The power plants are realizing the added value of being socially responsible by using the combined heat and power technology.
Militaru, Gheorghe ; Rosu, Maria Magdalena ; Ionescu, Sorin 等
Cogeneration, also known as combined production of heat and power
(CHP), is inherently more energy efficient than using separate power and
heat generating sources, making it an effective anti-pollution strategy.
As a result, the EU in recent years has recommened countries to begin
modernising their industrial and municipal cogeneration systems in order
to help improve energy efficiency and curtail their emission levels.
This paper seeks to shed some light on the reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the combined heat and power plants. Based on a multi-case
study approach, this paper pursues an exploratory research about the
energy savings and reducing CO2 emissions. The amount of energy savings
and CO2 reduction by using CHP strongly depend on the performances of
the CHP plants (efficiencies, valorization of electricity and heat,
number of running hours) and of the characteristics of the reference
situation with separate production of heat and power.
This study investigates the relationships between Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) and the efficiency of combined production of heat
and power. We recognized that the prevention of global warming is an
important social responsibility of the electricity industry. This sector
is currently a major source of atmospheric CO2 emissions. One industry
challenge in the coming decades may be to profitably employ advanced
technology that reduces CO2 output while maintaining generation
availability and reliability. There are likely to be many different
strategies applied to new generation additions. However, the numbers of
viable alternatives for existing facilities are relatively limited
(Porter & Kramer, 2006).
The paper is organized as it follows. After a brief introduction
there is a section to explore the key concepts and literature review.
The third section presents the exploratory research. Finally, the last
section presents the main conclusions and the directions of the future
This section describes the theoretical underpinning of this
research from the recognizing that CSR is considered a strategic issue
and a key to our long-term economic success by reducing CO2 emissions
and combined production of heat and power.
During electricity generation, a large amount of low-grade heat is
produced. In conventional power plant this heat is lost. In CHP systems
the heat produced during electricity generation is recycled rather than
wasted, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system (Zvi & Alex,
Smart grid uses digital technology to manage power generation,
transmission, and distribution from all types of sources along with
consumer demand. The smart grid will lead to lower costs as well the
more efficient use energy. It will enable the development of
cross-industry platforms to manage the energy needs of cities,
companies, bulding, and households.
Corporate social responsibility is a key differentiation factor
that can be sustained in the longer term. The key factor is to make CSR
uptake a voluntary process. A working definition of CSR may be used from
the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. "CSR is the
continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to
economic development while improving the quality of life of the
workforce and their families as well as the local community and society
at large" (Collier & Esteban, 2007).
CSR has the potential to shape the strategic context for companies
and can exploit longer-term opportunities. The real advantages will only
be realised once CSR is tied to business strategy. Furthermore,
improving abilities in creative business strategy offers new
opportunities for companies to realize efficiency through collaboration
(Nidumolu & Prahalad, 2009).
To achieve the target for global reduction of 50% by 2050, a
reduction of emissions by 30% is required in the European Union by 2020.
This reduction has to increase further in the time frame up to 2050.
Legislation currently being debated calls for captures ready design of
coal-fired power plants in 2015 and mandatory capture in 2020 (Militaru,
CO2 capture systems are categorized as post-combustion capture,
pre-combustion capture, and oxyfuel combustion. Post-combustion capture
refers to separation of CO2 from flue gas after the combustion capture
and oxyfuel combustion. Pre-combustion capture increases the CO2
concentration of the flue stream, requiring smaller equipment size and
different solvents with lower regeneration energy requirements. The fuel
is first partially reacted at high pressure with oxygen or air and, in
some cases, steam, to produce carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2).
The CO is reacted with steam in a catalytic shift reactor to produce CO2
and additional H2.
Oxyfuel combustion refers to increase the concentration of CO2 by
using pure or enriched oxygen (O2) instead of air for combustion, either
in a boiler or gas turbine. The O2 would be produced by cryogenic air
separation, which is alredy used on a large scale industrially, and the
CO2--rich flue gas would be recycled to the combustor to avoid the
excessively high flame temperature associated with combustion in pure
O2. The avantage of oxyfuel combustion is that the flue gas contains a
high concentration of CO2, so the CO2 separation stage is simplified.
