Considerations on implementing the concept of sustainability in higher education in Romania.
Negrut, Mircea Liviu ; Mocan, Marian ; Mihartescu, Ana-Andreea 等
Contemporary society considers sustainable development to be the
best way to address the complex and interrelated issues of society and
environment for the sake of current and future generations and for the
integrity of the planet. Globally, progress towards sustainable
development is deemed highly imperative.
While all actors of society must contribute in the transition
towards a sustainable world, universities are seen as a major catalyst
to work towards this goal. In the past, universities have played a
historic role in transforming societies and in serving the greater
public good.
Romanian education is in a continuous process of changing and
modernization, and for this reason, we need to find and implement
solutions for sustainable development of the educational system in
Romania. In this sense, the paper will present results of theoretical
researches on sustainable development of university education in other
countries, which are applicable in Romania.
In the first part of paper is presented the research methodology,
and in the second part are emphasized the research results.
Research methodology for developing the study is based on
observation (as research method) and is shown in Figure 1.
Research methodology used in this paper, is based on fundamental
research that is analyzing and assimilating existing realities at the
national and international level in education field. In this paper we
made a comparative analysis between what sustainable development means
in Romanian universities and abroad.
The problem of sustainable development of higher education in
Romania should be analyzed in terms of the two approaches:
--higher education in Romania will become sustainable when they
will develop a strong link between universities and the business
--students will be prepared in conjunction with labor market demands and company need.
For students to meet labor market demands, must acquire practical
skills that can only gain during internships. They should have a longer
duration and be conducted in the company with strict rules established
between the university and company. It is necessary to achieve some
national studies among students and entrepreneurs to develop skills and
competencies of graduates of higher education in line with environmental
requirements of affairs.
For higher education in Romania to be sustainable, the courses
script need to be updated regularly, and sometimes radically change,
correlated with technical, technological, scientific or otherwise
arising from national and international level.
After theoretical and practical research, we identified several
suggestions and recommendations which should be implemented at the level
ofigher education institutions in Romania:
--Create research centers in higher education for sustainable
development in Romania after the two models (3.1);
--Suggestions and recommendations (3.2).
3.1 Research center for sustainablile development in higher
education, in Europe
The European universities have established research centers for
sustainable development of the educational system as the two listed
Italian Centre for Research and Environmental Education of the
University of Parma (C.I.R.E.A.)
C.I.R.E.A. is a research and services Centre, whose main objectives
are to promote interdisciplinary research, to develop and realize
interdisciplinary educational activities and to collect and preserve
documentary and bibliographic material related to Environmental
All activities developed by C.I.R.E.A. are addressed to the
promotion of sustainability in its multidimensional vision.
From a methodological point of view, C.I.R.E.A. acknowledges the
importance of an action research approach and supports initiatives that:
--"involve knowledge, values, behaviour, experiences, to
promote respect and interactions among all life forms in the
--have the opportunity to build and spread a modern culture that is
"capable of future", that is able to go beyond a "throw
away" mentality and to base its actions on a "sense of
--promote opportunities and contexts to foster the development of
dynamic qualities, to build the capacity to make decisions in the face
of uncertainty, to increase the awareness that the capacity to predict
can not be separated from the willingness to face the unpredictable, to
educate for dialogue and conflict management among different points of
--strengthen coherence between action and knowledge, between
statement and behavior" (Charter of Fiuggi, 1997). Even if the
experience of C.I.R.E.A. could be "unique" and
stimulating in the Italian scenario of higher education system for
sustainability, several aspects need to be remembered (Bachiorri &
Puglisi, 2007).
Center for Cooperation in Sustainable Development and Environmental
Management between the Saint-Petersburg State University and Beahrs
Environmental Leadership Program, University of California, Berkeley
The Saint-Petersburg State University undertakes a wide range of
activities on Education for Sustainable Development, in particular:
--"develops educational courses dedicated to various aspects
of sustainable development (at many faculties);
--opens new specialties to be incorporated into master, in
particular, international programs;
--establishes public associations of students and lecturers;
--prepares and implements additional professional training
--undertakes projects on educational, scientific, and practical
aspects of sustainable development;
--builds intersectoral partnership, networking." (Chernikova
& Voropaeva, 2007)
This is paralleled by the integration of innovative methods and
approaches, essential for developing a new culture of educational
process, with:
--changing the contents of educational programs;
--integrating new organizational institutes;
--modifying the functions and roles of the main actors of the
educational process;
--integrating new training methods.
3.2 Sugestions and recomandation for sustainable development in
Romanian universities
In devising its education programs and curricula the University
relied on the following principles and approaches:
--interdisciplinary approach and interrelation of disciplines in
education programs, enlarged the humanitarian component of curricula;
--interdepartmental and interfaculty integration in curriculum
design and implementation;
--problem-oriented education;
--integration of University and Research Centre; permeation of
environmental safety and Sustainable Development principles through
virtually all the specialty courses in the curricula;
--incorporation into curricula of new special courses, Sustainable
Development and Environmental Policy and Politics, Agenda-21 (is a
programme run by the United Nations related to sustainable. It is a
comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and
locally by organizations of the United Nations, governments, and major
groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment).
Adjusted to professional orientation, the qualification
requirements for University graduates in ecology imply being aware of:
--environmental safety and sustainable development basics;
--ways and methods to formulate sustainable development policy and
strategy, as well as Local Agenda-21;
--basic methodology of decision-making and implementing decisions
on environmental safety and sustainable development;
--ways and methods to create adequate information systems to
support the decision-making;
The transition to sustainable development requires ecologization of
all activities and implementation of sustainable development principles
in all key sectors of society. Universities are engaged in training
specialists of different profiles for these sectors, which make
reasonable incorporation of sustainable development and environmental
safety course(s) in all faculties.
From the research conducted, we propose the creation and
development of research centers in addition to universities in Romania,
similar with the models described above.
Three important aspects of Education for Sustainable Development
for Universities should be considered:
--Creating and teaching the new philosophy of development, based on
the concept of sustainable development, which we consider essential for
all university students. Such courses would promote the new
consciousness and world view for future specialists and citizens of the
XXI century;
--Integrating sustainable development principles into training of
specialists in various fields for relevant sectors of society (e.g.,
sustainable mobility, energy, spatial planning, etc.);
--Devising special interdisciplinary (interfaculty) educational
programs for the training of specialists in sustainable development. A
new type of specialists able of holistic, strategic thinking and taking
systems inter sectorial decisions is needed for development and
implementation of long-term action plans on and management of transition
to sustainable development.
In the future, we plan that the research on sustainable development
of higher education to be based on finding answers to these questions:
--How should Sustainable Development competences be taught/learned
at technological universities?
--Which curriculum structure is more suitable to facilitate the
acquisition of Sustainable Development competences?
Bachiorri, A. & Puglisi, A., (2007), "Promoting education
for sustainability: A challenge for the University system", Higher
Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problems, Promises and
Good Practice, pp. 7-16, Published by: Environmental Education Center of
Soufli, GREECE.
Chernikova, S. and Voropaeva, G. (2007), "Approaches in
education for sustainable development at St. Petersburg State
University, Russia", Higher Education and the Challenge of
Sustainability: Problems, Promises and Good Practice, pp. 23-34,
Published by: Environmental Education Center of Soufli, GREECE,
*** (2009), G8 University Summit Torino Declaration on Education and
Research for Sustainable and Responsible Development, Accessed on:
*** Low 258/2007--Professional internship for pupils and students,