Improving IF-THEN rules with genetic algorithm.
Muntean, Maria ; Ileana, Ioan ; Joldes, Remus 等
Classification, one of the primary tasks in data mining, consists
in assigning objects to one of several predefined categories [Nadal et
al., 1990]. Many approaches have been proposed aiming at the
construction of an accurate classifier. Among them, the following
approaches are well-known in the literature: decision-tree,
rule-induction, association-based, and hybrid ones. AQ [Michalski, 1969]
and CN2 [Clark & Niblett, 1989] are two methods based on
rule-induction approach where the methods induce one rule at a time and
all the data examples covered by that rule are removed from the search
space. The more recent rule induction using a sequential covering
algorithm, RIPPER [Cohen, 1995], [Huang et al., 2007], grows rules by
adding a test of an attribute to that rule if using that attribute will
result in a more accurate separation of the training data. Since the
IF-THEN rules can be easily represented by bit strings of fixed length,
we applied the Genetic Algorithms (GAs) in rule induction [Fidelis et
al., 2000], [Wan & Zhao, 2009], in order to increase the
classifier's performance.
The percentage of instances on a given test set instances that are
correctly classified by the classifier represents the accuracy of a
classifier. A very useful tool, used for analyzing how well a classifier
can recognize instances of different classes, is the confusion matrix. A
confusion matrix for two classes is shown in Table 1.
The true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) are correct
classifications. A false positive (FP) occurs when the outcome is
incorrectly predicted as 1 (or positive) when it is actually 0
(negative). A false negative (FN) occurs when the outcome is incorrectly
predicted as negative when it is actually positive.
In order to access how well the model can classify the instances,
defined two new measures, sensitivity and specificity:
sensitivity = TP / TP + FN (1)
specificity = TN / TN + FP (2)
Genetic algorithms have been used for classification as well as
other optimization problems. In data mining, they may be used to
evaluate the fitness of other algorithms. In the context of data mining,
the population represents the solution search space, where a solution is
an IF-THEN rule. A chromosome is an IF-THEN rule and a gene represents a
sub-condition in the IF-THEN rule. Based on the notion of survival of
the fittest, a new population is formed to consist of the fittest rules
in the current population, as well as offspring of these rules.
Typically, the fitness of a rule is assessed by its classification
accuracy on a set of training samples.
In order to cover a considerable percent of the instances in the
test set, we have used a sequential covering algorithm. First, we have
created rules in a genetic manner. Second, to compute the fitness
measure of the rules, we developed a fitness method. Then, in the
fitness method the distribution of the learned rule was computed. For
each instance, the real and predicted distribution was calculated. The
predicted and real distributions are compared and the instances are
classified as TP and FN. Then, the sensitivity and specificity were
determined using the true and false positives and negatives measures
calculated beforehand. The fitness value was computed by simply
multiplying the sensitivity and specificity.
This step represented a preprocessing stage before the rule was
learned and its fitness evaluated. Thus, we made a correspondence
between the genetic data types and the instances' data types.
In the genetic component, the instances were parsed to chromosomes,
which were ranked, recombined and evaluated. The classifier component
provided the means of evaluation and test, and measured how good the
classifier performed. Our gene and chromosome had a special
representation (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). It was divided in 3 fields: weight,
relational operator and value. The weight was used in order to determine
whether the corresponding gene was part of the rule. The genes that had
below a certain threshold were not considered anymore as part of the
chromosome. The relational operator's task was to verify if the
weight was below that threshold. The value represented the value of the
For the evaluation, we used 4 data sets: Australian, Bupa,
Cleveland and Pima, obtained from the online UCI Machine Learning
Repository. The majority of these data sets have accuracy levels which
are not very high, so improvement is possible.
Each test included 10 runs, with an 80/20 percentage split and with
a seed from 1 to 10 for each run. For the tests, the genetic parameters
were tuned and different behaviors for different parameters were
observed. The tests were validated against existing rule learners: JRip
and PART, Weka implementation of RIPPER algorithm. Parameters used for
default test were: population size (50 individuals), parent selection
technique (tournament technique), crossover (in 2 points, random) and
mutation (0.3 mutation rate).
A. The first test set
The first of the test series was tested on all the four data sets
by varying the seed of the randomization process (from 1 to 10) and
keeping the other parameters constant.
