Development of a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle for rescue and maintenance tasks.
Albers, Albert ; Sander, Christian ; Kindermann, Marbod 等
Carring different items effectively to high or difficult accessable
places generally needs significant effort from humans, as they require
time and space consuming support systems such as ladders or
transportation systems. The risk of injuries to humans by falls is also
increased. Therefore working in elevated places is often dangerous and
not economically sensible. The development of remote controlled or
autonomous systems with the ability to support humans could solve these
problems. Thus no additional support from ladders or platforms would be
needed and humans would not be endangered. High versatility would also
be an advantage of such a system.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are remote controlled,
semi-autonomous or fully autonomous flying objects. The size, level of
autonomy and the kind of thrust generation can greatly vary between
different types of UAVs. These aircrafts are most often used for
surveillance and reconnaissance, aerial photography, exploring areas,
which are dangerous or difficult to access during rescue missions and
also for research purposes.
UAVs are a promising type of robot which can be applied to a large
variety of tasks. The development of a UAV with a lightweight design for
carrying different equipment like tools, safety equipment, e.g. to
difficult accesable places opens a great spectrum of new application
possibilities for this highly versatile technology. This paper presents
such a development. The UAV was modified using high-tech materials and
reduced to it's main functional components.
Besides traditional types of robots, like rail- or cable guided
(Elkmann, et al., 2008), there are different types of autonomous robots
suitable for tasks in high places which are listed below:
Climbing Robots are special robots for the work at steel
structures, such as bridges or gas and oil tanks. Usually these robots
are able to climb by using magnetic forces (Fischer et al., 2007) or
vacuum (Zhang et al, 2006). The climbing robot presented in (Chen et
al., 2008) also uses an aerodynamic principle, the Bernoulli-effect, to
create an attraction force.
Other approaches use electro adhesion (Prahlad et al., 2008), which
can create adhesion forces on a variety of substrates.
Flying Robots are mainly used for reconnaissance and data
collection tasks, surveillance and applications in dangerous areas.
Often the robots are able to take off and land autonomously and
vertically (VTOL). Examples of UAVs can be found in (Remuss et al., 2002
and Scherer et al., 2007).
Flight-type Wall-Climbing Robots are the combination of climbing
and flying robots and built by Prof. Nishi of the University of
Miyazaki, Japan. He developed propeller driven climbing robots which are
capable of flying over obstacles in order to reach a wall and then climb
up this wall (Nishi & Miyagi, 1994).
3.1 Dead weight reduction
One of the main aspects to increase the efficiency of any UAV is
reducing its mass. The lighter the quadrocopter the longer the maximum
flight time and the bigger the payload. The structure of such a platform
can be very simple which is the main advantage of multicopters. That
means apart from the electronic components only few parts remain which
can be optimised. One of these parts is the beam where each engine is
mounted. They must have a certain length and the applied maximum force
is very well defined due to the maximum thrust of each engine and
propeller, if not taking inappropriate handling into account. Stress
related design is the key factor for efficient engineering which means
designing the beam according to its bending stress. In order to select
the right material these two formulas are most important:
Both [M.sub.1] and [M.sub.2] should be as high as possible to have
a material both stiff and strong. Material selection diagrams help
compare the different materials for option (Ashby, M. F., 2007). In this
case extruded carbon fibre reinforced plastics is a great option.
