Improving the classify user interface in WEKA explorer.
Robu, Raul ; Hora, Catalin ; Stoicu-Tivadar, Vasile 等
WEKA is a machine learning / data mining, open-source, application
developed in Java by the Waikato University of New Zeeland. The first
internal version of WEKA was launched in 1994, and the version that was
first made public, version 2.1 was released in 1996. At present, the
last stable version reached number 3.6.3. WEKA is a very useful software
for education, research and applications (Bouckaert et al.,2008).
WEKA's 3.6.3 version offers 71 preprocessing instruments (for
discretization, noise reduction, selection of attributes, etc), 117
classification and regression algorithms (among them J48, NaiveBayes (Wu
et al.,2007), Random Forest can be found), 11 clustering algorithms
(such as SimpleKMeans, XMeans), 6 algorithms for finding association
rules among which the Apriori algorithm is encountered, 3 graphical
interfaces: the Explorer, the Experimenter and the KnoledgeFlow (Hornik
et al.,2009). WEKA was downloaded over 1,4 million times since it has
been placed on Source--Forge in April 2000 (Hall et al.,2009). This
short presentation of WEKA, is meant to point out that WEKA is a
powerful instrument, widely used for the exploratory analysis of data.
The classification algorithms from WEKA allow the construction of a
classifier model based on the training data and the performance
evaluation of the classifier built on the test data. A small part of the
measures displayed by default by WEKA, after building and testing a
classifier model includes: The kappa statistic which measures the
agreement of prediction with the true class -1.0 signifies complete
agreement (Bouckaert et al.,2008), the mean absolute error which is a
quantity used to measure how close predictions are to the eventual
outcomes, Relative absolute error and Root relative squared error.
The authors consider that these measures are useful, but a
histogram which illustrates the number of the instances that were
correctly or incorrectly predicted makes the interface more attractive.
Hence, the interface of WEKA was modified in such a manner that in an
initial phase it displays the number of correct or wrongly classified
instances as 3d graphic and the access to the above mentioned
information is obtained by pressing the newly added Advanced Information
One problem regards the use of a classifier model after it has been
built and tested, in order to make predictions, because classification
is one of the predictive techniques. This can be realized in WEKA
indirectly, using the Supplied test set command (which is usually used
in order to test the created model on a specified test data) and
analyzing the values predicted by WEKA for this dataset. In order to use
the Supplied test set command, the users must create a new ARFF file in
which to place the instance or instances whose class they want to
In order to facilitate the work of the users who wish to make
predictions and to apply a more intuitive character to the prediction
area, the authors conceived and implemented modifications on the
Classify user interface. In the bottom part of the window, a panel with
dynamic content was added. Its controls depend on the analyzed data set
and allow the users to easily realize predictions.
WEKA realizes diverse processing of data sets. In WEKA the data set
is implemented by the weka.core.Instances class. Each instance consists
of a number of attributes that can be nominal, numeric or strings. The
external representation of an Instances class is a ARFF file. The
classification algorithms in WEKA derive from the abstract
weka.classifiers.Classifier class which contains its own methods to
generate a distribution of probabilities (Witten & Frank, 2005).
Preprocessing the data is an important step for the algorithms of
automated learning. A useful support for the preprocessing phase is
available in the weka.filters package which consists of classes with the
help of which modifications of the data set can be made. The
architecture of WEKA application is presented in fig 1. WEKA is composed
from a multitude of packages. The packages are organized hierarchical
starting with the main package named WEKA. Any package may contain other
packages, files with Java source code or both at the same time. The
files in which the modifications were realized are:,,, The and files were added.
The Classifier Output panel from the GUI Classify implicitly
displays the run information (the number of instances, number of
attributes, the testing manner of the model), the classifier model, the
test result (Correctly Classified Instances, Incorrectly Classified
Instances, Kappa statistic, Mean absolute error, Root mean squared
error, Relative absolute error, Root relative squared error, Total
Number of Instances), Detailed Accuracy By Class (True Positive Rate,
False Positive Rate, Precision, Recall, FMeasure, Class) and Confusion
Matrix (Tan et Al.,2005).
The outputs selected by default for visualization are the Output
model, Output per-class stats, Output confusion matrix, Store
predictions for visualization. The user can select the outputs he wants
to view with the help of the More options command. Along the above
mentioned outputs, he may choose between the following: Output entropy
evaluation measures, Output predictions, Output additional attributes,
Cost-sensitive evaluation, Random seed for xval / % Split, Preserve
order for % Split, Output source code.
If no output is selected, run information and test results will be
displayed in the Classifier Output section (Correctly Classified
Instances, Incorrectly Classified Instances, Kappa statistic, Mean
absolute error, Root mean squared error, Relative absolute error, Root
relative squared error, Total Number of Instances). The authors
considered that the majority of the information displayed by default, as
well as the information displayed if no output is selected, require
further documentation so the access to this information can be realized
by pressing the Advanced Information button, newly introduced in the
interface. Instead of displaying this information by default, the number
of correctly or incorrectly classified instances will be displayed as a
3d graphic (see Fig. 2).
Once a classifier model was built based on a training dataset and
this classifier model was tested on the test dataset, with satisfying
results, it can be used to classify new instances in order to predict
the value of the class attribute with a certain degree of reliability
(Frank et al., 2009). In WEKA this is rather difficult to achieve by
taking the following steps: a new ARFF file in which the instance or
instances whose class is to be predicted must be created. A random
nominal value or a question mark must be filled in, for each instance,
in the class attribute which will be predicted. The next step implies
setting the Output predictions option and loading the ARFF file created
with the aid of the Supplied test set command. Next, we either press a
right click on the built model and choose the Reevaluate model on
current test set command, or we rebuilt the model and test it on the
instances from the created ARFF file. The authors consider that the
process presented is unnatural and is not very intuitive, besides, the
question "How do I make predictions with a trained model?"
appears in the FAQ list on WEKA's website and in other sources. In
order to simplify the prediction process, the authors modified the lower
part of the Classify interface, transforming it into a dynamic section
as following: the panel Prediction of an instance was added, inside
which, for each dataset a number of JLabels equal to the number of
attributes from the data set will be displayed (one JLabel for each
attribute), for the nominal attributes the JComboBoxes with all the
possible nominal values will be displayed, and for numeric attributes
JTextField cassettes will be displayed. The user must select and
complete the values of the attributes for the instance he wants to
predict and then press the predict command, as the result will be
displayed near the button.
In this paper the authors briefly presented the functionalities of
the machine learning and data mining application WEKA, its architecture
as well as the modifications they conceived and implemented on this open
source application. The purpose of the modifications that were done was
to simplify the interface with the user inside the classification panel
on one side, and on the other side to introduce a new functionality,
that is the possibility to easily fill in the values of a new instance
on a dynamic interface, generated according to the content of the used
data set and to apply the built and tested model on this instance in
order to predict the class. The developed interface is dynamic according
to the considered data set because on this user interface a number
labels equal to the number of attributes will be displayed, one label
for each attributes, and for the nominal attributes comboboxes will be
displayed so that the user can choose a nominal value from the possible
nominal values, and for the numeric and string attributes, text
cassettes will be displayed. Once the values for the attributes of the
instance were selected, the built classifier model to predict the class
can be applied. Further on, the authors want to extend WEKA with a
genetic algorithm.
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