Import/export of GIS data in oracle spatial.
Boicea, Alexandru ; Bentu, Alexandru Stefan ; Radulescu, Florin 等
This paper address several theoretical and practical aspects of
software development aimed at the import and the export of GIS databases
in Oracle Spatial. To form the Oracle Spatial database we will use GIS
raster files (ESRI, BIL) or GIS vector files (GML, Shapefile). The
application connects to the database or GIS files to extract or enter
geograic data and for these it uses different algorithms for import and
export of geographic data and heuristic algorithms for the conversion
between raster and vector data. The user is able to choose exactly how
the data will be converted.
Nowadays, on the market there are few applications that assure only
the import or export of GIS data into Oracle Spatial database like: SQL Loader, GRASS, Spatial Console or PalentGIS. None of these applications
can assure conversion between different data types (raster and vector).
The application can be improved by using multiple GIS files,
creating software modules for viewing maps and for editing spatial data.
In addition to that, the conversion alghoritms can be optimized in order
to make the operations faster.
Raster files are generally used to store image information, data
captured by satellites or other airborne imaging systems. A raster
format is reprezented by any type of digital image stored in grids. The
raster data is divided into cells, pixels or elements. Cells are
organized in arrays and each one has a single value that represents a
geographic attribute for the area. The row and column numbers are used
to identify the location of each cell within the array (George, 2001).
The raster GIS files used for the application are: BIL (binary format)
and ESRI (ASCII format)
Vector files are represented by vectorial elements: points, lines,
polygons, arcs, string lines etc. Each GIS file type has its own way to
represent the vectorial information, in one or more files. The vector
GIS files used for the application are: ShapeFile (binary format) and
GML (ASCII format).
Oracle Spatial provides an SQL schema and functions that facilitate
the storage, retrieval, update and query of spatial data. Oracle Spatial
supports the object-relational model for representing geometries. The
object that can store geometric data is: MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (Albert,
This application makes the import and export from an Oracle Spatial
database to GIS data files. The application also makes the raster/vector
conversion for different GIS file types. To store data in Oracle
Spatial, we need two tables: in one we store the metadata (MapInfo) for
all the maps and in the others the actual map (Chuck, 2003).
Raster Import:
1. The header from the raster file is read and analyzed
2. Metadata is inserted in MapInfo about the new map
3. Is created a new table where the map will be stored (table_name)
4. Every cell are read from the raster cell and converted in
5. Data is inserted in the database
Raster Export:
1. The GIS file is created and the header is filled with metadata
2. Data is read from the table and is converted from
SDO_GEOMETRY objects into a single value (altitude)
3. Data is inserted in the file at the specific position in the
Vector Import:
1. The map is analyzed and metadata is inserted in MapInfo
2. Is created a new table where the map will be stored
3. Every vector is read from the GIS file and is converted in
4. Data is inserted in the database
Vector Export:
1. The GIS file is created
2. Data is read from the table and is converted from SDO_GEOMETRY
objects into a vector format specific to the vector GIS file type
3. Data is inserted in the database.
Vector-Raster Conversion:
1. The vector GIS file or map stored the database is analyzed
2. Metadata is inserted in MapInfo about the new map
3. Is created a new table where the map will be stored
4. Repeat for every cell in the matrix map
4.1. Select the vector data that intersects with the cell
4.2. Calculate the altitude value for the cell: weighted average of
the surfaces occupied by the vector data in the cell
4.3. Convert data into a SDO GEOMETRY object
4.4. Data is inserted in the database
Vector-Raster Conversion:
1. The map is analyzed and metadata is inserted in MapInfo
2. The following algorithm is applied:
main ()
1. initialize A, U //U[x][y]={{0}}
2. repeat until sum(U[x][y]==n*m)
2.1. initialize P,N //P={}, N={}
2.2. select first x, y where U[x][y]=0
2.3. U[x][y]=1; P=P union {(x,y)};T=(x,y)
2.4. repeat
2.4.1. find all neighbors to T like (nx,ny) where
A[nx][ny]=A[x][y] and U[nx][ny]=0
2.4.2. insert neighbors into N
2.4.3. s=0; P=P union {(nx,ny)} for all (nx,ny)
2.4.4. if N is not empty remove first (nx,ny) from N s = 1;T = (nx,ny)
2.5. until s=0
2.6. F=create_poligon(P)
2.7. convert F to SDO_GEOMETRY
2.8. insert F into database
1. initialize E,V //E={},V= {}
2. for each cell in P
2.1. calculate the edges and vertices of the cell P[x][y]
2.2. insert in Eand V the edges and vertices that are unique
3. initialize EU //EU={}
4. for every point (x,y) in V
