The accounting reform in Romania--normalization and regulation.
Man, Mariana ; Macris, Maria ; Ravas, Bogdan 等
The paper presents the steps in the accounting mechanisms reform
according to the European Union Directives.
This is practicaly a new synthesis approach and in this sense we
have studied all the legal documents and statistics.
The result of the research is a correct and complete information
according the accounting mechanisms and institution reform and for the
future we have in mind to follow the facts and documents concerning this
evolution in order to keep it actual and complete.
Romania's legislative reform regarding the assimilation of the
community acquis in the field of accounting and IFRS has required the
foundation of certain new authorities having responsibilities in the
accounting field.
Within this process, the Ministry of Public Finances and the other
authorities with settling responsibilities in the accounting field
(Romania's National Bank, the National Board of Movable Assets, and
the Board of Insurances Monitoring) are responsible with the process of
accounting settlement and providing conformity with the European
With these in view, the Accounting Law no. 82/1992 (modified and
subsequently re-published for several times) and the regulations
specific to the financial field stipulate clear responsibilities for
such institutions regarding the regulating process as well as regarding
the control and monitoring of the accounting field. The Ministry of
Public Finances elaborates and issues: norms and regulations in the
accounting field; the general plan of accounts; the models of financial
reports, of registers, and forms regarding the financial and accounting
activity; and the methodological norms regarding their drawing out and
use. The elaboration of those regulations is done through consulting the
professional organisms in the field (The Body of Accounting Experts and
of Authorized Book-Keepers in Romania CECCAR, the Room of Financial
Auditors in Romania CAFR).
The decision of implementing IFRS in Romania has implied the need
of new interfaces with the European Union, with its organisms of
accounting regulations (the Accounting Regulations Committee--ARC, the
European Financial Reporting Group--EFRAG) as well as with the organisms
responsible for national standards within the member states. At the same
time we deal with the need of matching the national activities in the
field of accounting with those of the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB) and its committees; all data or directions regarding the
implementation of IFRS should refer to the General Framework of IASB and
to the principles that represent the foundation of each IFRS. Starting
from the functions of such specialized organisms at the level of the
European Union and the member states the main problems that are the
responsibility of the Romanian Accounting Group (GRC) are the following
--to offer a permanent structure and a unique source of technical
expertise regarding the implementation of IFRS in Romania;
--to analyze the standards issued by IASB, the interpretations of
the International Financial Reporting and Interpreting Committee (IFRIC)
and to offer the required guidelines to Romanian users whenever
--to make sure that all IFRS and associated interpretations have
the force of a law and to make sure that there is cohesion with the
accounting regulations that can be applied to the other entities;
--to provide the management and the control of the process of
translating IFRS and the other relevant stuff as a result of their
adopting by Romania;
--to work with IASB and the other organisms in the field of
accountancy within the European Union, with Romania's Ministry of
Finance, and the other professional organisms concerning all the matters
connected with IFRS.
The Romanian Accounting Group is a professional operational and
independent component of the Accountancy and Financial Reporting Council (organism that includes all the authorities that settle the field of
accountancy and audit) and should act with a view of matching the
national regulations and practice in the field of accountancy and audit
with the regulations implemented in the European Union. At the same
time, the Romanian Accounting Group cooperates and employs the
experience of CECCAR and CAFR regarding IFRS.
In order to carry out its functions GRC should act with a view of
introducing non--amended IFRS in Romania and of identifying and
eliminating all conflicts between the laws in Romania and IFRS.
Consequently, GRC should found and maintain with IASB and the other
European organisms permanent relations so that Romania might provide
those who are interested a set of IFRS as they are issued by IASB,
approved by the EU and translated into Romanian.
The cooperation with IASB is carried out as follows:
--by involving in an independent "research project" or in
a partnership with a team belonging to other national organisms that
settle standards (either as a leader of the team or as a member of the
team) under the guidance of IASB' s staff and of certain members
selected by the Board;
--by involving in a "team for a project" which includes
national or regional organisms that settle the standards within an
active project, under the guidance of IASB' s staff and/ or of the
staff of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The national
organisms that settle standards should, according to the available
resources, deploy a research activity and involve in the projects'
The organism of settling/ implementing accounting standards should
monitor the implementation of IFRS under their jurisdiction, identify
the aspects that might require interpretation and ask IFRIC and IASB to
approach those aspects. In case an aspect of a certain jurisdiction does
not display a vast relevance and IASB or IFRS decides not to approach
that aspect, an organism of settling standards should issue its own
comments only when they are compatible with IFRS.
