 2 illustrates the
selected test setup.
The qualitative assessment of the laser ablation was carried out
based on industrial image processing (machine vision). Different camera
and lighting setups were applied to gain the image data. A
black-and-white camera with 16 bit resolution and adjusted fibre optical
and LED-based lighting systems was used. The laser-structured surfaces
were systematically photographed in series and saved for the subsequent
image processing. Additionally a light-section with a line laser was
used for the ascertainment of profile information.
Significant process parameters, which directly influence the
ablation result, were listed in a test schedule. These are the laser
power, the scanning speed and the overlapping degree of the hatching. A
square of 1[cm.sup.2] served as a test contour. In the first tests the
hatching density and the focal length were kept constant and only the
speed and the laser power were changed. After this the influence of the
hatching density was examined at constant scanning speed. Figure 3 shows
a SEM image of a laser processed edge of the test square.
The overlapping degree of the hatching had a significant influence
on the ablation result. The closer the lines are the higher is the heat
input into the material. Already with low laser powers and small
distances between the hatching lines intense interactions occur, which
can lead to the destruction of the carrier material. The distance
between the lines, however, should not be greater than the focus width
of the laser beam because otherwise the heat distribution becomes
inhomogeneous. Furthermore, single hatching lines are visible when
working with low laser powers.
The correct scanning speed and laser power also have a significant
influence on achieving a homogeneous ablation result. Both parameters
show a linear dependence on each other. They have a direct impact on
ablation depth and structural effects such as shininess and colour.
However, a separate optimisation is necessary for different textile
fibres and carrier materials. Table 2 shows the optimised ablation
parameters for a black polyamide flock on a plastic carrier.
As a result of the ablation tests first car components could
successfully be laser-structured. Figure 4 show photographs of
laser-processed interior components.
The examinations also showed that during the processing a number of
influencing factors can lead to faulty ablation results. These must be
ascertainable and assessable in the industrial application of the new
ablation method.
The above described measuring procedure enables a fast
ascertainment of the laser-structured surfaces by means of digital image
processing. Subsequently so-called operator pipelines were created by
means of the rapid prototyping software "VIP-Toolkit". These
enable the data processing as well as the computation of characteristics
and the classification of error parameters. Besides the grey scale value
statistics also features from the correlation/covariance matrixes or the
corresponding FFT power spectrum constitute a powerful feature group
(figure 5) (Lucht, 2008).
The assessment of the measurements can be considered as a
classification with supervised learning, i.e. for the given attributes
the respective class is always known. The ML classifier and the hyper
cuboid classifier were used in the examinations in order to test the
feature quality and the separability of laser-structured surfaces.
The results of the examinations show that high-quality surfaces can
efficiently and selectively be ablated by means of the laser technique.
The wavelength of the C[O.sub.2] laser can be utilised advantageously
for a multitude of different textile fibres and carrier materials. An
ablation speed of 0.5 m/s can be reached reproducibly with relatively
low laser powers through the application of fast scanning systems.
The examinations have also shown that the selected measuring
procedure of the digital image processing successfully enables a
separation and classification of laser-structured surfaces as well as
the detection of errors. The introduced new laser ablation method
provides the opportunity for an economical industrial application in the
field of selective ablation of high-quality decor surfaces.
Abele, H.; Planck, H. & Stegmaier, T. (2007). Simulation des
elektrostatischen Beflockens (engl. Simulation of electrostatic flock
coating), Melliand Textilberichte
Beck & Rossig--European Patent Attorneys (2007).
Flockmaterialien zum Beschichten von Teilen (engl.: Flock material to
coat components). Patent DE202005021362U1
Carr, K. (2008). Optical Materials: Silicon carbide mirrors benefit
high-speed laser scanning, Laser Focus World, Vol. 45, No. 8
Lucht, C. (2008). Optische Inspektion von laserbearbeiteten
Flockoberflachen (engl. Optical survey of laser machined flock
surfaces), scientific report, Gesellschaft fur Bild- und
Signalverarbeitung mbH. Ilmenau
Schlobach, M. (2009). Erprobung einer Bildverarbeitungssoftware zur
Bewertung von Dekoroberflachen (engl. Testing a image processing
software to evaluate decor surfaces), Bachelor Thesis, University of
Applied Sciences Jena
Tab. 1. Selected laser and process parameters
C[O.sub.2]-Laser Nd:YAG-Laser Excimer-Laser
power 50 W 65 W 7 W
pulse frequency cw Max. 30 kHz
wavelength 10640 nm 1064 nm 193 nm
Tab. 2. Ablation parameters BMW branding
wavelength 10640 nm
power 17.5 W
scanning speed 500 mm/s
process time 5 s