4.1. calculate nv,nei,nes for (x,y) from V
4.2. create ES,EI and initialize them //view Table x.x
4.3. if (nei==2) then
insert into EU at the end, edges where EI[x]!=null, 0<x<5
4.4. if (nei==3) then
4.4.1. if (EI[1]=null orEI[3]=null) insert into EU at the end,
edges EI[2], EI[4]
4.4.2. if (EI[2]=null orEI[4]=null)
insert into EU at the end, edges EI[1], EI[3]
4.5. if (nei==4) and ((nv=7) or (np=8 and nei!=8)) then
4.5.1. if(ES[1]=null or ES[8]=null) then insert into EU at the end,
edges EI[4], EI[1]
4.5.2. if(ES[2]=null or ES[3]=null) then insert into EU at the end,
edges EI[1], EI[2]
4.5.3. if(ES[4]=null or ES[5]=null) then insert into EU at the end,
edges EI[2], EI[3]
4.5.4. if(ES[6]=null or ES[7]=null) then insert into EU at the end,
edges EI[3], EI[4]
5. create EUO // EUO={}
6. repeat
6.1. p0=p1, extract first edge (p1,p2) from EU // p1=(x1,y1)
6.2. insert into EU at the end, edge (p1,p2)
6.3. repeat
6.3.1. extract edge (pa1,pa2) from EU where
pa1=EUO[last_element][2] or pas2=EUO[last_element][1]
6.3.2. if (pa1=EUO[last_element][2]) then insert into EU at the
end, edge (pa1,pa2)
6.3.3. if (pa2=EUO[last_element][1]) then insert into EU at the
end, edge (pa2,pa1)
6.4. until p0=EUO[last_element][2]
7. until MP is empty
8. for every e1=EUO[t] e2=EUO[t+1] //ei=((xi1,yi1),(xi2,yi2)) where
t=module(0..size(EUO), size(EUO))+1
8.1. if (e1[2]=e2[1]) and
(e1[1][1]=e2[2][1] or e1[1][2]=e2[2][2]) then
8.1.1. remove from EUO: EUO[t+1], EUO[t]
8.1.2. insert into EUO on position t, edge (e1[1],e2[2])
9. i=0, create FV, FD // FV= {{}}, FD= {}
10. repeat
10.1. i=i+1, create TV // TV={}
10.2. extract first edge e=(p1,p2) from EUO //EUO[1]=e
10.3. p0=p1
10.4. if(p1[1]=p2[1] and p1[2]<p2[2]) or
(p1[2]=p2[2] and p1[1]>p2[1]) then FD[i]=0; else FD[i]=1
10.5. insert into TV vertex p1 // TV[1]=p1
10.6. repeat
10.6.1. extract first edge (p1,p2) from EUO
10.6.2. insert into TV at the end, vertex p1
10.6.3. if (p0=p2) then insert into TV at the end, vertex p2 insert into FV at the end, list TV
//FV[size(FV)+1] = TV
10.7. until (p0=p2)
11. until EUO is empty
12. return (FV,FD)
This paper tried to emphasize the importance of software that
allows conversion between different types of spatial data and assures
import and export of GIS data in Oracle Spatial Database. For the
application were chosen all the different types of GIS files: both
raster and vector type and ASCII and binary formats. The purpose of
selecting these files was to cover all types of spatial data conversions
that may exist. Nowadays there isn't an application that facilitate
all these functionalitys (import, export, convert) and neither one that
can make a conversions between raster and vector formats.
Albert, G.; Ravi, K. & Euro, B. (2007). Pro Oracle Spatial for
Oracle Database 11g, Apress, 978-1-59059-899-3, USA
Chuck, M. (2003). Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference
George, B. & Korte, P. (2001). The GIS Book, Fifth Edition, Ed.
OnwordPress, 0-7668-2820-4, Canada
*** (2010), Accessed
on: 2010-01-10
*** (2001)
ml, Accessed on: 2010-01-12
Tab. 1. Metadata table for the maps
Name Variable Description
MAP ID NUMBER(6) Map primary key
MAP NAME VARCHAR2(15) Map name
MAPTYPE NUMBER(1) Value 0 for a raster map
and 1 for a vector one
TABLENAME VARCHAR2(15) Table name which stores
the map. Unique value
XMIN NUMBER(10,4) Minimal latitude
XMAX NUMBER(10,4) Maximal latitude
YMIN NUMBER(10,4) Minimal longitude
YMAX NUMBER(10,4) Maximal longitude
ZMIN NUMBER(10,4) Minimal altitude
ZMAX NUMBER(10,4) Maximal altitude
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(50) Supplementary information
Tab. 2. Variables used in the main algorithm
U[x][y] = 0 - cell is not being used; = 1 - cell is being used
A Matrix that stores the altitude of the map cells
n Number of raster cells on latitude in the map
m Number of raster cells on longitude in the map
P List of cells with the same altitude
N List of neighbor cells with the same altitude
T Temporary value, T=(x,y)
F Polygon resulted from P
Tab. 3. Variables used in the create_poligon function
P List of cells that will form the polygon
E List of all edges created by the cells
V List of all vertices created by the cells
EU List of edges necessarily for the polygon creation
nv Number of neighbor vertices (minimum 3, maximum 8)
nei Number of edges that include a point
(minimum 2, maximum 4)
The edges are numbered by their position
EI Edge list that include a point // EI[1..4]
EI[1]=null if edge in position 1 does not exists
EI[1]=edge1 if edge in position 1 does exists
nes Number of edges that surround a point
(minimum 3, maximum 8)
The edges are numbered by their position
ES Edge surround list // ES[1..8]
ES[1]=null if edge in position 1 does not exist
ES[1]=edge1 if edge in position 1 does exists
EUO List of ordered edges necessarily for the polygon creation
EUO[edge nr][1..2] // 1, 2 are the vertices of the edge
FV List of vertices lists that forms the polygon
AV Temporarily vertices list // FV[x]=AV
FD List of directions for FV. FD[x] corresponds to list FV[x]
FD[x]=0 for the polygon surface that is included
FD[x]=1 for the polygon surface that is excluded