The table above (Table 2) shows that the best results were attained
for the Bupa dataset. Compared to the JRip algorithm, the genetic
classifier had a better median accuracy and also a better standard
deviation. Although, the average accuracy for the PART algorithm was
better on the Cleveland data set than in the case of the new classifier.
B. The second test set
In this test, the number of randomly generated crossover points was
changed from to 2 to 3 and for each of the two cases the seed was again
changed. All other parameters are kept constant. The average accuracies
were obtained for the Australian and Cleveland data sets (Table 3) when
the number of crossover points is set to 3 and for the Bupa and Pima
data set when the number of crossover points was equal to 2. The average
accuracy of the Bupa data set seems to be careless to the parametric
changes. Comparing the values obtained for this data set with the values
in the first test set, it can be observed that Australian and Cleveland
perform 1% better. The deviations calculated in the table are rather
high, except for the Pima data set, which obtains 4.3 %, when the number
of crossover points is 3.
C. The third test set
In the last test set, we varied the number of evaluation cycles
starting from 100 to 1000 and ending up to see the results of the
classifier in the case when we have 10000 evaluation cycles. Again, the
seed for each setting of the number of evaluation cycles was varied
(Table 4).
The experiments proved that learning classification rules using
genetic algorithms can have similar accuracy measures in comparison with
the results obtained from the JRip and PART algorithms (Table 5).
The Bupa data set behaved well throughout all the test sets. Its
accuracy remained constant when evaluated within all the three
The experiments performed tried to obtain a confirmation of the
fact that by combining a genetic component with a heuristic component,
high accuracy levels can be obtained in comparison to other
classification algorithms.
Clark, P. & Niblett, T. (1989). The CN2 induction algorithm,
Machine Learning, Vol.3(4), pp.261-283, ISSN 0885-6125
Cohen, W. W. (1995). Fast Effective Rule Induction, Machine
Learning Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, pp.115-123,
Tahoe City, Morgan Kaufmann.
Fidelis, M. V., Lopes, H. S. & Freitas A. A. (2000).
Discovering Comprehensible Classification Rules with a Genetic
Algorithm, Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Comp.,
Vol.1, pp.805-810, La Jolla, USA
Huang, J., Cai, Y. & Xu, X. (2007). A hybrid genetic algorithm
for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information, Pattern
Recognition Letters, Vol. 28(13), pp.1825-1844
Michalski, R. S. (1969). On the quasi-minimal solution of the
general covering problem, Proceedings of the V International Symposium
on Information Processing, Switching Circuits, Vol.[[DELTA].sub.3],
Yugoslavia, Bled, pp.125-128
Nadal, C.; Legault, R. & Suen, C. Y. (1990). Complementary
algorithms for the recognition of totally uncontrained handwritten numerals, Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition,
Vol.A, pp.434^49, Atlantic City
Wan, L. & Zhao, C. (2009). Rule Acquisition with an
Entropybased Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, 2009 International Conference on
Networking and Digital Society, pp.275-278
Tab. 1. Confusion matrix for a two-class problem
Predicted Class
Class = 1 Class = 0
Actual Class Class = 1 TP FN
Class = 0 FP TN
Tab. 2. The results given by the first test set
Algorithm Genetic Classifier (%)
Data set aed acc std dev best acc
Australian 74,49 8,01 86,95
Bupa 61,73 5,16 68,11
Cleveland 49,67 5,01 60,65
Pima 69,35 4,41 75,97
Tab. 3. The values for the second test set
No of crossover points 2 3
Data set avg acc std dev avg acc std dev
Australian 74.78 9.94 52.62 9.81
Bupa 61.01 6.67 60 7.91
Cleveland 48.36 13.16 75.21 5.21
Pima 70.06 6.99 68.89 4.31
Tab. 4. The values resulted from the third experiment
No of cycles 100 1000
Data set avg acc std dev avg acc std dev
Australian 72.39 6.53 74.13 6.57
Bupa 61.73 9.49 60.28 8.17
Cleveland 51.96 7.16 50 7.73
Pima 69.87 8.22 72.07 5.62
No of cycles 10000
Data set avg acc std dev
Australian 72.31 7.47
Bupa 60.43 7.03
Cleveland 49.67 12.62
Pima 69.09 5.59
Tab. 5. Comparative study between JRip, PART and the
Genetic Classifier
Bupa (%) Australian (%) Cleveland (%) Pima (%)
JRip 59.42 75.52 53.3 74.53
PART 60.72 79.53 52.45 75.04
Genetic 64.05 79.03 54.59 73.96