The effect of electrical--technological parameters on electron beam surface hardening.
Visan, Aurelian ; Neagu, Dumitru ; Ionescu, Nicolae 等
One of the most important applications of electron beam processing
is surface layer hardening of several steel or alloy steel parts used in
modern manufacturing. For these applications the specialist literature
(Neagu, 1999) provides very few data to allow adjustment of working
parameters to obtain specified technological characteristics, such as
hardness of hardened layer, depth and width of hardened layer, degree of
strip overlapping, spatial hardening distribution (Visan et al., 1999)
In this sense, the authors have developed extensive research work
that focuses on determining the above-mentioned technological
characteristics. This article presents the effects of principal
parameters on the hardness of electron beam hardened layer. To determine
these effects, process functions were used as identified by the authors
and published in a previous work (Visan et al., 2010).
The polytropic type process functions (Gheorghe et al., 1985) were
determined, based on a methodology prepared by the authors (Neagu, 1999,
Visan, 1998), in five points of hardened strips, by aid of an factorial experimental programme comprising 20 experiences, for two types of
steels, OLC 45 as a reference material and 42MoCr.
The effects presented, as well as those to be determined for width
and depth of hardened layer are very important in preparing optimum
application regimes.
Dependence of the hardness on the measuring points
coordinates. The obtained process functions confirmed the fact that
the hardness HV varies depending on the X and Z coordinates of the
measuring points and does not depend on the Y coordinate. Figure 1 shows
the variation of the hardness HV depending on the X coordinate of the
measuring point. For both research materials, the hardness has got a
peak in point [a.sub.0], corresponding to the beam centre, and then it
decreases towards the extremities, in points [a.sub.s2] and [a.sub.s2]
and [a.sub.d2]. Function of the material, the hardness of the hardened
layer is higher in strip centre as compared to strip margins by about
27% for steel OLC 45 and about 21% for steel 42MoCr.
The effect of the hardened material is proved by the higher
hardness of steel 42 MoCr11, due to its higher hardening limit.
The variation of the hardness depending on the depth of the
hardened zone z (Figure 2), in points [a.sub.0], b, c and m, the last
one placed in the non--hardened core, indicates a complex dependence.
For both materials, the hardness has a peak and then it decreases slowly
at the same time as the depth Z increases. In point c that is located at
the very border between the hardened zone and the non-affected core, a
significant hardness reduction occurs as compared to the core value
(Figure 2).
To study individually the effect on hardness of the parameters and
hardened material, the process functions in point [a.sub.0] were
graphically represented using variable values from the central area of
the experiment section, and varying by turns each parameter only within
the research sections, while keeping constant the rest of parameters at
medium values.
The effect of working processing distance on hardness. The analysis
of the hardness dependence on the working processing/shooting distance
[L.sub.l], represented shown in figure 3, proves that, for both research
materials, the increase of the processing distance produces hardness
enhancement due to increase of beam focus and intensity, which entails a
higher heating of the work-piece material.
The effect of electron beam current strength on hardness. The
dependence of hardness on electron beam current strength [I.sub.FE],
show in figure 4, shows that, for both materials, higher current
strength [I.sub.FE], generates higher hardness, owning to increase of
the beam energy and power which leads to higher material heating.
Similar cause and effect relations were obtained considering the
effect of accelerating voltage [U.sub.a] and work-piece travel speed
[V.sub.m] under the hardness. In this case too, for both research
materials, the hardness increase with the increasing of the voltage.
This variation is determined by the increase of beam energy and power.
The enhancement of beam energy due to increase of voltage [U.sub.a] is
limited by the beam defocusing phenomenon, which determines a decrease
of heating temperature and implicitly, a diminution of hardness.
When the working speed increases, a very important hardness
increase occurs. At lower processing speed, the duration of action of
the beam on the work-piece increases, thus resulting in material heating
over the hardening temperature, as well as decarbonisation of the
superficial layer resulting in lower hardness. Due to the increase of
the processing speed, the carbon has not the necessary time to
precipitate outside the solution and remains within the structure
producing a solution supersaturated in ferrite, the martensite,
consequently resulting in hardness increase.
The effect of cross deflection angle on hardness. The cross
deflection angle [beta] represents the deflection angle of the beam
against the optical--electronic axis, on direction OX (Figure 1). As a
result, in figure 5, the value of the angle [beta] determines a very
small increase of hardness. The angle [beta] affects the spot centring
as against the work-piece surface and, to a lesser extent, its hardness,
which is a more or less relevant parameter.
The effect of work-piece material on hardness. The analysis of the
process functions given by the relations established by the authors
(Visan et al., 2010) and the dependences relations depicted in figures 1
to 5 showed that the hardness obtained by electron beam hardening
definitely depends on the type and proprieties of the work-piece
material, which is a rather complex dependence. The hardness reached for
42 MoCr11 steel was higher than that for the OLC45 steel.
Through mathematical and experimental modelling and defining
several process functions already published in prior works, it has been
determined the effect of the principal process parameters on layer
hardness in electron beam hardening for two types of steels. The results
presented that are part of a wider research of the authors are very
important in defining optimum regimes of practical application of part
surface electron beam hardening. The limitations of this research work
consist in its applicability only for experimental domain mentioned in
the above figures.
Gheorghe, M. et al. (1985). Algorithm for regression functions,
Scientific Bulletin of "Politehnica" University of Bucharest,
Series D, ISSN 1220-3041, tom XLVI--XLVII, p. 176.
Neagu, D. (1999). Contributions to the study of the electron beam
machining processes, PhD Thesis, "Politehnica" University of
Bucharest, Romania.
Visan, A. (1998). Mathematical Model for Optimization of the
Electrical Discharge Machining Process, Scientific Bulletin
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Series D, ISSN
14542358, Vol. 60, Nr. 1-2, p. 187-197
Visan, A. et al. (1999). Determining the space distribution of
hardening in the case of electron beam surface hardening, TCMM Review,
Bucharest, Technical Printing House, No. 38, 1999, ISBN 973-31-1389-1,
p. 273-278.
Visan, A. et al. (2010). Mathematical--Experimental Modelling of
the Electron Beam surface Hardening Process, Annals of 21st DAAAM World
Symosium, Zadar, Croatia, 2010.