Hidden information with infraredesign.
Ziljak Vujic, Jana ; Ziljak Stanimirovic, Ivana ; Pogarcic, Ivan 等
Security graphics are designed with linear elements as a
traditional form of anti-duplication process for protection. Scanners
are not recording spot color, but its equivalent in the RGB system,
which will be translated in the CMYK system of reproduction. Printing
difficulties in maintaining the register of polychrome printing are at
the same time detector in identifying forgery that came along with the
process colors. Special spot colors for banknotes and secured documents
cover ultraviolet (UV: 200-400 nm) and near infrared spectrum of light
(NIR: 700-1200 nm). UV spot colors are either invisible or visible in
all hues of HSB crossing from one state into some other default state in
the visible (VL) space from 400 to 700 nm. Infrared area is invisible to
our eyes. "Infrared color" is a color that has its own HSB
stage in VL but it can be recognized by the instruments in the NIR.
Recent works on the NIR coloring provided procedures of defining NIR
spot colors with the mixing of process CMYK colors. With this system
double image (Vila; Ferrer & Garcia, 2007) management was achieved,
with the goal of concealing two images on the same printing surfaces.
One image is visible in the VL and the other in the NIR wavelengths. Two
independent information are planned in two different stages so that
scanning cannot read both images. Instrumental recording gets only one
image. To connect the two heterogeneous visual images we need software
that respects the theory of merging images intended for mutual hiding of
information using graphic techniques.
Bezier curve is defined by four points. In the continuity Bezier
line is extended with three points. Postscript definition of these three
points searches for six parameters at the top of the stack. The last two
data: XD and YD are the coordinates of the first Bezier curve tension as
the relative distance from the start line. The starting point of Bezier
curve was implemented before the implementation of the Beziers'
series for which data variables XM and YM are reserved. Since Bezier
curve, in these experiments, is symmetrical, the only information needed
is length of the semi-period wavy line, which is given by the size of
XP. Based on the draft of wave progress in Fig. 1, a command is created
named /val with two Bezier curves that will be repeated N times.
Command for the N waves is given as:
/val {N {XM XD add YM XM XP add XD sub YM YD add XM XP add YM YD
add curveto XM XP add XD add YM YD add XM 2 XP mul add XD sub YM XM 2 XP
mul add YM curveto /XM XM 2 XP mul add def} repeat} def The same
variable "/val" is used as a linear graphic and also as a
object of surface with corrugated borders.
Computer graphic is derived by algorithm for tri-color spot
printing. All colors are blended on the principle of infrared colors
(Yousaf&Lazzouni, 1995), (Mccann, 1998) with the same tone in the
visual spectrum. Color setting values are respected for the real spot
color with which the security vignettes will be printed. Three different
groups of values for three spot colors, and the same color tone (HUE)
are given in the Tab. 1. This table also gives values that describe the
command "val". These positions are: first, the invisible
colors of NIR light, second; maximum response in the NIR and the values
of half intensity appearance in the NIR.
Spot colors are described through the CMYKIR process values because
that exact system is not in the known examples that could be found on
the market. Figure 2 represents two vignettes shown in the VL, and in
two more illuminations in the NIR: 700 and 1000 nm.
Colors are listed with the VL RGB values: Lab, HSB (Chen&all,
K is the default value of carbon black. The values of the first
experiment were:
Z value for the color of the first experiment is as follows: 63% of
the intensity of response at 1000 nm (NIR).
This is used to measure appearance of the hidden power of graphics.
In illuminations with 1000 nm, the first color is not visible anymore
and what is left is the distinct reflection of a third color that
carries major hidden information.
Second experiment (Fig 3.) observes the tone of color with minimal
blue component. Its value is described in the V system as follows:
response at 1000 nm is 41%:
The color of third experiment has values:
value of Z response at 1000 nm is 50%:
The third experiment (Fig 4.) shows a freer definition of Bezier
curve tension. In its development shapes of "eight" are
obtained. The same is applied to a form of graphic where objects are
filled up and on white protecting lines as well.
Three levels of spot colors in the NIR is another proof that
it's possible to manage a wide range of reflection and absorption
of light in a continuous area that includes the VL an NIR.