The primary disadvantage of oxyfuel combustion is that cryogenic O2 is
expensive in capital cost.
Trigeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity, heat
and cooling from a single heat source. This configuration can increase
the overall efficiency of the system. This method has been very
important, due to the increased costs of fuels, particularly oil based
fuels, and due to environmental concerns, particularly climate change
(Heizer & Render, 2006).
Our research design is based on investigation of social
responsibility initiatives involved the power plant and their
investments in corporate social responsibility by using multiple data
collection methods including interviews, document analysis, Web
research, observation, and critical incident reports. Interviews were
conducted with technical staff and managers from power plants located in
The increased fuel efficiency of GHPs gives them a potentially
useful role in helping to combat global warming by decreasing carbon
dioxide emissions. The reducing can be as much as 50%, depending on the
fuel being replaced by CHP.
For example, Romania's carbon market has been in operation for
over a year and local stock exchanges and Romania's state-owned
power market operator (OPCOM) are wising up to the opportunities of
building platforms for trade. OPCOM intends to set up a new platform as
early as this year, while the Bucharest Stock Exchange has also
expressed interest in opening a facility for trading carbon dioxide
emissions credits. Since 2009, Romania has been part of the EU's
scheme for carbon trading, where up to 12,000 industrial and energy
polluters buy and sell CO2 emissions.
Energy losses in power generation represent a huge and growing
source of carbon emissions during a period in which the countries will
be seeking to reduce total emissions. Approximately 67% of the energy
contained in the fuel for conventional electrical generation is rejected
as waste heat into the environment. By recycling the termal energy,
cogeneration systems can overall increase efficiencies of 50% to 85%
(Heizer & Render, 2006).
Combined heat and power systems generate electricity and thermal
energy in a single, integrated system (see Figure 1). Because CHP
captures the heat that would be otherwise be rejected in traditional
separate of electric or thermal energy, the total efficiency of these
integrated systems is much greater than from separate systems.
Absorption chillers can convert hot water or steam into chilled
water for air conditioning. A dehumidifier can be utilized to remove
moisture from the air and provide better indoor air quality.
The contribution of this paper is to aid academics and researchers
to better understand how power plant can provide electricity, heat and
cooling by reducing carbon dioxide emissions and thus generate a
competitive position on the market. Excess electricity will be delivered
to the national grid of each country, thereby supplying them with
greener power.
A power plant can invest in a project to reduce carbon emissions
and then the Government can grant to the firm Certified Emission
Reductions (CER), which represent the amount of tonnes of CO2 saved by
the investment. One tonne of CO2 saved is equal to one CER.
Our findings illustrate that power plants can take a competitive
advantage from maximizing their contributions to social causes and to
have a more visible, long-term engagement with the community. The
findings confirm that the power plants are realizing the added value of
being socially responsible such as environmental protection by reducing
CO2 emissions.
This paper offers a number of contributions. First of all, there is
a weak relationship between CSR and profitability because firms invest
in socially responsible projects until the marginal returns decline to
the overall market rate of return. However, companies that are
profitable are more likely to engage in more CSR activities.
Second, there are some limites to use of CHP. Depreciation for CHP
investments may not reflect the true economics lives of the equipment.
The market is unaware of technology developments that have expanded the
potential for CHP.
Third, Carbon Reduction Commitment (CER) will have a positive
impact on the market for CHP. The use of low or zero emission
technologies will take time and existing reserves of fossil fuels will
continue to play an important role in creating the energy neede to drive
Finally, the performance of separate systems for the production of
electricity and heat, electricity production by combined cycle plants
(efficiency [greater than or equal to] 50%) and heat production by high
efficiency boilers (efficiency [greater than or equal to] 90%), are
strongly improving. The required performances of CHP plants being
preferable to separate systems for the production of heat and power have
to be tightened.
In the future, only companies that make sustainability a goal will
achieve competitive advantage. However, many companies are convinced
that the more environment-friendly they become, the more the effort will
erode their competitiveness.
Therefore, future research may be directed toward examine the
exploratory factors and the correlation between them by experimental
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