In 1999, the Ministry of Finance started a project of matching
Romanian legislation in the domain of accounting and audit with IFRS and
the Directives of the European Union in the field. The project
determined fundamental changes of legislation:
a) Matching financial reporting of large companies (economic
entities) with the demands of IFRS and, to a smaller extent, with the
4th Directive of the European Union owing to the Order of the Minister
of Public Finances no. 94/2001, "Accounting regulations matched
with the stipulations of the 4th Directive of CEE and the International
Accounting Standards". The influence of the EU regulations has
resided in the fact that the Order's structure generally maintained
the structure of the stipulations of the 4th European Directive. The
influence of IASB has mainly consisted in the fact that Romanian
companies were required to draw out their yearly accounts (which observe
the structure stipulated by IASB' s Framework of preparing and
displaying financial reports) both according to the Accounting Law no.
82/1992 (modified and republished) and according to the IASB' s
general framework regarding the drawing out and displaying of financial
reports and to the International Accounting Standards.
b) Matching of financial reporting in case of small and medium
sized companies (including micro-companies--which are only separated
from the point of view of the taxes) which have applied, beginning with
2002, the Order of the Minister of Public Finances no. 306--a
combination of the spirit of international accounting norms with that of
the European norms while stressing the latter ones.
c) Beginning with 2006, the Romanian accounting system has adopted
the European accounting directives (updated, at their turn, according to
IAS/IFRS). The Order of the Minister of Public Finances no. 1752/2005
regarding the approval of the accounting regulations according to the
European Directives has been applied since 2006; it replaced Order
94/2002 and a series of other orders and regulations previously issued
by the Ministry of Public Finances.
Synthetically, the characteristics of the Romanian present
accounting system are the following: Pluses:
The accounting stipulations that regard economic operators observe
the stipulations of the European Directives in the accounting field,
namely the 4th Directive of the European Economic Communities 78/660/EEC
and the 7th Directive of the European Economic Communities 83/349/EEC.
A common framework of accounting settlements has been created for
all economic entities as a result of the implementation of Order no.
1752/2005 on 01.01.2006 which is considered to be the brake point in the
regulating process.
The implementation of the above mentioned order has had
implications upon the transparency of information that characterize the
activity of the groups of companies; besides the yearly individual
financial reports of the entities, consolidated yearly financial reports
are drawn out and published (in case certain size criteria are carried
out: total assets: 17 520 000 euro; net financial result: 35 040 000
euro; average number of employees during the financial exercise: 250).
The companies whose movable assets, at the date of the balance
sheet, are admitted to be transacted on a settled market and that draw
out yearly consolidated financial reports implement the International
Financial Reporting Standards when drawing them out according to the
stipulations of the Order of the Ministry of Public Finances
no.1121/2006 regarding the implementation of the International Financial
Reporting standards. Accordingly, the demands of Regulations no.
1606/2002 of the European Parliament and Council regarding the
implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards are
At present the reporting model is not yet meant for external
investors; it rather meets the demands of the fiscal authorities
regarding taxes or the evaluation of a company's activity in the
context of the State's macroeconomic policy; the demands of the
banks that continue to offer the main financing resource of the
companies determining conservative, prudent practices like:
--the present implementation of the International Financial
Reporting Standards in relation with the State's institutions; the
need of their implementation limits to yearly consolidated financial
reports drawn out by the companies whose movable assets, at the date of
the balance sheet, are admitted to be transacted on a settled market.
--the separation of accounting norms from fiscal norms are still at
a theoretical and practical level;
--the particularization of international/European norms in case of
Romanian economic and financial conditions;
--simplifying the accounting norms that regard small and medium
sized companies although they are still components of a unique
accounting system.
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