White lines in our examples were deliberately designed as an
obstacle in identifying the possible printing errors. These lines will
act as a visual disorder due to the imperfect determination of spot
printing colors, which should be equal in the visual spectrum. The lines
are designed with the algorithm "/val" but with unsystematic
parameters, regarding the tricolor spot lines intended for hiding
information. Increasing of the protective effect was done using lines in
the NIR colors. These lines intersect the main hidden information. The
entire project of graphics ensures that the text information is still
legible enough.
On the market there are no spot colors that are paired or in three
or more implementations with the same VL features. This is also
advantageous for individual solving of the security printing.
Multilayered infrared print in all stages of preparation is prepared in
the printing company that produces secured print. In no case the
infrared color is bought from the printing ink manufacturer. Three
people are responsible for successful implementation of vignettes on the
banknotes and secured documents: designer for tone color, the person
that mixes paint and pressman that will make corrections prior to mass
reproduction. They create their own 'code' of the spot color
with the same group of HSB values and with planned response in the NIR.
Vignette is a procedure performed as a computer graphics algorithm
that provides high-precision graphics that are each mutually planned.
This paper presents the development of graphics using Bezier curve, but
what is also suggested is the use of various functions arising as
original language. Even more complicated results would be obtained if
the mixed PostScript commands (Pap,& all, 2010) are used which
implies periodicity of totally different primitive trigonometric
relations. Our experiments were directed to add planned infrared
response to the graphical form. One of the results is a suggestion to
graphic designers of secured print, that the increase in NIR color tones
to four or five is a difficult task for printing and maintaining the
registry. Because the task of such security printing implies that there
is no overlapping of colors, and that there is no expansion or narrowing
of the single spot color area. Printing techniques require high
Printing inks possess properties of responding in the infrared
spectrum. Knowing these properties (Green, Holm.& Li, 2008)
it's possible to create individually mixed colors with projected
appearing in the NIR. The same hue can be implemented as invisible in
the VL and gradually recognizable in the NIR. This paper emphasizes the
recommendation that the infrared spot colors are mixed and developed by
the security printing industry and not by the printing ink
manufacturers. It allows the creation of the planned double information
that protects each other from copying and reproduction. Proposed are
three-level spot VL / NIR dyes in the same secured graphic element, with
equal HSB values. The algorithm has independently defined parameters of
design and is suitable for the individualized design with mathematical
interpretation known only to its author.
Chen Y.D.; & all (2008), Multi-ink color-separation algorithm
improving image quality, Journal of Imaging Science & Technology,
Green P.; Holm J.& Li W., (2008), Recent Developments in ICC Color Management. Color Research&Application, 444-448, John Wiley
& Sons, Dec., ISSN 0361-2317
Mccann J.J.,; (1998) 'Color theory and color imaging systems
past, present and future', Journal of Imaging Science
&Technology, 42, (1), 70-78
Pap, K.; & all (2010) Image Reproduction For Near Infrared
Spectrum And The Infraredesign Theory, The Journal of imaging science
and technology. 54, 1; 10502 -1-10502 -9
Vila A.; N. Ferrer & J.F. Garcia, (2007) 'Chemical
composition of contemporary black printing inks based on infrared
spectroscopy: Basic information for the characterization and
discrimination of artistic prints', Analytica Chimica Acta, 591,
(1), 97-105
Yousaf M.; M. Lazzouni, (1995) "Formulation of a invisible
infrared printing ink", Dyes & Pigments, 27(4), pp. 297-303
Tab. 1. Groups of values for the three spot colors
No. Line 1: XM, YM, YV, Line 2: XM, YM, YV,
exp. XD, XP, YD, N XD, XP, YD, N
1 40 230 40 39 30 18 20 40 235 23 18 40 15 15
2 25 230 40 -20 31 18 8 25 235 23 18 40 15 6
3 25 230 40 -20 31 18 8 25 235 23 60 40 15 6
No. Line 3: XM, YM, YV,
exp. XD, XP, YD, N
1 40 220 60 6 15 23 40
2 28 220 60 56 31 23 8
3 28 220 60 -56 31 23 8