Multiple Q-update approach for reinforcement learning using similarities of adjacent states.
Albers, Albert ; Schillo, Sebastian Mathias ; Frietsch, Markus 等
Instead of using a conventional control system, the aim of this
paper is to develop an advanced control system for a simplified humanoid
robot manipulator using Reinforcement Learning algorithms. Machine
learning techniques are able to find sophisticated solutions for
problems where conventional control algorithms are faced with serious
1.1 RL Overview
RL is based on the trial-and-error method: the system learns from
gathered experience. To determine how good an action is the agent would
have to choose it and observe the reward afterwards. Therefore a value
is needed to specify how desirable it is for the agent to take a certain
action in a state s. The value under a fixed policy can be computed as:
is called the action value function for policy . denotes the state,
stands for the action at time step t (Watkins, 1989). denotes the
expectation for policy . This type of update rule evolved from the idea
of dynamic programming which was introduced by (Bellmann, 1954) and
(Bertsekas et. al., 1996). In order to overcome local extremes, an
optimal compromise between exploring and exploiting actions has to be
found. This is achieved by picking random actions with a certain
probability. E.g. a s-greedy policy can be used to choose random action
depending on a parameter s and a random number. Learning is achieved by
iteratively updating the Q-Table e.g. by using General-Policy-Iteration
(GPI) presented in (Sutton and Barto, 1998). A good survey of RL can be
found in (Kaelbling et. al., 1996) or (Smart and Kaelbling, 2002).
1.2 Two Link Planar Robot
In this approach, a humanoid robot manipulator should be controlled
by a reinforcement learning agent. To show the feasibility of
reinforcement learning methods to control manipulator systems, a
2-DOF-Manipulator system is used as a first simplified platform. A
schematic drawing of the robot can be seen in Figure 1. The central goal
of this paper is to move the robot manipulator from a start position to
a target position. The aim is to create a smooth trajectory using as few
control commands as possible.
Thus, the state of the manipulator is described by its two position
angles and its two corresponding angular speeds which are discretized:
The system is described in more detail in (Denzinger and Laureyns,
Several problems occur when when a look-up-table is used. (Martin
and De Lope, 2007). One major drawback is the large number of states. If
an exploring action is chosen, the agent leaves the well-known path with
the already well-estimated Q-Values. Hence, without the possibility of
making a decision based on Q-Values, all actions are random and the
agent does not have any orientation, even if it is very close to the
target area. This increases the duration of an episode as well as it
hinders a fast and intensive learning process. The basic idea behind the
novel Q-update is to store more Q-Values per step and facilitate the
agent to make more adequate choices.
If the distance from a specific query point is small enough, the
action chosen in the query point is also well suited for a slightly
varied state as a first approximation. Hence, the state variables are
varied by a small amount A as indicated in equation (3):
Only one state variable is changed while the three others
(indicated by index j) remain constant. The indeces i, j denote the
position of the state variable. The variation is equal to the
discretization step size of the state entries--for
. For the varied state, a different Q-Value is stored. This new
Q-Value has a smaller value than the original one because the confidence
is smaller. The variation of the state by increments of the
discretization step size is necessary to ensure that the new value is
stored next to the old one instead of overwriting it. Fig. 2 shows a
visualization of the basic idea of this method: in addition to the
visited state in the middle, adjacent states are updated using a
discount factor in order to represent a less confidential update. Note
that the Q-Table is a 5-dimensional matrix. The table's velocity,
and action entries are considered to be constant in order to display the
Q-Values and the angle's, . Furthermore the Q-Values are scalars in
the general case; for better readability an additional dimension for is
introduced in Fig. 2.
Different points, evenly distributed over the workspace, are chosen
to compare the novel approach to two classic Reinforcement Learning
agents. All agents use the Elegibility-Traces presented in (Sutton and
Barto, 1998). Apart from a geometrical balanced distribution, the
distance between start and target position were taken into account as
well as the type of movement, such as straight or diagonal. This was
done to obtain a profound and clear decision basis.
The quality of the solution found by the novel_SARSA([lambda]) and
SARSA([lambda]) agents is very high at the start of the RL task. That
is, the agents need a low number of actions to reach the target
position. SARSA's number of actions decreases constantly although
the learning process is less intensive compared to the versions of
SARSA([lambda]). The performance of the SARSA([lambda]) version is a
trade-off between good quality of the solution and time. If the number
of actions is higher, the agent is reset to the starting position. In
addition, the higher computational effort elongates the learning
process. To sum up: the novel_SARSA([lambda]) is the most successful
agent, concerning quality as well as the elapsed time.
A novel update algorithm for Reinforcement Learning agents based on
exploiting similarities of adjacent states and actions was presented. An
evaluation of the new approach was conducted using point-to-point
movements of a 2-DOF manipulator model. The comparison of the novel
update algorithm to two classic RL agents clearly showed better results
regarding elapsed time and quality. Influences of the new approach on
the exploration characteristics of the learning process are object of
future research.
Bellman R. (1954). The theory of dynamic programming, Bulletin of
the American Mathematical Society, 60, 503-515
Bertsekas D. P. & Tsitsiklis J. N. (1996). Neuro-Dynamic
Programming, Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA
Denzinger J.; Laureyns I. & (2008). A study of reward
functions in reinforcement learning on a dynamic model of a two-link
planar robot, The 2nd European DAAAM International Young
Researchers' and Scientists' Conference
Kaelbling L. P.; Liftman M.L. & Moore A. (1996). Reinforcement
Learning: A Survey, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 4,
Martin J. A. & De Lope J. (2007). A Distributed Reinforcement
Learning Architecture for Multi-Link Robots, 4th International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO),
(pp. 192-197). Angers, France
Smart W. D. & Kaelbling L. (2002). Making Reinforcement
Learning Work on Real Robots, Ph.D. Thesis, Brown University
Sutton R.S & Barto A.G. (1998). Reinforcement Learning, an
introduction, The MIT press, MA
Watkins C. (1989). Learning from Delayed Rewards, Thesis,
University of Cambidge, England