For lightweight design the form factor is one of the most relevant
figures in order to define the shape of the beam. As bending stresses
are highest at the top and the bottom of the beam, any hollow structure
will perform better than solid structures with the same weight. The form
factor is the figure that takes this into account. The beam chosen for
this prototype is an extruded carbonfibre reinforced plastic rod of
square shape. The young modulus for bending is 110 GPa with a strength
of 1700 MPa, having a density of only 1.65 g/[cm.sup.3]. The wall
thickness is only 0.5 mm with the dimension of 8 mm. The form factor for
bending stiffness is around seven which means it is seven times more
efficient than a solid beam of the same mass. The safety factor is still
around 60, giving enough resistance towards inappropriate handling (e.g.
crash). The form factor can be improved by increasing the dimensions and
making the walls thinner. This, however, results in a rod that can
easily snap with minor dents. Furthermore, the beam is directly below
the propeller and would affect the air flow significantly. As the
manufacturing of thin-walled rods is very complicated and not very
reliable, adapting pieces have been glued into the rod in order to avoid
having to drill into it. The adapting pieces are made of a glassfibre
reinforced polyamide. The amount of short-fibers is 30 %, allowing
reliable lathing, milling and drilling with the advantage of a
relatively high stiffness and strength.
Like the beams for the engines, all other parts have been designed
in a similar way. A multi purpose plate for mounting further equipment
has been attached by using round, hollow carbon rods with glued in
threaded rods. The threaded rods as well as most other screws are made
of glassfibre reinforced polyamide. M3 screws have a tensile strength (~
600 N) which is enough to withstand all occuring forces but still serves
as a predetermined breaking point in case of crashes during testing. A
good material for designing difficult shapes at low costs is watercut
carbonfibre reinforced plastics with a thermoplastic matrix. Wood forms
can be milled to serve as bending mould. In order to bend the carbon
parts, they have to be heated to 170[degrees]C and can be pressed around
the wooden form.
In Figure 1, the complete view of the quadrocopter with a first aid
kit attached can be seen.
3.2 Camera support
A small wireless camera with an angular field of view of
160[degrees] (f=1.8 mm) is attached to the quadrocopter. The power
supply is realized by a power converter which uses the main battery to
reduce additional load by a second battery. The camera weight is 16 g,
has a range of 100 m and an output frequency of 2.4 GHz. It is attached
to the quadrocopter using carbon fiber reinforced plastic plates. It
supports the users for a precise dropping of items.
3.3 Dropping of items
To drop items off automatically a multipurpose release mechanism
was designed. The actuator is a lightweight servomotor with a torque of
10 Ncm, using a carbon transmission. The motor pulls a string which is
attached to a pin. A spring ensures that the pin remains safely in
position without the actuator applying any force, thereby saving energy.
The pin is guided by a plastic bush bearing. In order to avoid friction
and wear, the pin itself is made of aluminium. Fiber reinforced
materials can cause quick wear on bearings without reinforcement. All
bearing housings are made of glassfibre reinforced polyamide.
In order to stabilise the platform, two types of sensors are
mounted onto the control-board. Gyroscopic sensors are installed to
detect rotations (three axes), and one additional acceleration sensor.
Once calibrated, the acceleration sensor can detect the exact direction
of the gravity in order to hover stable without drifting too fast in one
direction. The gyroscopic sensors support the stabilisation of the
platform. A barometer can detect the air pressure and control the height
of the UAV. The battery type used for this platform is a Lithium-ion
polymer battery. These battery types ensure a high energy density per
mass. The capacity used is 2.2 Ah which results in a hovering flight
time of 20 min. without additional payload.
Due to the lightweight design, the total weight could be reduced to
690 g which lead to an increase in flight time of 43 %. To increase the
flight time it is always possible to increase the capacity of the
battery, but the payload will decrease and the power consumption will be
higher due to the additional mass. This platform is optimised for either
20 minutes flight time without additional payload or a flight time of 10
minutes carrying 400-500 g. As it is intended to drop the cargo, the
total flight time is around 15 min. to complete the task. Possible
scenarios are maintenance and rescue tasks. Especially natural desasters
like flood is a great fiel of application, because it can be used to
drop first aid items, medicine, communication equipment, e.g. in a
flexible way. Using multiple UAVs makes a disaster relief operation very
effective and the chance of survival increases.
To access future markets, additional research has to be done.
Especially an intuitional human--machine interface has to be developed
which allows the use of the UAV without special learning and regular
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