Improving application performance through database caching at application tier level.
Boicea, Alexandru ; Badalau, Cezar Bogdan ; Radulescu, Florin 等
The increasing usage of on-line services led to the growth of
database sizes and also to users' demand for faster response time
from applications. Therefore, the need for delivering critical and
frequently accessed information within a shorter response time arises. A
solution for this drawback in Oracle databases is the use of Oracle
In-Memory Database Cache (IMDB Cache) at the level of application tier
and provides three components to improve data access: TimesTen In-Memory
Database, caching technology for frequently accessed tables cache and
cached data consistency and a transactional data replication for
cross--tier high availability.
The paper will present the procedure for data caching in Oracle
databases by using Oracle In-memory Database Cache and test results of
this solution in comparison with the classical 3 tier architecture.
IMDB Cache is designed to cache table data from Oracle databases
after which, exposes it to the application tier. IMDB Cache allows
update on the cached tables data and synchronization between the native
database data and cached data. This data is managed by the TimesTen
In-Memory Database component and is associated with the Cache Agent
which enables the data synchronization.
The Fig. 1 outlines the context where IMDB Cache will be
implemented. (Qiong, 2002)
A collection of database tables related through foreign keys that
are transformed to IMDB Cache tables represents a cache group which may
be defined through SQL Syntax.
For example, taking into account the diagram in Fig. 2, one may
define a cache group composed of projects with a start date of 1st of
January 2000 with an eHealth theme and a project duration larger then 36
months and a second cache group made up by FP7 projects with a total
project cost higher then 5 million euro and ongoing status. The
aforementioned cache groups may be cached on different nodes that run
IMDB Cache enabling a distributed access to data that would result to a
more efficient load balancing, therefore a faster response time.
A cache instance represents a set of uniquely identified and
correlated records that is used to model complex objects. These
instances provide the basis for cache loading and cache aging. Taking
into account the database tables outlined in figure 2, all records in
rt_GP7_THEME that belong to a specific project, are part of the same
Cache Instance uniquely identified by a PROJECT ID called Cache Instance
The data loading process may be carried out in two ways. The first
one by explicit loading:
--loading an entire cache group at once, LOAD CACHE GROUP
fp7_projects COMMIT EVERY 256 ROWS
--loading cache instances through WHERE clauses (the WHERE clause
selects a subset of the cache instance), LOAD CACHE GROUP
5000000) COMMIT EVERY 256 ROWS
--loading by ID (ID referring to cache instances to be brought in
the cache).
LOAD CACHE GROUP large_fp7_projects WITH ID (8813, 221) (Cache
Group Operations, 2010)
The second process is the dynamic loading that is appropriate to
load cache groups that are to large to fit in the cache. This is
associated with automatic Cache Aging implemented in IMDB
Cache considering the usage and the lifetime of the cache. Usage
based aging follows the Least Recently Used algorithm that eliminates
content which is least recently used in the cache group. Time based
aging defines a time span for the content life cycle and requires that a
table that is part of a cache group to have a timestamp column. The
application is responsible for managing the timestamp column. Example of
dynamic cache loading:
new_fp7_projects (Cache Group Operations, 2010) FROM dt_FP7_PROJECTS
KEY(ID_PROJECT)) (Cache Group Operations, 2010)
Cached data may be update in the IMDB Cache or in the Oracle
database and the update is propagated automatically from the database to
the cache and vice versa.
The tables in the cached tables groups should not be tables that
are frequently updated.
The data updates should be limited to cache updates or database
updates and afterwards the changes in the data should be transmitted
IMDB Cache applications provides the means to send SQL statements
to the Oracle database or to the Cache group through a single connection
to an IMDB Cache database by enabling PassThrough option that evaluates
if either the SQL statement may be processed in the in-memory tables or
in the Oracle database. This option is very helpful for specifying what
types of SQL statements should be processed by the database and which
should be processed in the IMDB Cache. For example, the updates should
be passed to the Oracle database, while reads should be processed by the
IMDB Cache. The update propagation from IMDB Cache to Oracle database is
handled when a transaction updates a Cache instance in order to maintain
data in the Oracle database synchronized with IMDB Cache. Therefore,
after the transaction is committed, IMDB Cache propagates the updates to
the Oracle database in the correct order. The update propagation from
the Oracle database to IMDB Cache is done in three ways:
--the refresh operation is an explicit request from the application
side to refresh all the content held by the Cache groups and it is the
same as unloading the cache groups and followed by a load operation;
--full auto refresh specifies the time span between 2 automated
refresh operations;
--incremental auto refresh updates only those records that have
been changed in the Oracle database since the last refresh; this is
useful for applications like customer support that may need to cache all
incidents reported during a defined time span and it can be used in
correlation with time based aging. When new incidents are inserted into
an Oracle database, the incremental auto refresh will propagate to the
in-memory cache tables. The incidents should have specified a timestamp
column to be used in the evaluation of records to fit in the time
window. Once the timestamp exceeds this period, the records from the
in-memory cache tables are automatically aged out.
In order to quantify the performance of IMDB Cache we have
developed a JAVA application that interacts with the Oracle database
through JDBC API. The JAVA application models the workflow of updating
and retrieving records regarding FP7 projects and proposals. The
technologies used for the test development were JAVA JDK 6, Netbeans
6.5.1, Oracle 11g, JDBC and IMDB Cache.
Changes of cached data are automatically propagated to the Oracle
The hardware configuration and all other configurations are
identical for the tests carried out.
The difference between the execution of the stored procedures in
the two scenarios was at the level of the functional architecture: the
first onein the classical 3 tier architecture and the other one with the
extra IMDB Cache component between data layer and bussiness logic.
It is obvious from the results of the tests presented in Fig. 3,
that In-Memory Database Cache brings tremendous performance gain for the
application layer in web enabled applications. The decrease of
application response time is improved by at least one order of magnitude and for particular applications this represents a remarkable progress
for users' real time experience. The preliminary results presented
by this paper brings the opportunity to further research performance
enhancement opportunities by correlating IMDB Cache with other Oracle
database tuning techniques, but also to compare and test non-related
Oracle caching solutions. Another point to continue this research
activity is to further carry out tests in order to depict downsides of
IMDB Cache configuration.
Also, the tests presented here will be taken to the next level by
taking into account scenarios that involve large amounts of data, OLTP and OLAP databases, and a large set of cached tables. The objective will
be to analyze results regarding application response time, data
consistency and integrity and protection to system failures.
Cache Group Operations. (2010). Retrieved May 24, 2010, from
Oracle / timesten.
IMDB Cache. (2010). Retrieved May 12, 2010, from
IMDB Quickstart. (2010). Retrieved May 14, 2010, from
Introduction to IMDB Cache Concepts. (2010). Retrieved May 12,
2010, from
Qiong, L. (2002). Middle-Tier Database Caching for eBusiness. ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (pp. 600-611).
Madison, Wisconsin: ACM